Author Topic: Shaking  (Read 803 times)


  • Posts: 3178
« on: August 05, 2009, 06:43:52 AM »
Namaste Friends....

I was wondering if any of you out there experience this as well.

I will occasionally have these "shaking" fits where I can't stop my body from getting really tense and shaking.  I had one again last night, and I think I know what is causing them, but I can't figure out why.

I usually have them when I am talking to another has happened in conversation with my acupuncturist, with friends, and last night with my sister.  All conversations had a "spiritual tinge" to them, but were not necessarily outright "spiritual".

For example, last night, my sister came over to get some advice from me.  She and a few of her church friends have decided that they want to do something for the homeless in my city but have no idea where to start.  So being that I have some experience in working with the homeless here they figured I could be of some help in educating them a little.  Anyways, at one point in the conversation last night I had another "shaking fit".  My muscles get all tense, and I start to have minor convulsions almost like I am shivering from the cold.....I'm not cold though.  It makes my voice go a little funny because it is hard to keep it steady due to the shaking, and I have a hard time not clenching my teeth as my jaw is usually shaking too.  Within 5 minutes or so it usually subsides and I am back to normal.  

This isn't really a concern or anything, I am just wondering if anyone out there gets these fits as well and if they have figured out what exactly triggers them.



  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 10:41:17 AM »
Hi Carson,

I used to get this shaking, for several years, although I have not experienced it for about 10 years now. I believe it is caused by an overload of prana moving through the central channel.



  • Posts: 167
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 11:53:49 AM »
Carson...I am curious to know if you have experimented to find anything to relieve this symptom?  Must you simply let it run it's course or do you think something like a grounding activity might help it to subside faster?


  • Posts: 21
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 12:11:12 PM »
Hi Carson,

I sometimes get something similar, but I wouldn't call it shaking or convulsing, just plain old shivering, identical to those that happen when I get cold, only they can happen even when it's hot. The last few times I noticed these was with my breathwork facilitator, during our quick chat before the breathwork begins.

There's something at the back of my mind telling me that I've had this happen when I'm nervous/excited/anxious, but I can't think of any examples of this..


  • Posts: 346
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 12:24:37 PM »
I sometimes get small vibration, but nothing like you and Christi are describing. I always think it's my cell phone. Hope it clears up for you soon. It sounds like it is a little frightening.


  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2009, 01:57:48 AM »
Hi Christi....

Thank you for your input...sounds pretty reasonable.  Was there anything in particular that you did that stopped this from happening or did it just go away on it's own?  Can you attribute it to a certain "energetic stage" along the path or do you not know what caused this shaking for you?

Hi solo....

I have not found anything yet that makes any difference to the shaking.  At this point I just have to let it run it's course.  It usually only lasts around 5 minutes.  I have been fairly limited in what I can try to do to end these "fits" at the time they are happening because they ALWAYS happen while I am in the middle of conversation with someone.  I usually try my best to hide that it is happening, and I have never had anyone mention it so I don't know if they notice and just don't say anything, or if they just don't notice at all.  What I HAVE been able to try is 1. Slow deep calm breaths (doesn't seem to make any difference) 2. Putting on a jacket or blanket (doesn't seem to help, just makes me sweat).  Other then that I am usually too involved to do anything that might help.  I remember having one of these fits, for example, while having a job interview at the Drop In Center (the homeless shelter).  I was explaining to the HR lady about my past, including my drug addictions and my overcoming them with AYPractices, and all of a sudden I am tensed, shaking somewhat violently and having a hard time speaking because of the clenched jaw.  It often seems to happen when I am talking about my past or my life experiences now that I think about it.  Can't see how this could cause these types of physical symptoms though.

Hi seekingthelight....

I totally agree that there could be an element of anxiety/nervous excitement, but I have a hard time figuring out whether this is a cause or an effect.  I know I end up feeling nervously excited while it is happening, but I can't remember if these feelings are there BEFORE the shaking or only during/after.  From the times that I can distinctly remember I think the nervous excitement comes during and not before.  I will try to remember to watch closely next time this happens though to see if I am wrong.

Hi stevenbhow....

I have experienced phantom cell vibrations lots but these shaking fits are quite different then that.  These fits cause uncontrollable muscle clenching for me, and somewhat violent literal "shaking" is visible from the outside if you are looking at me closely.  And it lasts for a good 5 minutes usually so.....Anywyas, thank you for the well wishes!

« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 01:58:36 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 184
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2009, 07:15:29 AM »
I know EXACTLY what you mean, Carsonji.  I used to have them infrequently. Always to do with sexual anticipation in my case, and quite embarrassing on a couple of occasions...[:0] If I remember, there's a slight feeling of being almost possessed, in that 'you' aren't feeling anything that ought to be causing these physical effects.

I have no idea what they represent, other than some energy phenomenon, but I was thinking about them just a couple of days ago as being very obviously Shakti-related. I'm quite interested to see if I can duplicate one and do some self-experimentation.




  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2009, 07:33:45 AM »
Hello grihastha[:)]

Originally posted by grihastha

I know EXACTLY what you mean, Carsonji.  I used to have them infrequently. Always to do with sexual anticipation in my case, and quite embarrassing on a couple of occasions...[:0]

It's interesting that different situations for different people brings this on.  I've never had it happen when anticipating has only ever happened to me when I am trying to explain a "spiritual concept" or am talking to someone about my past and explaining my "journey" to them.

Originally posted by grihastha

If I remember, there's a slight feeling of being almost possessed, in that 'you' aren't feeling anything that ought to be causing these physical effects.

Personally when this is happening I feel really "self-conscious"....  Since it seems to have no "rhyme or reason" to it, I find that when it happens I feel a little embarrassed...embarrassed that I can't control myself.  And it usually seems that the more I fight the shaking the worse it gets.  As soon as I just let go into it it usually passes within a few minutes.  Never really felt "possessed" persay, but I definitely feel "out of control" and a little odd because I can't figure out why this is happening.  It doesn't seem to be connected to any certain state of mind, any specific situation (meaning I have all kinds of conversations with people that "could" seemingly set these off but don't) or any physical trigger.  It definitely doesn't happen everytime I am in a situation like one where the shaking may occur, which leads me to believe that there must be something more behind this then just the "situation"....still have no clue what that would be though.  If Christi is correct in assuming that it is an overload of prana in the central channel, then there must be something that causes this overload at any given moment, or it could/would happen at any time and not just during these certain events (during conversation for me and in anticipation of sex for you).  The fact that (for me) it seems to have a "general trigger" seems to indicate that there is something "environmental" that at least partially causes this, but the fact that it doesn't happen everytime indicates that it isn't strictly environmentally caused.

Originally posted by grihastha

I have no idea what they represent, other than some energy phenomenon, but I was thinking about them just a couple of days ago as being very obviously Shakti-related. I'm quite interested to see if I can duplicate one and do some self-experimentation.

I would be interested to hear if you could induce one of these.  I haven't tried, as I don't particularly like them, and they happen frequently enough as it is for me, but I too will try some experimentation the next time it happens in hopes of understanding this better.  I will post any results I find here....I hope you will do the same.



  • Posts: 184
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2009, 08:52:38 AM »
It hasn't happened to me for many years - we're talking since end of teens - and I guess sex was just more of a novelty back then!  

Though now I come to think of it, I get a similiar  symptom every once in a while just after cosmic samyama, though it's much shorter-lived and obviously connected to Shakti. Generally speaking these shakings/convulsions are pleasant, though they often leave me feeling a bit sick (possibly because my diaphragm's been in spasm).

