Author Topic: Top of the head and crown  (Read 736 times)


  • Posts: 252
Top of the head and crown
« on: October 24, 2011, 02:51:11 PM »
Hi All,

If I get evergy sensations on both sides of the top of the head, or at the front side of the top of the head - while no sensation there in the center - is it still somthing related to crown?

BTW, is all of the top of the head falls into the crown chakra?


  • Posts: 334
Top of the head and crown
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 03:50:26 PM »

My third eye has been active on a daily basis for quite a while now, whereas crown experiences are less common.  The line between the two is a little gray.  Somewhere around the hairline is a good estimate for where one starts and the other ends - as far as surface level sensations.  Deeper inside, the third eye and crown are two branches of the spinal nerve.  The third eye region goes forward from the middle of the head and includes the front part of the head including the maxillary (top) part of the jaw.  Third eye sensations can be felt anywhere in the whole region, including in front of the face, inside the forehead, the nose, etc.

The crown branch goes straight up through the top, and above the top of the head.  Crown sensations can be all around the top of the head, but are strongly centralized in the middle of the head.  As if a pole were running straight up and down through you.  The part of that pole that is in the upper half of the head is the crown region.  Just like you might feel the third eye sensations all over the front of the head, the crown sensations might be felt all around the top of the head.

I notice you have written this post in the "self pacing" forum.  Yogani has given us caution about going with our intention to the crown too soon.  But it's fine to start getting sensations in the crown region.  In fact it's a wonderful and even deliberate byproduct of doing the AYP practices.  The crown path that goes up to the top of the head is opened by proxy of our daily attention on the root-to-brow path.  We don't pry the crown open, but we also don't resist or worry about its natural opening.  I suppose everybody's different, but for me it has opened up a couple of times - and it's wonderful, and also high energy.  Afterward I take it easy for the next few days and no problemo.  Just like that, the guru is in us, we go at our own comfortable pace.


  • Posts: 252
Top of the head and crown
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 04:40:18 PM »
Thanks JDH,

As you pointed out, this is in self pacing as I am away from meditation for nearly a month due to powerful and distracting energy concentration and movement (at times very blissful, as u said [:)] ), occassionally headache and pressure. Now I am on grounding/asanas/SBP practices. It's getting better as head is cooling down and lower sides are becoming more ‘alive’. At this point, I want to know where I am in terms of crown balance, and how far from starting meditation again.
Originally posted by JDH

 Crown sensations can be all around the top of the head, but are strongly centralized in the middle of the head.  

Yes, here is the question. What if sensations are there at the top (which is nearly as big as two palms put together) but no sensation in the center? Is it still related to crown to that degree?

Originally posted by JDH

As if a pole were running straight up and down through you.  

I too felt it – but only the upper side [B)]. That is another reason that I think it is premature.

BTW, more things are started in ajna recently as you described, and conical flow of prana, and sometimes it feels like I am seeing trough ajna itself.  I consider these as just scenery, still whenever something happens in ajna or lower body, it gives me assurance that crown is taking a back seat for now.

Thanks and love.


  • Posts: 334
Top of the head and crown
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 05:31:54 PM »
Originally posted by Swan

Yes, here is the question. What if sensations are there at the top (which is nearly as big as two palms put together) but no sensation in the center? Is it still related to crown to that degree?

Yes, it's still related to the crown.  Every chakra is centralized at a certain point on the main energy channel.  But it also encompasses a whole region.  Tiny interconnected pathways reach out from the main chakras to every cell in our body, much like the capillaries of the circulatory system.  Those tiny passages can be felt even if there's no activity in the main channel/central point of the chakra at that time.  When I first began AYP I had many many tingling and prickly zapping sensations at the surface level, very close to my skin.  As time has gone by, the sensations have tended to be more often deeper inside.  The main channels are getting a deeper groove to them.  Deep into my organs and central trunk.  It's all connected.

I didn't know you were in overload and away from meditation.  I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better with some full body ecstatic conductivity.  I'm sure you will feel the call to meditate when the time is right.

All the best.


  • Posts: 252
Top of the head and crown
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 03:03:51 PM »

I think I have just got what you mentioned as the call to meditation. And I am so happy and so much feeling like I am back at home. Thanks for guiding me to the right track.

It happened like this – from some time, pressure, energy concentration and movement has focused more on third eye than crown, and it felt like I can draw the energy from crown to the third eye. But I was not going to be adventurous with this as my prior experience has been bit difficult – as crown and ajna used to get intermingled and crown was drawing energy from ajna. So much so that I had to stay away from SBP during the toughest time as energy would automatically rush to crown rather than going to ajna during SBP.

Couple of days ago, it felt like I just moved the energy from crown (not much activity there these days, ajna is the hot spot now) to ajna, then moved the whole energy below towards my chest. And it repeated itself three to four times during that day. Then it struck me that I can start deep meditation with solar centering with this new development.

Now it has been three days I am practicing I AM with solar centering. I first focus on ajna, stay with the energy for a while, then pack it up and press downwards, move my awareness to solar plexus, and in a while it feels like very faint throbbing in the belly – then I start with the I AM. And it feels great to be back [:)]

Lots of Love.