Author Topic: Energy Issues  (Read 1039 times)


  • Posts: 147
Energy Issues
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:03:31 AM »
I am having some "issues" with the energy lately I was hoping somebody could help me out...

First, I keep getting a very bloated stomach at times and I am not sure it is the soma/amrita thing I've heard about because although I feel "high" when this happens I do not experience any kind of strange taste or feel any kind of nectar... So I'm not sure if it is heavy purification, a blockage, a medical issue, or what...

Second, I have been coughing a lot lately and it's not from being sick or from smoking, it's like a cough for no reason that doesn't seem to alleviate anything. I didn't think anything of it until last night after my DM when the energy was moving through my system and when it got up to the throat I almost choked and started coughing really bad. Now today I feel like I have some kind of small blockage or something, and it's uncomfortable. It's like I have an invisible hairball in my throat that I can't get rid of! I was wondering if the dynamic jalandhara would help this and if it is okay to use it if I haven't got to the kechari stage yet...

Thanks in advance


  • Posts: 383
Energy Issues
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 08:04:46 AM »
Hi Bella

Your symptoms sound just like what I have experienced. The bloaty issues I put down to the nectar cycle too, even though I did not have sweet taste etc. It stabalizes over time, a few days or weeks in my case. The bloated stomach goes down. During and after practice you can get a bit of bloating sometimes but it's no big deal.

Dynamic Jalandhara is a good one for throat blockages. I used this for a while to alleviate throat pain (even though it still arises now and again). You don't need to be in any kechari stage to do it. Although stage one can 'pump up the volume' of the practice (Oh dear I have got that annoying 80s song in my head now).


  • Posts: 147
Energy Issues
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 08:27:00 AM »
Thanks woosa!

I did try the jalandhara just for a little bit before I had to start work and it seemed to move the blockage up all the way to the top of the back of my throat. When I get home I will do some more but I'm wondering if the jalandhara will still work if it's all the way up there now...

By the way, I thought blockages were supposed to be "dissolved" - it doesn't seem to be dissolving, just moving up... It's not going to get stuck in my head will it!?

And I wonder if this has anything to do with my sudden desire to quit all caffeine and sugar...?


  • Posts: 383
Energy Issues
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 09:22:27 AM »
Well giving up caffeine and sugar can have a bad effect on the body. If I don't have a cup of tea in the morning I get a real bad headache and extreme tiredness until I have one! Maybe a gradual reduction of caffeine might be better for you.

But your throat pain might be energy related. I have a dull pain in the throat, on and off. I had my thyroid and blood sugar checked out and it's all good, so it must be yoga related. Chin pump helped but I ended up overloading after a few weeks so I would advise self pacing! Although your mileage may vary.

Depending on your blockage it could take days, weeks or months. These practices will speed up getting rid of them, but it depends how bad they are. Again your mileage may vary (I'll have to stop using that phrase). [:)]


  • Posts: 31
Energy Issues
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 10:35:16 AM »
Originally posted by BellaMente

Second, I have been coughing a lot lately and it's not from being sick or from smoking, it's like a cough for no reason that doesn't seem to alleviate anything. I didn't think anything of it until last night after my DM when the energy was moving through my system and when it got up to the throat I almost choked and started coughing really bad. Now today I feel like I have some kind of small blockage or something, and it's uncomfortable. It's like I have an invisible hairball in my throat that I can't get rid of! I was wondering if the dynamic jalandhara would help this and if it is okay to use it if I haven't got to the kechari stage yet...

Thanks in advance

I'm going through the exact same situation at this time. It feels like a strong pressure building up in the throat and trying to push up. It becomes intense and results in coughing reaction by the body.

It happens during the practice (which I've stopped since last 6 months) or it happens on its own. There is definitely some sort of 'blockage' in throat center. I guess that this is the situation with you also.

Continuing the practices at full swing would likely make it worse, so I suggest giving it a rest and seeking expert advice. It can take a long time depending on the person.

Dislike of coffee etc is a sign that the body is purifying itself of all toxins. I had a similar thing happen to me. Coffee started tasting so bad that I had to switch to tea, which also started tasting very bad after a few months, now I'm on ginger water. I did ignore the sign, and the result was upset stomach and all sorts of "medical" symptoms that appeared just after taking coffee.

This sensitivity has happened to other foods also, like milk or food cooked by others. I suggest giving up coffee slowly, if you don't want to find out what can happen. You can start it again once the sensitivity disappears.

I'm no expert in this field, so please double check with someone more knowledgeable. Keep us posted :)


  • Posts: 828
Energy Issues
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 03:29:44 PM »
Dear all,

Yogani has a lesson explaining gurgling and bloating and the reasons for it .
It's http://Lesson 51

Can't get the link to work. Can a good soul help me with how to link with the lessons ?



  • Posts: 2294
Energy Issues
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 05:41:21 PM »


  • Posts: 787
Energy Issues
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 02:12:00 PM »
Originally posted by SeySorciere

Can't get the link to work. Can a good soul help me with how to link with the lessons ?

No, but I can [;)]

(url="")Lesson 51(/url)

Replacing parenthesis with brackets "[]", like so:

Lesson 51

Namaste _/\\_


  • Posts: 198
Energy Issues
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 03:53:41 PM »
So smart cosmic[^]


  • Posts: 64
Energy Issues
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 09:18:53 PM »
I stopped drinking coffee long time ago.
Few months ago I tried to drink coffee again but it just made me more and more anxious and restless (really didn't fell good) then when I used to drink coffee. I don't feel like going to that stuff anymore I drink instead of it Tulsi Tea :P


  • Posts: 828
Energy Issues
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 10:37:35 PM »
Thanks Cosmic /Maheswari

I will try that out next time



  • Posts: 147
Energy Issues
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2012, 04:35:40 AM »
Thank you all for your suggestions, they have helped me immensely.

I am not having anymore issues with my stomach- in fact lesson 51 is spot on - I think I either had some kind of opening or blockage removed as the energy is flowing more smoothly (and in addition, the left side of my back which has been abnormally swollen and hard for many years for unknown reasons is now back to normal!) In addition I have lost my appetite for heavier foods and developed a craving for pure raw vegetables...

The jalandhara helped my throat blockage out within the first 2 days - It seemed to disappear but I don't know if that means it's completely gone or if it just got smaller and moved back down in the throat - the reason why is the fact that I do still get intense electrical vibrating and numbness in my throat area when I do heavy spinal breathing which I assume is due to friction and purification.

Again, thank you all for your advice!