Author Topic: Kundalini Sickness or just... Sickness?  (Read 1540 times)


  • Posts: 130
Kundalini Sickness or just... Sickness?
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:54:54 PM »
Ever since my first Kundalini symptoms several years ago, I've learned to accept that occasional unpleasant symptoms of purification are just part of the journey, or at least they seem to be to me. Since then I've never had any really long or intense crises, so perhaps I can count myself lucky, but I do occasionally develop fever and flu-like symptoms as a result of what might be "energy overload" (that is, I get aching and chills, often on a night after I've practice a lot, but usually going away by the next day, albeit not always, which seems to indicate to me that I was not really "sick," but just "kundalini sick").

However, sometimes it's gotten hard for me to tell whether I'm kundalini sick or just plain sick. Overall, my health has improved since starting AYP and I'd say I get sick and experience symptoms of illness less frequently. However, sometimes, like a few weeks ago, something that seemed to be a bout of "kundalini sickness" will last so long I wonder if I wasn't just "sick sick." For example, a few weeks ago, I developed a high fever and terrible diarrhea, the fever lasting about 2 days and the diarrhea almost a week. I took antibiotics and various stomach-calming remedies and it eventually went away. I decided I simply had a stomach flu of some kind.

But here I am, only a few weeks later, and I find myself experiencing an extreme fatigue coupled with an achy, feverish feeling similar to what I experienced before. Hopefully the diarrhea won't start up again. But am I just so unlucky this time that I'm sick again or am I experiencing some kind of "kundalini sickness"? It seems unlikely for me to get sick twice in such a short time frame, at least based on my usual health. I have experienced a lot ecstasy and sense of opening in my daily practices lately, despite the bouts of feeling awful in between, especially at night, which would seem to point more to simple opening and related "friction/purification" symptoms, but maybe I'm developing some other sort of unrelated problem like chronic fatigue or irritable bowel syndrome?

Anyway, I was just wondering if other people have struggled with this sort of problem--not knowing what's part of normal purification, what's abnormal and what may be unrelated illness, and what, if anything can be done to help. Thanks.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 01:12:02 AM by tamasaburo »


  • Posts: 690
Kundalini Sickness or just... Sickness?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 01:37:29 AM »
A topic came to mind reading that, and it turns out it was from SFP book:

I've not experienced any kundalini, but found a possible link to the temporary fatigue-feverish feeling that usually lasts no more than half a day or so. It is possible my immune system over-reacts to the slightest drop in overall body temperature. It means giving the body time to adjust to cold seasons (jogging in winter), minding the room temperature during meditation (SBP gives heat and sweating, while DM drops body temperature without feeling it), dressing warmer during sleep in spring or fall (where rapid temp drops outside aren't always sensed by thermostat in living room). I say possible, because such a relationship doesn't always hold true or really make much sense: I can shiver swimming in cold water all day and be fine, or be used to jogging in winter only to find one unusually cool spring day give off symptoms.

Such diverging observations I think could just be due to the way prana is being naturally allocated for various body functions at different points in time. The lessons suggest not to worry about the details of this, and to create your own experiential maps that hold true for you over time.

Check with your doctor, and keep an eye on it over a longer time frame, and see how it plays out. I've had a recent stomach thing, very likely from poorly cooked food served somewhere, and the lab isolated it and said it wasn't anything dangerous and would clear up on its own, just like it did.

Best of luck.


  • Posts: 822
Kundalini Sickness or just... Sickness?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 06:48:14 AM »
Hi Tamasaburo,

I have experienced "k sickness" repeatedly.

Yes, it sucks, but I wouldn't really worry if it's k-based or if it's an immune system thing. Unless, of course, you need medical attention!