Author Topic: help!!!  (Read 868 times)


  • Posts: 438
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:25:07 AM »
Hello everyone,

As mentioned before that I was in a slump, but now I am afraid I
may stop doing the practices entirely unless "something" happens to re-kindle the fire. I am speaking from lesson 12,(desire, devotion results ect.)

If anybody can help, I sure could use it, as these spiritual practices are something I cherish and something I want to continue. I am in for
the long haul, and to have self-realised or enlightement, whichever

I feel that I am on the right path, just need some stimulus.



  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 06:28:26 AM »
Hi nirmal, sorry to hear you are going through a rough time....I hope this passes soon.

As mentioned before that I was in a slump, but now I am afraid I may stop doing the practices entirely unless "something" happens to re-kindle the fire.

You choose whether or not to do your practices.  When it comes time to do them and your mind starts saying "Oh, I don't want to...." or "I'll just skip this one and do one tomorrow....", IMO this is the BEST time to practice.  I find these times create huge amounts of bhakti.  You may have none going in, but by the time you are done doing your practices, if your experience is anything like mine, you will be filled with bhakti and desire to continue your practices.  If you on the other hand put off your practices "for another day", another day may never come.....remember that there is only Now.  

If anybody can help, I sure could use it, as these spiritual practices are something I cherish and something I want to continue.

The only one who can really help is you.  If you want to continue doing practices, then you should just do them.  Even without desire to do them.  I bet if you practice despite having bhakti you will start to find yourself filled with the bhakti to continue.  Perhaps not, but it's worth a shot IMO.

Hope that whatever happens, you find what you are looking for.



  • Posts: 787
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 04:46:01 AM »
Hi nirmal,

I agree that the motivation/desire to practice has to come from within yourself. The only help anyone can really give is to encourage and inspire you to practice.

So I offer you my encouragement  [:)]

For inspiration, that's a very personal thing, but I would recommend reading about the life of any self-realized/enlightened person that inspires you. Is there a saint you feel drawn to? Who or what inspires you in life? Immerse yourself in that.

Originally posted by nirmal

As mentioned before that I was in a slump, but now I am afraid I
may stop doing the practices entirely unless "something" happens to re-kindle the fire.

What "something" are you waiting for?

In my experience, getting stable and consistent with practice is what opens the door. I struggled with this for a few years. I went through a dark period where I had zero motivation to practice and I wanted to give up. I felt my old depression coming back and AYP did not seem to help me feel better at all.

I kept practicing twice a day, rain or shine (mostly rain), although I gave up hope that life would get better. That difficult period ended at the start of this year, and everything started to open up since then. I see progress and beautiful things happening every day, but I had to get stable first.

You will still get some good results in the short-term, but the real fruits of AYP will come after you've firmly established your practice (and been stable for a while). I would recommend focusing on that. Don't worry, it gets easier with time  [;)]

Wishing you the best!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 08:18:31 AM by cosmic »


  • Posts: 438
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 05:51:50 AM »
To the both of you: a heart felt apreciation for your loving responses.

I Will continue with my daily practice(DM twice daily for twenty min.
Or less, depending on overload and spinal breathing) for as long as it takes. I am more calm than I was before, so I guess that is something!

Most excellent advice! I´ll take you up on it and look through the literature.

love and light,


  • Posts: 422
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 07:13:34 AM »
Just keep on plugging away Nirmal

As mentioned before that I was in a slump, but now I am afraid I
may stop doing the practices entirely unless "something" happens to re-kindle the fire. I am speaking from lesson 12,(desire, devotion results ect.)

All of us with high bhakti- this is a sign btw, i think ,not the opposite,have had this <because deeep down we intuit that this  AYP business will work.

You'll get there eventually.Persistence and a committed effort will pay off in the long run.And  Carson is right.No one can do it for you.

Less is more- even just sitting for a few minutes without effort, until the habit re-develops again whenever it is on the wane or bhakti is low..When it's at it's lowest- that is precisely the time to do it. A little discipline.Most effort in the doing comes from the initiating side- but once you're into to get's easier, and easier. I also found reading visitng this forum helpful.

And try not to get too down.[:)]

If there are issues that come up  that you're unsure about then feel free to ask( such as uncomfortable symptoms or cycles- i had a few of these that i tried to work through patiently,earnestly)[:)]

Keep on practicing- just a matter of inevitably when the doors open for you. If you are persitent and carry on.. Hope that is not too diffcult-sounding.The buck stops with yourself-bottom line! Start off with DM,add SBP, and so on.....

It should transform your Consciousness.Not something one does evEry day.And Something to tell your grandkids.

lots of Love, & Soul Hugs if  that helps

« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 08:00:05 AM by Akasha »