Author Topic: Shakti-Kundalini is Delusion; the Silence is Not  (Read 874 times)


  • Posts: 336
Shakti-Kundalini is Delusion; the Silence is Not
« on: May 04, 2011, 06:40:16 AM »
There are very basic concepts about Kundalni that many people don't
understand, that cause a great deal of trouble, again and again.

Shakti-Kundalini is 1/2 of the One; the energy/matter aspect. Shiva
is the formless seed, which stirs her into activity.

Beyond duality, She and He are of course one.

That is commony known.

What is not commonly pondered, is that since all that exists
is formed within Her body, and that matter of all forms,
energy of all forms is "maya", that there are deep implications.

Now maya is misunderstood by many. I read a lesson by Yogani, and
I see he understands it perfectly. But I'll put it in my own words.

Maya IS "illusion", from one absolute perspective. But that doesn't
mean it isn't "real". It means that it is incomplete. It's like a
hologram. Cut off a bit of hologram, and what you get is a slightly
fuzzier hologram. The loss of informaton makes it less real; but
when viewed, you might not even notice the lack, unless you had
perfect senses and were outside of the hologram.

Since we cannot get "beyond" the hologram, except somewhat
through the silence, we are "trapped" by "illusion".

However this "illusion" is very real. The blood is very real.
What we do really matters. But it is just a piece of the big

But that doesn't mean anything negative. It just means that we
need to react properly to that type of environment.

Now back to kundalini.

Kundalini is energy/matter built from maya.

Say you live on dimensional layer 52 of 999999999999.
Why Kundalini has no choice, but to use energy/matter
of layer 52, in order to communicate with you!
It's really that simple.

Kundalini is the desire to express the divine via limitation,
which is inherent in ALL energy and matter.

Kundalini is both desire, and the medium that desire is expressed

While awakening in an impure body, She is batsh*t crazy. She has no
choice but to be. She is already built out of maya, and then
you force her into knots with your impurity.

While we are so BLESSED when she awakens and leads us in the
direction of liberation.. she is also known as:

Kali, destroyer of worlds.
The maddness of the saints.
The light of the soul, before it has finished evolving.
The venomous serpent
The snake in the garden of eden

So many people want to listen to her babbling. Don't.
Even if you are 99% pure (which you aren't -- none of us
really are); still she will mislead you.

You cannot afford to listen to her. She IS DELUSION, when
inside of space/time.

The deep silence is the ony thing you can trust.. the deep
silence of the void.. which is WORDLESS.

But yet we must love her with all our hearts and minds
and will to live; our body is contructed of her. She is
the only one who can take us home. She is that important. She is
also bat-sh*t crazy.

She is like an autistic mother; she loves you ferociously; and
would never harm you on purpose; but her ways are her own,
due to who she is. (I had an autistic mother.. I mean no insult)

I hope this clears up somethings, for those who have been asking
me about this.

Kind Regards,

Kevin Cann


  • Posts: 92
Shakti-Kundalini is Delusion; the Silence is Not
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 08:48:43 AM »
Kevin I have read some of your posts and they are insightful.

I read quite a few last night and something *really* stood out and got my attention.

Guess thats what I needed at that time.

Anyway I digress.

Keep posting and many thanks for sharing.

You get so much more back when you do so.



  • Posts: 336
Shakti-Kundalini is Delusion; the Silence is Not
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 10:51:15 AM »

Thanks for the kind words.

People either love what I post, are neutral, or hate what I post,
the same as anyone else.

But any post, that can knock someone out of their complacency,
or cause them to think or feel in a more healthy / genuine
way, is a good post, even if it's dead wrong.

Much of what we include in our practice is most likely
"dead wrong", although it may "work quite well", at this
layer of reality, that is quite acceptable.

Some people want to get all huffy, when someone earnestly wishes
to share their direct experience, or unique research. I just don't
understand that. We are all blind men and women, putting our hands
on a very big elephant named the One. Can't we just love each
other and cut each other a "pass" without jumping down each others
throats so quickly?

Thanks again, and I wish you well on your path,

-Kevin Cann
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 11:00:09 AM by kevincann »


  • Posts: 35
Shakti-Kundalini is Delusion; the Silence is Not
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 02:00:31 PM »
Originally posted by kevincann

The deep silence is the ony thing you can trust.. the deep
silence of the void.. which is WORDLESS.

excellent advice.  It can be so easy to get led away...