Author Topic: Gratitude  (Read 613 times)


  • Posts: 49
« on: November 27, 2008, 03:51:38 AM »
I am very grateful today.  I have been doing daily AYP practices for about six months and my overload symptoms are finally calming down.  I have been in AA almost 17 years and doing yoga for 18+ years although my yoga practice has become very brief now as it was too stimulating and I have been practicing some serious self-pacing.  In the past year, my family, sister, brother, and Dad have had a series of things happening.  My sister had several DUIs, my brother panic attacks/anxiety with a history of IV drug use, and my father health problems associated with alcohol.  There is this saying in one of the AA readings that someone read to me about a year ago now, that there are only two sins, "the first is to interfere with the growth of another human being, and the second is to interfere with one's own growth."  I have really been taking this to heart really getting this part about not being in control over another's journey, and from this place, being open, loving with family but not offering unsolicited advice, etc.  My practices have helped me to walk through their difficulties with compassion and some semblance of detachment after much anger, grief, etc.  My brother has recently started doing yoga and daily meditation and going to AA, my sister has been going to AA for four months now, and my Dad went to AA this morning and is going to a yoga class tomorrow morning!  I feel like there is much healing going on with my family relationships and I feel very blessed.  wishing you all a happy Thankgiving and I am grateful for this forum and the practices offered here.  Thanks Yogani!


  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 04:08:10 AM »
This gave me a little tear...Thanks for sharing Jan.



  • Posts: 118
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 09:19:33 AM »
Jan that is really great to hear.  As they say, just as the illness can affect a family, so it is with positive stuff too. Attraction not promotion - sounds like a good bit of attraction going on there!

I like what you say about not intefering with growth and not being in control. It always has the opposite effect than one hopes for anyway I think.