Author Topic: Methadone Withdrawal  (Read 768 times)


  • Posts: 2
Methadone Withdrawal
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:57:19 PM »
Hey Everybody...[:)]
Mister CarsonZi invited me over from the taobums as we had started corresponding on his success using this program (deep meditiation and spinal breathing)to get off methadone himself.

I had been as high as 210mg then Sllooooowwwly decreased to 47 (took like at least 2 years)... i have been intersted in meditation for years and working out in general.  Do Brocade of 8 with some regularity... it's a qigong form... and some other qigong forms that i learn from dvd's and whatnot, but i'm not real consistent...

Around april of this year i started to go down from 47mg (had been chillin like a villian for oh-8 or 9 months)and had made it to 40mg when someone posted about Carsonzi's story over here on my Personal Practive Journal (i had decided to document my progress over on taobums)... i was like "oh shnap![:0] that's incredible, 90 to 60, then 60 to 30 is like light years in methadone-time"
and when he said that he was only doing those two exercises i was like "[;)]damn killagram, i do that stuff also, lemme see how fast i can come down now"
so i went pretty fast, like what i normally do in 3 weeks in did in one and was feeling actually pretty good but then had a bad day and got a case of the '****-it's' that addicts are famous for and took a big you know, to get high... that was 2 days ago and am now feeling like:[:(]   and[xx(]   and of course[xx(]
so yea, but all hope is not lost... i'm re-elavuating wtf happened... i realize that he had alraedy had 6 months of consistent ayp practices under his belt before he even attempted to go lower on the 'done... and whereas i'm really big on research (and mental masturbastion) i'm NOT so good at actually consistently DOING stuff... and these last couple of weeks while i was doing a lot of running and weight lifting (good things in ADDITION to my qiqong) i had slacked on my qigong and basic meditation type stuff...
so i'm going to sweat it out the next week or so... then go down slowly but REALLY be CONSISTENT with
1) brocade of 8 in the am(i like the physicallity and i really like the stretch)
2) start with 10 minutes of deep breathing and then bring in the spinal breathing
-any other exercise will be supplemental to this BASE of qi-moving-goodness...
i look forward to kicking it with you all my soon to be ayp 'pepes'!


  • Posts: 3178
Methadone Withdrawal
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 11:31:15 PM »
Hey 3L3VAT3, glad you made it over here [:D]

Only have a second as I am about to do my morning practices, but I just wanted to clarify a couple things.

1.  I was doing the AYP system for 5 weeks (not 6 months) before I started downdosing
2.  I would recommend starting with Deep Meditation not "deep breathing" or "spinal breathing".  I will explain why later.

Will be back shortly....gotta get ready for my day before I get too involved on the computer [;)]



  • Posts: 422
Methadone Withdrawal
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 01:58:17 AM »
Hi 3L3VAT3,

Welcome to AYP.

I tapered off a  methadone script over about 2 years and then had the good fortune to try out a yoga class a week or 2 after, in jan,06 and then quickly adopted a regular asana practice at home, until i awoke my kundalini,somewhat prematurely ,11months later.

The practice is what took away my cravings though( couple of months proper ,and i was no longer thinking about heroin any more.i'd found something else,not without some effort though.); had i not discovered yoga very shortly after dropping the script  I'm pretty sure they would have still been there.I had spotted this forum ,during that first year then,  although i had no internet connection at the time.

I can testify that yoga can get you off addictions to opiates like heroin and methodne because they treat it at the ROOT which is the habit-forming behviours in the mind, through a kind of deep neural re-programming.They set up new habits. As long as you've got the bhakti,i.e nothing to lose,which you sound like you have, and a willinginess to try out the practices.

My advice is to just stick  and perssist with yoga practice through a regular routine.

If you're following AYP- my advice is also to follow the programme in it it's entirety from the start, as Yogani has laid out in the lessons, starting off with deep meditation.

Many folk seem to just remain on opioids( i was one of them) and don't get off or manage to remain off them long-term even despite their many  not totally successful attempts. Or they even end up dead.There are now a number of people i can count on one hand,at least, who i  may have had contact with through drugs, who have ended up that way.It's a slippery slope.

I think the effort involved in kicking an addiction of this sort seems to translate and can get transformed into a great deal of bhakti or spiritual desire.We can undergo a major transofomation because we realise we have the means,the tools, to wake up to our true potential.A life without drugs ,and a whole lot more,more than we ever imagined or even dreamed possible.

I was on heroin from about 1997 onwards then i took up  long-term methdonae script in about 2002 and then used somehwat less, and dabbled in this & that , because that lifestyle was quickly unsustainable.The amount of shoplifitng i did would have landed me in jail sooner that later. And i had a very brief period of homelessness coupled with having to score in really hell-hole places, which was all part of the package/lifestyle i guess.

When i first read of Carson's story on the web i sensed there was someone that had went down a similar path.I think my whole life and the culture i grew up in, early-ish on in school , smoking hash  and experiementing with acid, & then continuing through uni.  with the start of the rave scene in the uk here etc,had always invovled drugs of one kind or another.Of course,I never thoguht i'd get into heroin shortly after leaving uni. and geting deported from Japan (in 1997) for trying to teach English without  a work-visa ( not my fault but my employer's), no-one does( 'it would never happen to me' thought has got to be a unviersal one).

Good to see more addicts/ex-addicts popping up and embracing yoga.I'm sure we're not the first and certainly won't be the last.

It would'nt suprise me of the rishis of old had experimented in drugs before they found  that yoga could alter their Consciousness on a much more profound and real level.

P.S --In my view, drugs are just an escape from ,or an obscuration of, our true nature.They can provide a lot of relief in a time of crisis and help with alot of pain, albeit temporarily,  on a physical,mental & emotional level.But of course they don't really provide a long-term solution( the next day, of course, you're just looking for another fix again, for whatever it is that might ail you)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 02:21:27 AM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 2
Methadone Withdrawal
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 09:00:56 AM »
Yoga or any form of spiritual cultivation is really the TRUTH!  
I've made so much progress as a person with qigong (which is arguably really just a chinese version of Yoga) and meditation in these last few years... it's like i'm really just playing catch up on the methadone front with the rest of myself... i'm of course far from self-actualized/enlightened but really enjoying the path!

I do feel like i'm making progress (i am, undoubtedly)... cuz like; this last little 'relapse' my body didn't enjoy it... i was kind of annoyed that i couldn't read the book i was reading because i kept 'nodding off' and my head hurt... like touching the hairs on the back of my head hurt; which is weird because being on a HIGH dose of opiates is supposed to kill all pain, right? So yea, FORGET all that mess!!
the feeling from cultivation/spiritual pursuit is SO much better!!! The blissful alertness, the warm tingles, the sense of meaning and connectedness... It's really what i was looking for when i was in the drug phase of my life!!!
This is going to be a good place to hang out and grow! I'm going to surf around and get aquainted with the program and some of the people...
I know i'm sounding like a broken record with all the 'thank you's' Carson... but im' feeling much gratitude!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 09:32:23 AM by AYPforum »