Author Topic: Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP  (Read 557 times)


  • Posts: 92
Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:07:00 AM »
related session times?

I have the desire and maybe even urge to chant. "Aum Nama Shivaya" silently to myself during the day and night. I want it to become for some reason automatic so that is always switched on in the background whilst I carry out my daily duties business and activities.

Am I correct in thinking that this is Bhakti?

My gut says there shouldn't be any consequences in doing this but I just wanted your thoughts and insights.

I can confirm that I use the standard "Ayam" mantra during my mediation/Ayp sessions.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 09:08:03 AM by mahabaratara »


  • Posts: 690
Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 02:20:18 PM »
Lesson 377 & 186 touch on those questions. I'm sure there must be consequences of anything, or we would not be engaged in it in the first place. The standard routine probably accounts for some extras that naturally arise out of practice or otherwise so long as the grounding portion of it is also followed just as regularly and in a way that is effective enough. I do some self-inquiry once in a while, but often need the time-out between morning and evening sessions as they seem enough as it is, and I haven't even hit any overloading or delayed effects (and hope not to).


  • Posts: 405
Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 04:33:18 PM »
Hi Maha,

I guess using different Mantra is fine throughout the day is prefectly alright I believe I too use Mirtunjaya Mantra and Kali mantra.

Love n Light

Note:but if adding these creates overload then you have o self space otherwise you can continue.


  • Posts: 4
Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 04:18:53 AM »
I have yet to read all of Yogani's info on this site, so forgive me,Master, if I tread wrong.

In my experience, when you find a "way" or "technique" (mantras, kudhras, etc) that works, it may not always.

The mind can be swift and shifty, thus requiring adjustments from time to time.

Particularly with practices with kundalini, it is the kundalini that will manifest energies in many different ways, such as dancing, singing, spontaneous mudhras and mantras.

And with regard to mantras particularly, if used correctly, aid the mind to become one-pointed.  This is beneficial: )

I, too, have found the mantra Om Nama Shivaya, as well as others, to bring one-pointedness to the mind.

Blessings to all and may we all find release: )


  • Posts: 787
Can I utilise a different mantra during non AYP
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 07:37:14 AM »
Hello maha [:)]

In the last year, I've also felt drawn to doing japa with more devotional mantras, outside of my AYP sitting practices. It can be very powerful, so I'd advise proceeding with caution to make sure you don't overdo it.

Originally posted by mahabaratara

Am I correct in thinking that this is Bhakti?

Yes it can be bhakti, but it can also be the mind wanting to speed up the process. That's for you to discern, but just letting you know that japa can be a nice complement to AYP practice.

Wish you smooth, blissful journeys!
