Author Topic: Clearing a throat blockage  (Read 908 times)


  • Posts: 29
Clearing a throat blockage
« on: January 05, 2012, 02:11:47 PM »
Hi guys.  I find you all so helpful so I thought I'd come here for advice.  Somewhere amidst my journey I have picked up some nasty energy which seems to have collected in my throat.  I worked in an environment for a year where communication wasn't exactly "good".  

Now I seem to carry around this energy and I have noticed my communication skills are just not what they use to be.  Also, sometimes people I am talking with have to cough.  I've seen it many times now and I know its me that is causing this.  This is really bothersome to me because I just want to be a beacon of love and light.

Any advice on how to clear this nasty energy out of my throat?



  • Posts: 828
Clearing a throat blockage
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 03:25:04 PM »
Oh dear. I don't really know but you could try this.. Do you have children? You could try telling them stories, fully acting them out, doing voices and all. That should get your verbal communication opening up.



  • Posts: 161
Clearing a throat blockage
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2012, 03:28:59 PM »
Regular audible chanting/mantra practice and singing works very well for throat blockages!! It frees everything up so that the voice flows much more naturally and easier.. speech and thought seem to become much more in sync and better integrated.


  • Posts: 3178
Clearing a throat blockage
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 12:51:53 AM »
Hi Leo [:)]

Assuming that you are well established in your DM and your SBP routine and that everything is stable there you could try slowly adding in the chin pump ( ) practice which can help to clear throat blockages in my experience.

I've also found that singing (and I mean really belting it out) along to music that you really connect to can help open things up in the throat (and heart) area.  It may be uncomfortable for you to walk around your house belting out the tunes (depending on your living situation) so you could try this while driving in your car alone if that makes things more comfortable. [:D]

Hope this clears up soon!

Carson [^]


  • Posts: 3597
Clearing a throat blockage
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 11:03:55 AM »
Good advice from everyone. Also you can sit in silence and observe the blockage area. see what feelings it brings up, and try to observe with all of your senses, looking at one at a time such as sight: what color is it, what shape, how big, texture, etc. Do this with each of the five senses.
Be sure you don't try to find reasons or make up stories, just observe. Even though it may be caused by something in the past, it is not necessary to know what it was; only what it is now.


  • Posts: 29
Clearing a throat blockage
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 01:11:58 PM »
Thank you guys.  Your advice is sound (get it, voice blockage...)

Sey: reading to my children sounds great, but I don't have any.  That would be a lovely way to open my voice.  I am very concerned with how I affect others so I wouldn't want little ones to be around to much of my "stuff".  I'm trying to clear my crap up, but I'm beginning to think I will never be perfect enough in my eyes.
Kahlia:  singing is definitely good advice. thanks!
Carson:  Yes, I am doing spinal breathing and DM twice a day, but I'm still in the clunky beginning phase.  I've been doing them for about three months now fairly regularly.  I haven't done the Chin pump yet so I will def check that out.  Thanks!
Etherfish:  I will say that I am very mindful of this blockage.  I usually pay attention to it during the day and especially during meditation.  It is a strong tension in my voice box area that has a definite vibration that also connects to my upper heart and jaw even.  It is hard for me to not hold on to the stories and events which caused this, but you are right I need to let it go.