Author Topic: AYP meditation group in Montreal  (Read 1403 times)


  • Posts: 67
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:01:14 PM »
Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I had in the back of my mind to start a meditation group and lately the "inner call" has been stronger.

There are several reasons for that:

First I have been in a lot of self-pacing lately and I was a little frustrated not being able to put more practices in my routine. My bhakti is very strong and it seemed to me that there was nothing more I could do without getting into overload. Starting a meditation group and sharing AYP with people around me seems to be a good way to direct that bhakti. If I can't take no more practises why not bringing it to other people.
Also, as far as I know, AYP doesn't seem to be well known in Montreal. I would be happy to make it known a little more here.

Another reason is quite personal. I think that until lately, I always saw the success of people around me as a proof of my unsuccessfulness, particularly in the area of spirituality. I think that has been a major obstacle to my progress as I would avoid putting me in situations where people could become better than me. Now that I have realized that, I can see that it's quite crazy[:I]. I now look forward to be surpassed in spiritual progress[:D]. (has if that was supposed to be relevant and measurable...)

Finally, I think that would be great to have people here with whom to share and progress on the path.

Now, I already read some posts about other meditation groups and I found the information very useful.

I thought beginning small at my house for a weekly meditation and then see where it gets. I don't really want to present myself as a teacher since I certainly am not qualified but would rather like to form a group where everyone is equal and progress at his own pace according to the AYP teachings. I will probably need to teach meditation and the basics of Yoga at first because I think that makes a better introduction to people completely new to yoga but I would rely on and refer to the teachings on the AYP site and books.

Well, there remains some processing to do in my mind before it's done but I hope it will become real soon.

Any advices are welcome. Any people around Montreal, if any attending the forum, are welcome.

Thanks to all



  • Posts: 1843
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 07:00:48 PM »
Hi innercall

This is wonderful news [:D]

Finally, I think that would be great to have people here with whom to share and progress on the path.

It is very beautiful when life gives one the gift of lovers of truth meeting and growing together like this.

I don't really want to present myself as a teacher since I certainly am not qualified but would rather like to form a group where everyone is equal and progress at his own pace according to the AYP teachings.

By initiating a group like is you who will be the start of this gift happening to other people as well as yourself.  Truth - inside yourself - will respond to this act of trust and the teaching will happen spontaneously from here. In you and the ones that will be attracted to join the group. And from here it will spread in all directions [:)]

From my own experience participating in AYP meditation groups and Satsangs in Norway and Ireland I can tell you that Sinnead O'Connor sings in that well known song:

Nothing compares [|)]

I wish you all the best in starting the Montreal AYP meditation group [:)]


  • Posts: 67
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 12:35:03 PM »
Hi Katrine,

I really appreciate your encouragement. You are a great inspiration and I thank you for that.

Things seem to get into motion to be able to start the meditation group soon.

Thanks again



  • Posts: 1589
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 02:09:35 AM »
Hi innercall,

Great idea, let me know when you have it set up and the details, I have some friends in Montreal who I would encourage to participate.




  • Posts: 67
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 11:42:09 AM »
Hi Anthem11,

I plan to start things at a small scale at my house in 1 week or two if everything goes as planned. I will start to spread the word this week with the people around me from my yoga asana classes, friends and school to see what the response is.

I will let you know when it will be more settled with the details and of course your friends are welcome.



  • Posts: 67
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2009, 10:58:20 PM »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give an update about the mediation group in Montreal.

It has just started with a small group and I must say that it is really great to meditate in group and share all this love and bliss[8D].

We meet at my appartment so there is not a lot of space but I estimate that there is space for up to 15 participants if we squeeze a little. We'll see in the future if we need to find another place.

We are meeting every thursday from 6h00 to around 7h15 PM and my appartment is located in the east part of Montreal.

Everyone is welcome!!



  • Posts: 1843
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2009, 11:05:02 PM »
That's just great Innercall [:D]

Thanks for sharing!


  • Posts: 787
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 04:00:00 AM »
This is wonderful, innercall  [:D]

Best wishes with the group.

With Love


  • Posts: 67
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 11:27:27 AM »
Thanks Katrine and Cosmic,

I find two great joys in this experience:

The joy of sharing.[:D]

The joy of finding out that many people around me were waiting for that occasion to start practising meditation. To find companions on the path...



  • Posts: 831
AYP meditation group in Montreal
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 11:49:55 AM »
I wish you lots of good luck and fun [:D]

