Author Topic: Inner readiness?  (Read 705 times)


  • Posts: 147
Inner readiness?
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:07:42 AM »

Hi there,

I find it hard to practice twice a day. Maybe its because i dont have a real motivation. I dont care about abilites, experiences, bliss or whatever. I have only one desire, and that is freedom. I guess AYP has something to do with inner freedom, thats why i do it, but im not sure about it.

Anyway, what i wanted to say... it seems to me, that as we´re getting older, it gets a lot easier to focus on something. Im 32, i have a family and my mind is full of things, even after 2 years of meditation. I find it hard to practice in the morning, and i believe that could easily change when im getting older. Besides that, my mind tends to go crazy when i feel too much inner piece...... lol

So... its probably the way, to lose attachement to things, to be more settled, more calm. Theres no other way then to get old, right? Until that, i just keep it with one practice a day lol

Thanks for reading,


  • Posts: 4947
Inner readiness?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 12:19:12 AM »
Originally posted by Panthau

Until that, i just keep it with one practice a day lol

Sounds good Pan. The first 6 - 8 months of my practice was just 1 session, the morning one. I had too much going on in the evening to get a second session in. Then one day it changed.. [:D]

So yes, go ahead with one session like you are doing now. It will change one day... [:)]


  • Posts: 147
Inner readiness?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2010, 03:29:40 AM »

Ok if you say so :-)

Any hints on overcoming these extremes? When i get totaly still after some meditation, feeling the now so strong without analysing it, my mind tends to go mad and desperatly tries to grab something to hang on to.

I had enough extremes in my life, and im afraid this could be unhealthy if i deepen the silence inside me even more... :-|


  • Posts: 971
Inner readiness?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2010, 05:31:27 AM »
For me it was easier to start with just listening to music.  The first phase of meditation is just to quiet the mind chatter.  You can do that with a mantra or visualization.  But, I found that if you just listen to music and let it wash over you, it is easier to let go.  When you just listen (and don't pick music that you associate with old memories), you will find you mind naturally quieting and the music will actually seem to get louder.  When it gets louder, you have quieted your mind.
