Author Topic: Ho'oponopono  (Read 1425 times)


  • Posts: 206
« on: May 27, 2008, 03:00:36 AM »
Has anyone heard of Ho'oponopono, the spiritual philosophy and practice of Hawaii?  A Dr. Len has developed a new version which consists of repeating 4 phrases whenever some obstacle arises.
  • I'm sorry
  • please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • I love you.

It all hinges on taking 100% responsibility for your reality, very non-dualistic. Though on the surface it looks dualistic.
I was just realizing the reciting of the phrases is a form of Samyama because the theory is to release the problem into the silence/Divinity. [8D] Fascinating how life finds a Way to liberate itself.

Love to all,


  • Posts: 229
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 04:38:16 PM »
Thanks for sharing this, Jill.

Do you repeat all 4 phrases when an obstacle comes up? Or do you choose from among them?

I am willing to try this, as I have many "obstacles" [:D]

Peace and Unity


  • Posts: 206
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 02:41:08 AM »
I am just learning about it but the way I understand it, you repeat all 4.  Eventually like samyama it becomes more and more subtle as you release it to what they call Divinity.

Best wishes,


  • Posts: 351
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2008, 07:51:58 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 420
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2008, 09:29:48 AM »
:) I came across this a little while back. I've never practiced it as he has it outlined, though it seems to me a beautiful way of expressing responsibility for everything. I think my greatest lesson this year was "inside is outside". Sorta like, the more barriers are taken down "inside", the more it expresses itself in your outside actions. It's amazing how things like Ho'oponopono that are so simple can really be so powerful. Thanks for bringing this up Jill :).

Another similar technique I've enjoyed is "seeing yourself in everything". It's a great habit to build especially for when you catch yourself judging someone, sort of a "put yourself in their shoes" sort of thing, but I don't mean just people. Plants, buildings, animals... it's all the same. I think it's sort of a "forget how's and why's, just do it" sorta thing. ... except then once you forget the how's and why's,  you become them too... it's all the same haha.


  • Posts: 21
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 02:58:41 PM »
Originally posted by cosmic_troll

Thanks for sharing this, Jill.

Do you repeat all 4 phrases when an obstacle comes up? Or do you choose from among them?

I am willing to try this, as I have many "obstacles" [:D]

Peace and Unity

Hi Cosmic Troll,

The main thing in practicing Ho'oponopono is taking responsibility.
To be 100 % responsible for everything that is going on outside, because that is only a projection of what is going on inside you. So when an obstacle or an event shows up the first thing you do is you put your awareness in action and you became conscious of the things that before were unconscious and so created this event/obstacle and etc. The main thing is responsibility. In the first period of doing Ho'oponopono is good to repeat the 4 phrases (in no aprticular way) in order to remind your self that it is your responsibility. You start to ask your self: "What is going on in ME that is creating this problem"?!
I'm Sorry (i.e. I take responsibility about this thing. The memories/programs in my subconscious mind has created it).
Please Forgive me (I want to make change. I want to ERASE this programs from my subconscious mind that continuously create the same events. I ask Divinity to make a change).
Thank you {Thank you Divinity (my higher self and etc.) for listening to me and making this amends in my personality and so in my life}
I Love You (Because you're part of me and wanting me good).

After some period of practicing when you'll gain more experience these phrases would come naturally everytime you enter some conflict situation or something that is triggering your subconscious programs.
The main thing is to became conscious about the Subconscious programs (in h'oponopono called Memories)and take responsibility for everything that is going on in your life.
The outer world in every minute is showing to us what we have inside. That is the way to learn more about our subconscious. And I think Ho'oponopono is the best way of gaining this knowledge.



  • Posts: 787
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2010, 02:46:55 PM »
Hello Natan  [:D]

Originally posted by NatanEpsilon

Hi Cosmic Troll,

Troll is no more. He went bye-bye  [;)]

Thank you for the detailed explanation. It seems like a beautiful way to approach life.

Originally posted by NatanEpsilon

I'm Sorry
Please Forgive me
Thank you
I Love You

These are the only words we need. I say we get rid of all the others!



  • Posts: 67
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 10:47:05 PM »
My understanding of this practice is that by taking responsibility for everithing that happens in your field of awareness (ex. Taking responsibility for your neighboor getting sick, for the people suffering from earthquake somewhere far away from you, etc...)you bring a sense of unity and enlarge the sense of self to encompass everything.  After all everything is only an expression of your Self.

When I learned this practice at school, I was told that one psychiatric doctor who was in charge of a psychiatric establishment with heavy cases used this technique quite effectively. He would read the file of one patient each day and would ask forgiveness for everything bad that person did and everything that person suffered.  I was told that the situation with these violent patients evolved until they closed the whole facility. You can take a look at this story on this web site:

That is really an interesting practice.