Author Topic: Implications of Uneven Practices  (Read 827 times)


  • Posts: 369
Implications of Uneven Practices
« on: March 22, 2009, 04:57:51 AM »
I was wondering if it was OK to alter my sitting routine between the morning and the evening practices.

My basic routine is this: 10 min SB (with Mula, Sambhavi, Siddha, Uddiyana, and Kechari 2), 3-5 cycles of YMK, ~2 mins of Spinal Bastrika, 20 mins DM and ~7mins of Samyama followed by 5-10 mins of rest.

At night I tend to ease up on the "energy practices", as I can't sit until later (get home from work ~ 6:30, family time/kids to bed takes until ~ 8pm). At night, in addition to SB and DM/Samyama, I might only do 1-2 YMK (or none at all), and 1 min of Spinal Bastrika (or none at all), as much more than this makes it difficult to sleep, and I get up ~ 4:30-5:00 to start my sitting practices (before the kids wake up!)

I'm stable enough in practices where I was thinking of upping my Bastrika to 5 mins and layering in Chin Pump Jalandhara in the morning, particularly since I have all day to ground, but think it would be way too much at night.

Is it OK for my morning and evening practices to have this much variation in the routine? YMK, Bastrika and Jalandhara in the morning, but less (and sometimes none) of these at night?

Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated!!  [:)][:)][:)]


  • Posts: 4947
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 05:34:03 AM »
Yep, I think it's fine. I have a full routine in the morning, but just spinal breathing and meditation in the evenings. It has been working well for me. [:)]


  • Posts: 858
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2009, 05:40:44 AM »

I am the same I often change my practices about to accommodate my responsibilities and lifestyle.

Nothing is lost by doing this as with Shanti sometimes I only get to do deep meditation nothing here is any problem its the intent to practice that's important not what you do and when you do it.
If you don't stress and worry about it you will find that everything to do with practices sorts itself out all on its own.


  • Posts: 424
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2009, 06:06:35 AM »
Parallax, I agree with Shanti and Richard's take. Your practice sounds perfect from a time management, family balance perspective and also to help you unwind and rest well...



  • Posts: 369
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 04:58:54 AM »
Shanti, Richard and Kathy,

Thank you all for your kind responses! I appreciate all of the help and support.

Just wanted to be sure that the energy "add-ons" would still be effective if performed once a day.

Richard, "its the intent to practice that's important not what you do and when you do it." Do you still find this to be the case when you have to miss a session b/c something comes up (ie, the kids running into the bedroom in the morning just as you sit on your meditation cushion? [;)] )

Sorry for all of the newbie questions.... [:I]

Peace & Namaste


  • Posts: 858


  • Posts: 369
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2009, 09:14:05 AM »
Richard, thanks...I've actually used Yogani's concept of doing a couple of minutes of DM sitting a bench on a crowded street many times...and meditation in a few other "unorthodox" places as well...whatever it takes!!

Thanks again!


  • Posts: 229
Implications of Uneven Practices
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2009, 10:43:50 AM »
Originally posted by Parallax

Richard, thanks...I've actually used Yogani's concept of doing a couple of minutes of DM sitting a bench on a crowded street many times...and meditation in a few other "unorthodox" places as well...whatever it takes!!

That's the right attitude, my friend [:D]. You seem to be doing fine!