Author Topic: symptoms of overload?  (Read 1063 times)


  • Posts: 438
symptoms of overload?
« on: September 28, 2009, 09:09:11 PM »
Helo, I have been experiencing an increasing anxiety and fear. Are these symptons of overload and self pacing should is what I need to do?

 In other words, what are the symptoms of overlode and what I should do?



  • Posts: 1843
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 09:21:26 PM »
Hi Nirmal

Helo, I have been experiencing an increasing anxiety and fear. Are these symptons of overload and self pacing should is what I need to do?

Overload can present itself in many different ways. If ones sensitivity increases...or if there has been adding on of practices or strong spiritual focus......somtimes what is released through purification is just too much to handle and the discomfort can be felt emotionally, mentally as well as physically (separately or together).

 It is hard to tell what causes the increase in fear and anxitey for you without knowing a bit more about your daily practice routine, how long you have been engaged in yoga practices, and whether any other changes in your life has happened that would contribute to this development.

So if you feel like it, a bit more info would be good [:)]


  • Posts: 858
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 11:05:44 PM »
Hi Nirmal  

These sort of symptoms are often associated with premature Crown oppening Have a look at this link

as Katrine said give us a bit more info on what practices you are doing and we may be able to help.


  • Posts: 4947
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 11:12:58 PM »
Hi Nirmal,
I agree with Katrine, can you tell us what you are practicing currently. In another post I think you said you are doing deep meditation. For how long? Any other practices you have added since then?

Increasing anxiety, fear can happen due to purification. As you continue with meditation you learn to not attach to the stuff coming up.. but till then I would recommend self pacing. Cut back meditation to a point where you are comfortable and not have to deal with too much stuff coming up. If the deep meditation as described in the lessons seems hard to get by right now, you can try the lite version as described here.

Good things are happening, we just need a bit of self pacing and patience to get by the rough patches of purification.. but this will only lead to letting go the fears and opening up to the divine within.

Wish you all the best.[:)]


  • Posts: 98
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 12:08:22 AM »
I experience overpurification that way, and the only cure is self-pacing. Trying to *make* myself not attach to those thoughts made the attachment stronger. In time, with regular and paced practice, they will undo themselves.

Originally posted by nirmal

Helo, I have been experiencing an increasing anxiety and fear. Are these symptons of overload and self pacing should is what I need to do?

 In other words, what are the symptoms of overlode and what I should do?



  • Posts: 1843
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 01:49:49 AM »
Hi Lancinato and Nirmal

Trying to *make* myself not attach to those thoughts made the attachment stronger.

Yes - thank you for this Lancinato. Am finding this to be true with all attachments. To thoughts, to feelings, to places, to human beings.......In trying to avoid attachment to them......I am operating through another thought scheme and so this is just another attachment. It takes me "out of what is" instead of further into it. I have never been able to escape life and its lessons......[:D]....but I sure have tried hard sometimes [:I]

So.....even if it hurts.....and even if it might not be very wise seen from a ....."yamas and niyamas  perspective" (whatever that might be in the language of Patanyali [8D])......I keep not avoiding......keep diving into life. Sometimes stupidly. a very wise friend said to me recently when I complained about the stubbornness inside...and the Viking helmet on my head: "It is a loving helmet you have". Immediately....there was a drop further into heart...on hearing this.....

All is well....even though seemingly not.

So I might regret my...naivity..... when in pain....but even this regret can be embraced as it is....because the long deepens still.

And when love is my experience that attachments drop of themselves.

I can obviously only speak for myself....and maybe there is a faster way......but these shoes..... celebrating all of life....the pain as well as the what makes the very moment of NOW worth living. It takes one out of the limited prespective that either one - content or context  - is more important than the other. Both are life. One is source - and the other is expression. And they both exist simoultaneously....inseperable from each other.

And here......thanks to finding the AYP practices and integrating the principle of self-pacing.......content like anxiety and fear is allowed to stay until it leaves of its own accord.

All in the context of inner silence.

So I concur with Shanti when she says:

Good things are happening, we just need a bit of self pacing and patience to get by the rough patches of purification.. but this will only lead to letting go the fears and opening up to the divine within.

All the best to you Nirmal [:)]


  • Posts: 438
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2009, 10:02:59 PM »
Helo everyone. Thanks for your kind words.

My life for the I guess for the past 20yrs or more, has been tumultous.
Lots of downs and not enough up times, and when I started kundalini in 2004, I believed that finally felt like I was on the right path. I experienced kundali surge from my root chakra up to the crown chakra. I was in a state of bliss and ectasy for several days.A lot has happened
in the folling years and without support fom anybody.

In 2004 I was practing kundalini yoga and DM as instructed by Yogani. To this day I really donĀ“t know what happened,( bipolar or as result of my spiritual practicec I was diagnosed bipolar disorder that year, and doing outrageous and audacious things.

 Today I do DM 20min twice a day and ujjali. Thanks nirmal[:)]


  • Posts: 422
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2009, 10:56:25 PM »
Hi Nirmal,

Good to see you posting again.

All the best[:)]


  • Posts: 1843
symptoms of overload?
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 01:58:25 AM »
Hi Nirmal

Thanks for sharing [:)]

Just something to concider:

If you still feel a bit overwhelmed by anxiety/fear etc, then you could try to reduce your DM sitting time down to 10-15 minutes and see if that helps. If it does help, you keep it at that pace for at least a few weeks. Then you can inch the time back up again - 2 min at a time. Allow at least 2 weeks between adding on time so that you can catch any discomfort before it escalates.

Also - be sure that you are engaged in proper grounding activities. Physical exercise, contact with nature (embracing trees is a favorite of mine) natural engagement in "ordinary" life activities etc.

If reducing DM time doesn't help - then at least you know this [:)]

All the best [:)]
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 02:16:32 AM by Katrine »