Author Topic: Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices  (Read 2576 times)


  • Posts: 2055
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2008, 06:49:53 AM »
I took a blood test - nothing unusual!


  • Posts: 24
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2008, 09:16:29 AM »
Originally posted by emc

Interesting to find this thread. I have started nose bleeding lately, particularly after meditation, and I have two hypothesis why this may be. What are your thoughts?

1. I associate it with starting to use the neti pot more regularly, getting very dry and sensitive mucous membranes in the nose from the salt. Perhaps wrong kind of salt? Used one with jod, have now switched to a clean salt without any extras. I started to use the neti pot to get rid of snot that has been a "left over" from the flu some weeks ago. So, very sensitive nose right now with some virus in as well... what can I do to ease the problem?

2. Perhaps I lack some mineral or vitamine due to a bad diet? Does anyone know what nose bleeding may be a sign of when it comes to lack of essential nutrients?

Grateful for any suggestions and thoughts...

Yes, definitely do not use salt with Jod (Iodine). Also, you can vary the amount of salt:water, and reduce the frequency of neti if it gets too dry and bleeds.  Also, if you live in a cold, dry climate, you may want to apply each day a small amount of oil to the insides of your nostrils or put a drop or two of oil in the neti pot. Sesame oil is good for me (vata, vata disturbances), ghee is good for everyone.


  • Posts: 2055
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2010, 02:53:35 AM »
Gotta come back to this topic and report!

The sensitiveness for bleeding, having gum bleeding and inflamations, and teeth problem - rottening teeth - was eventually followed by loosing a lot of hair, getting aches in muscles and joints etc... Feeling the body was not functioning well at all.

I went to take a proper check and found out that I was right in my first question - "Do I lack a vitamine or mineral?":

Lack of Calcium!

And in order to take up calcium we need D-vitamin and Magnesium.

Lack of calcium gives all the above symptoms. Bones get weeker, I already knew that, but I didn't know it could affect teeth, gum, hair, muscles and joints AND the coagulation of the blood. What a surprise!

I'm now filling up with all the vitamins and minerals and are curing my mouth problems with suberb herb medicins from Weleda.

Hopefully I don't have to make the tooth operation for millions of money, which also will lead to loss of nerves and sense of touch in the whole lower jaw.

Make sure you get all the nutrients! Don't do it my way! [B)] I had it suggested some years ago that I had a lack of calcium. Ate some extras then, and just forgot about it. Continued instead to eat as usual. Stupid! So there has been a deficiency for years... No wonder the body just went into catastrophy.

I don't know how fast you recover from it, but I'm feeling better already. Not loosing so much hair, and gum instantly better.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 04:04:27 AM by emc »


  • Posts: 88
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2010, 04:28:48 AM »
hi emc ;)

yes...thank u for the reminder..
lack of calcium may lead to so many problems later on..
and we notice them once the damages are already acute..
in emergency cases like yours, one may have the necessary nutrients in the form of tablets ...
both my parents found out they have bone loss.. they started to take calcium and vita-D tablets..
i still prefer the "organic" way...whenever it is possible..
i mean daily 10-15 minutes of sun gazing/bathing (only hands/feet and face is enough) and a variety of food that is well known to contain calcium.. on the top of the list: dark green leafy veggies (kale is great) and nuts (walnuts, almond, cashew...)
instead of having dairies - which actually deplete the body of calcium - have a cup of sezame milk everyday.. u can add natural sweeteners to it (grain malts/syrups/molasses)..
sezame is a great source of calcium..
it is also important to mention that no matter how many nutrients we take in, if there is a poor absorption in the intestines, that may lead to poor blood quality..
personally, i did a colon hydrotherapy (1-2 sessions only) years ago..
before the session and after 2 months, they took a drop of blood and put it under the microscope..
the first test (prior the session) showed pale red blood and small cells, whereas the second test showed vivid red blood and full cells..
so it is important to find out the cause of the lack of calcium or poor quality blood..

great that you are getting positive results, emc...
wish you all the best

« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 04:30:54 AM by swaha »


  • Posts: 2
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2010, 05:39:57 PM »
Make sure you get your magnesium too (magnesium glycinate is good).  Very very important.  Even more important than calcium, as it's needed by the body to properly use calcium and is more likely to be depleted from the body.  Take magnesium at a different time than calcium as they compete for absorbtion in the body if taken at the same time, making it less effective.

And at least 1000 units of vitamin d(3) which you already mentioned.  Especially in the winter if there's less sunlight where you live.  And eat foods high in these nutrients.  Most dietary sources of vitamin d are non-vegetarian though.  DHA and EPA are great too, which are found in fish oil and quality cod liver oil (which also has vitamin D).  But it's very important to keep the body well nourished.


  • Posts: 4
Effects on blood as a result of yoga practices
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2011, 09:29:34 PM »
Originally posted by emc

I took a blood test - nothing unusual!

Yes I do agree with you friend, nothing is unusual.