Author Topic: Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio  (Read 689 times)


  • Posts: 822
Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:22:10 AM »
Hello all!

I have a question for you regarding purification symptoms :)

As some of you may recall, i've been experiencing extreme purification symptoms going on about a year and a half.  These symptoms have been much more severe than in the first six or seven years of ecstatic conductivity.

Over the past few months, I have been able to self pace effectively in order to avoid severe symptoms. The symptoms are correlated with tension in muscles and fascia.

However, last night the symptoms came back with a vengeance, likely precipitated by a low level vinyasa asana class i attended the day before.

The class was not challenging as i have a daily asana practice i do at home.

However, there was something about the class that triggered this severe emergency.

I'm a bit dumbfounded, as these symptoms are unbearable and akin to tripping on hallucinogens. i would like to continue to avoid these types of episodes.

At this point, i generally self pace judiciously and my practice consists of cultivating silence continuously, along with short once daily relaxed meditation (twice daily is overkill and any form of "aggressive" meditation is too much) and asanas (which rarely cause discomfort afterwards).

overall, I am progressing delightfully in the path of inner silence, good things are happening.  However, there is "something inside me" that must be released, i'm not sure what it is. i'm becoming more and more purified, but i definitely don't want to do it with these uncomfortable sensations.

Is it as simple as avoiding yoga classes? [:D]  Any helpful support?

thanks :)


  • Posts: 336
Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 03:49:51 AM »

Are you grounding? Just a nice walk, for at least 15 minutes,
will help tremendously. If I didn't walk every day now, with all
the huge purification hitting me all at once, I'd probably die.

Also, we tend to flee the lessons we should be learning, and create
little melodramas. I'm an expert at this practice.

I just want you to know that you are loved, that it will be ok.



  • Posts: 822
Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 05:39:13 AM »
Thank you for your reply Kevin :)

In the past months, i've been exceptionally grounded, which is why i was so surprised to experience the detoxing symptoms.

i really try not to over do any of my practices because these symptoms are so intense, literally as intense as a high dose of any hallucinogen i've experienced.

on the other hand, i've found that sometimes, "the time is just right", and these blocks just decide to come out, and there's not much to be done about it!  maybe this was just one of those moments, because, as i said, the yoga class was not especially intense. the only difference was that it was in a classroom setting.

thanks for your thoughts :)


  • Posts: 787
Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 07:27:00 AM »
Hi TTN [:)]

If this happened to me, I'd wait a few days to see if it normalizes, then decide whether or not to cut back. This class was outside your normal practice routine, correct? Although it wasn't challenging, it could've been enough to push you over the edge. I've had minor practice changes do that before.

But like you mentioned, it could also be a "block" releasing. You should know soon if that was the case.

Hope this passes smoothly and swiftly [:D]



  • Posts: 822
Question on self pacing and continuing purificatio
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 10:57:03 AM »
Great advice Cosmic :)

i did the yoga class on tuesday, and no asanas or meditation on wednessday which is when the symptoms began. they always begin around midnight (weird).

the class was outside of my practice, but only really in terms of location and the presence of other people.

No asanas or meditation again today, though i felt echoes of the effects i had last night: an intense pranic rushing from feet above the head, blurry pixelated vision and lightheadedness.

the release is gratifying in that it was a massive release, i just need to be more careful i guess about straying from established practice.