Author Topic: Cleaning my room. LOL.  (Read 1391 times)


  • Posts: 121
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« on: August 31, 2009, 04:11:10 PM »
I recently did a full cleaning of my room and I was really surprised at how much hidden garbage I had.  I was even more surprised at how sick I felt while cleaning my room but my health improved significantly after I was done.  Even an autoimmune disease I've had for about 5 years improved.

Your bedroom can be an angel or a demon simply because you spend so much time it!  I would recommend keeping it as clean and simple as possible (no need for cleaning and disinfectant chemicals).

My 3 major pieces of advise:

1.  Don't store a lot of junk in your room.
-there is good evidence that the #1 cause of autoimmune diseases is from man made toxins and heavy metals.  I would especially get rid of a lot of un-needed plastics and synthetic stuff.

2.  Keep your room simple and easy to clean in the future.
-If you have a lot of spots were you can't vacuum, this could be harmful.  You also need to be able to move furniture easily so you can clean under things every once in a while.

3.  Indoor plants.
-They can definitely improve air quality.  I would recommend quiet a few.

You don't have to believe me on this, but why not try it?  Along with improvement in my autoimmune disease, I have had less fatigue and have been sleeping less (I was sleeping way to much).  Plus there is a mental benefit simply because my room smells WAY better.

Has anyone else had experience with this?


  • Posts: 319
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 05:55:06 PM »

I did the same months ago and I'm still surprized today to feel such comfort and pleasure in the same space that was a hell 2 years ago.
It was not the space in itself.
The outer room is nothing but a reflexion of the inner.
Once the inner get clean, the outer follows automatically.
And it 'contaminates' the whole house!
This is the power of yoga..
My mother got rid off the 35 years old carpet that was covering the house's floor since she got married!!
One meditator is enough to enhance a whole house and family living..

All the best!

PS: wheatgrass is particularily effective for purifying our bodies and the indoor air from all the toxins and radiations.



  • Posts: 12
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 10:59:36 AM »
an often overlooked area!

i also keep my room very clean and personalized in my own way

when you live with others of course you find your space and make it yours, it becomes your safety zone, your personal space to retreat to

my room is like my temple

i have very few things compared to others in similar situations - i have a bed, desk (with computer & speakers on top), two large speakers turned on their side used as desk sort of things where i have books, and that is it as far as space consuming objects goes

i have created a meditative space here very conducive to solitude and meditation ... everything including the colors of things, the lighting, and the organization of objects with the space in mind, has been included in my vision of how this personal temple should be

in fact, i miss my room a great deal when i am gone for too long, mostly because i am quite reclusive but also because i have not yet found a place i am more comfortable in

a few years ago ... totally different story, the room was just a pile of garbage that i literally had to find gaps in to step across the room ... cd's, books, everything all over the floor, no organization, no free space, just junk everywhere

i remember one day that i decided to clean some of it up, it took an entire day, no joke

these days when i do my cleaning it takes no more than 15 mins as i vacuum and reorganize books and such that had drifted around

in my opinion, or in my experience, a cluttered and messy room creates that feeling inside the mind, and a spacious room creates that feeling

i like to think that one can feel the peace as soon as they step in this room

i am also careful about who i allow in, as some people really have no grasp over subtle manners - for example, the other week my friend stopped by and we were hanging out here and he got pancake crumbs - yes pancake crumbs - on the carpet, apparently he stood on a pancake at someone else's house before coming here!

he treated it like it was no big deal, probably because his own room is a mess and he lives with that thought -

also, people bring their particular vibe with them, and sometimes it will clash with the spacious zen space i have here, or they might smoke marijuana and leave its insidious odor here in a cloud of smoke, disturbing the purity

the room is the womb, you know that fairly obvious insight that we're all just trying to get back in the womb, perfecting one's room is really just re-creating your own womb-space as much as you want it and in which way ... i think it's a fact we cannot avoid so we shouldn't try to escape it - in the womb-room there's safety, like an animal who has claimed a cave in a mountain for himself, and in the womb-room there's solitude and aloneness, where you can escape from the world

really, The Beach Boys immortalized the womb-room in their song "In My Room"

that song is relevant for every species on earth


  • Posts: 3597
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 03:00:12 PM »
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  • Posts: 292
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 12:22:25 AM »
whoa on the old carpet of 35 years!

I like wood floors the best-stays much cleaner than carpet!

I will have to put some more thought into my room. It is tidy at the moment but I have boxes under the bed and a messy closet. Also, I notoriously don't put things away nicely in my drawers.

The floors are wood, but get dusty very quick!

Luckily I have the view out one of the windows- watching a red male cardinal as I type.

I feel my room is in much better order than my body.


  • Posts: 292
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 12:29:01 AM »
I also think the original topic poster crazymandrew is right on!

My dads house with his wife is unbelievably gross. His wife suffers from copd and all kinds of allergy problems and is constantly sick!!

I cleaned the kitchen counters off a few weeks ago as I am replacing the ceiling. I can not express how much mice feces was present behind all the stuff on the countertops! And in the drain, there were moving wormy like black things that looked like maggots.

I am working to help them clean up-

I look at them in a way that is like I wonder why they do not take better care of themselves or their environment?

My dad is a hoarder to a certain degree.


  • Posts: 758
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 01:13:57 PM »
Hi Drew :)
 A clean room is great. Have you ever checked out feng shui? There is so much to be said for harmony and balanced energy flows; I've always dreamed of having a feng shui house with no poison arrows, just gentle harmonious flows that enhance your chi..  

Originally posted by crazymandrew
3.  Indoor plants.
-They can definitely improve air quality.  I would recommend quiet a few.

 It is not a good idea to have house plants in your bedroom because they give off carbon dioxide at night.

 Thought I'd mention that..

All the best :)



  • Posts: 3597
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 10:12:24 AM »
Don't have people or pets in your house either - they give off carbon dioxide 24/7!


  • Posts: 758
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 02:08:13 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish

Don't have people or pets in your house either - they give off carbon dioxide 24/7!

Only if they are still breathing..




  • Posts: 7
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 07:26:15 PM »
Originally posted by crazymandrew

3.  Indoor plants.
-They can definitely improve air quality.  I would recommend quiet a few.

In my country, we use eucalyptus as an organic anti-mosquito..and it works  :)


  • Posts: 424
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2010, 03:33:56 PM »
Thank you MissLavender. That is good to know!



  • Posts: 193
Cleaning my room. LOL.
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2010, 05:50:54 AM »
yes also, pictures on the walls, my room has no windows and for a while it was subconsciously depressing, even though the walls are green, but very plain, then i finally got around to putting a few old drawings up and its much better..