Author Topic: amaroli -- dosage and concentration  (Read 24615 times)


  • Posts: 4947
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2009, 09:23:08 AM »
Wouldn't say a mistake really. Many people can take higher doses and not have any purification symptoms. Some tho are very sensitive and it's hard to gauge. Hence always safer to start with a small amount and then increase it.

We live and learn eh? [:)]


  • Posts: 422
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2009, 12:49:31 PM »
When i had the big premature opeening of the  Kundalini variety,  when i did'nt appreciate self-pacing( if only i knew that then) or have AYP(remedies) i had this really bad chronic cough, in a bad way( i was speculating asbestos leak or something)for a solid month as a symptom.  I'd open the window wide open :.) in the mornings just to breathe-like an irritation around the back of the throat( epilgottis roughly speaking). The energy was disturbed.

I would'nt worry about it in this context though. But suggest reducing your dose.

We live and learn eh?

Yeeaahhh Shanti

 Hopefully [:)]

« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 12:54:07 PM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2009, 11:13:14 PM »
Hi Shanti,

yea, to start with 500ml/17oz looked reasonable, considering 1 cup to be the usual final dose. But to be open, I was greedy for the results...


thanks. When I started the practice some 7 days ago, I wasn't even aware of these throat inflammation-like symptoms to be often connected with over-purification. Thanks God for you forumites being here when one needs you... And yes, it is not so easy to learn to really fully appreciate the self-pacing concept. Maybe because it is so simple and so powerful at the same time.

Ok, here a report for possible future practitioners who may encounter similar problems:

  • After I've taken the 50% of my original dose of urine (day 6), feeling pretty sick already, I observed that my condition further worsened during the day. I got intense rhinitis, passing the whole day continuously tons of a clear, watery phlegm.

  • Together with that there was a strong burning of the inner tissues of my throat, nasal cavity and the soft palate. In the evening this reached a rather intense point, suggesting a pretty bad inflammation.

  • Later, before I got to bed, additional watery phlegm begun to quickly collect in my mouth, which i had to spit out every 2-3 minutes.

  • During the night I started to pass thick yellowish phlegm through my nose, also in big amounts. Lots of it leaved my cavities.

  • Today in the morning it was very surprising that the inflammation-like burning sensations in my cavities, throat and soft palate completely dissapeared. Yesterday evening these were intense, suggesting at least a 7 - 10 days, rather serious inflammation.

Now it is afternoon and the rhinitis also seems to leave slowly.
I needed a lot of sleep during this process so far, and still feel kinda dull. The body stopped wanting to eat almost completely. Also, it is interesting that I observe no excessive tartar on my tongue.

I stopped all practices, including amaroli. It doesn't seem to make sense trying to meditate in this condition.


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #93 on: September 23, 2009, 02:39:46 AM »
My body temperature raised from 37.1°C/98.8F in the morning to 37.4°C/99.3F in the evening.

I feel general weakness.


  • Posts: 1
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #94 on: January 07, 2010, 12:05:15 AM »
Hi Folks,

Great to read this thread. Was looking around for others' experiences with Amaroli. For me, it began quite casually with a friend mentioning Amaroli to me.

Intrigued, I tried it the very next morning and had the gag reflex that everyone speaks about. However i did not have any of the symptoms people talk about. Just watery stools though which I assume could be purgatory. After that, it was all right though. It has been over 4 months now since I started and there is a general sense of well being. Fortunately, I did not have to start off because of an ailment so there isn't too much scope for measurable results but the general "feel-good" feeling is unmistakable.

My morning routine usually starts with ingesting a cup of midstream urine. I wait for 5-10 minutes and drink around a litre of water (as has been my practice of usha pan over the last 2 years).

Does anyone have any idea wheter ingesting water after amaroli would reduce its effect in any way?


  • Posts: 4947
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #95 on: January 07, 2010, 12:18:10 AM »
Originally posted by ksganesh100

Does anyone have any idea wheter ingesting water after amaroli would reduce its effect in any way?

Well it is recommended not to eat or drink anything after amaroli for 30 min. But in your case I think it is working fine by what you have written.

If you feel "Fortunately, I did not have to start off because of an ailment so there isn't too much scope for measurable results but the general "feel-good" feeling is unmistakable.", try stopping amaroli for a week. and then start it. You will definitely be able to measure the results. [:)]

Thanks for sharing your experince with us.


  • Posts: 44
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #96 on: September 20, 2010, 09:23:02 PM »
Originally posted by yogani

Hi Richard:

There is the possibility of a gradual internalization of amaroli to become an automatic recycling within, which would result in less outflow.

This also happens with vajroli (constant upward processing of sexual essences in the body) as progress in yoga and its tantric elements advances.

I can verify a reduced urine flow, though can offer no scientific evidence on what it is, or if it is from the same cause you are experiencing. If it is yoga-related, amaroli practice itself would not necessarily be the only stimulator of it. It would also be connected with a full range of practices over the long term. At least that has been the observation here.

The ideas of hydration and dehydration take on new meaning if amaroli does internalize over time. The yoga scientists will sort this out eventually. Meanwhile, we pioneers proceed based on our intuition, inner seeing, some trial and error, and prudent self-pacing.

The guru is in you.  

Hi Friends,
I have been practicing amaroli for on and off for some months now, and I found that it increases the body metabolism. I pass stools quicker when I do amaroli and that may be the reason for reduced urine in the morning as most of the previous days water was urinated the previous evening itself because of increased metabolism.

I have been skipping dinner for many years now. I used to drink a liter of water in the mornings but now I have shifted the water drinking to evenings (few hours before sleeping) and I do amaroli in mornings.

I found that normally my morning urine used to be saltish and would come out as stools after about an hour of drinking it. Since I do not eat dinner, the morning urine would pass right through my intestines. Now that I have started the practice of drinking water before my evening meditations, I have found the morning urine to be bland (not saltish) and it does not come out as stools, instead it comes out as urine in an hour or two.

I would like to know what you feel about the practice of drinking a liter of water few hours before going to sleep at night coupled with not eating anything at night and amaroli in the morning. Ofcourse I would pass urine before sleeping so my sleep is not disturbed. This results in morning urine not being saltish and so passing into blood stream uppon drinking instead of passing into intestines and comming out as stools.

Thank You,


  • Posts: 1
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #97 on: October 16, 2011, 12:13:46 AM »
I have drunk some morning urine each day now for years because I found it supports my heart.  If I stop, my heart loses beats and I get angina. If I try to decrease the amount, I also suffer a little.


  • Posts: 2
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #98 on: January 26, 2012, 02:33:27 AM »
I was also wondering if you can do it on a fruit diet since fruit is very cleansing. It seems like you will be drinking the toxins your body is releasing. What do you do you think.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 01:05:35 AM by Baldwin »


  • Posts: 126
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #99 on: January 30, 2012, 03:08:10 AM »
hi AYPer's

I have a question on Shivambu. [:p] Can this be practised when we are on a non-veg diet? Sorry if it's already discussed, just wanted to clarify the take on it now.

Thank you!