Author Topic: The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread  (Read 5548 times)


  • Posts: 4947
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2008, 12:37:32 AM »
Originally posted by emc

Does use of neti pot increase energies to a great extent? I would like to use it to clean out my cold that is not letting go of its grip, but I'm afraid it may boost energies at the same time. Is it wise to use it for cleaning out snot at this state or not?

EMC, check this site.. maybe you will have your answer.
(It was posted in this thread)
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 12:42:03 AM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 2055
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2008, 10:46:15 PM »
A late thanks, Shanti, but I didn't find anything in those threads about that, only that it may stimulate third eye awakening... didn't say much about energies overall.

I just wanted to add to the list:

- nausea
- vertigo
- forgetfulness
- not feeling rested after sleep
- strange apetite with cravings or total loss of apetite, like when you're pregnant


  • Posts: 4947
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2008, 11:15:51 PM »
Originally posted by emc

A late thanks, Shanti, but I didn't find anything in those threads about that, only that it may stimulate third eye awakening... didn't say much about energies overall.

I just wanted to add to the list:

- nausea
- vertigo
- forgetfulness
- not feeling rested after sleep
- strange apetite with cravings or total loss of apetite, like when you're pregnant

I am sorry the site did not help EMC.

I am not sure if you have ever visited the site Biology of Kundalini

All your symptoms have been described as an Exhaustion Phase:  
Hypoadrenalism-- There are about 40 stress hormones, the most important being cortisol, adrenalin and DHEA. As cortisol levels increase there is a decline in the anabolic adrenal hormone DHEA (a precursor of testosterone) which increases depression and leads to increased vulnerability to the catabolic effects of cortisol. Testosterone is needed for new bone growth, muscle repair, and healthy cardiovascular function. Exhaustion of adrenal glands from excessive stress means an eventual drop in glucocorticoids. In the advanced stages hypoadrenalism even means a deficiency cortisol and contributes to anemia and hypoglycemia. Signs of adrenal exhaustion can be as diverse as fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, severe PMS, depression, brain fog, carbohydrate cravings, allergies, muscular pain and tenderness, joint pain and irritable bowel syndrome.
She has a buncha suggestions on how to balance the deficiencies. Also do a search on any of your symptoms and you may find more info on it.
Hopefully this will help a bit more than the neti site I quoted above.[:)]


  • Posts: 2055
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2008, 05:55:12 AM »
So in short - energy overload affects the HPA-axis controlling the stress system (as energy process involves all the glands connected to different chakras) resulting in a variety of symptoms, also known from the medical side as "psychosomatic" symptoms. Symptoms like these are also along the same line found in diagnoses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Burn-out Syndromes and other illnesses that for long have puzzled the doctors. [:)]



  • Posts: 33
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2008, 01:39:51 AM »
This is a good thread for me to read right now. I just decided a few days ago to add the Chin pump to my routine.  I read the instructions over and over and have been doing this routine for five days now.  I would definately consider this to be energy cultivation.  Afer doing this routine 3 days in a row, and rather poorly I might add, I experienced:

Change in sleep habits (heavy sleep when I am usually a light sleeper);
The feeling that I am dreaming a few times throughout the day;
waking up in the middle of the night and feeling so much electrical energy pumping through my body that my body is stiff as a board;
extreme rush of salty taste in my mouth after meditation;
soar neck;
stiff back from time to time;
Feeling of pressure in my chest during meditation;
Pressure in third eye off and on throughout the day.

I was going to stop but I have not stopped so far.  The pros are that my meditation became instantly deeper when I added the chin pump.  
I can feel a noticable amount of energy in my heart, head and third eye.  
I experienced a wierd state during my mediation yesterday where as I thought the mantra a thin stream of air circulated through my body and I felt as though I was continually breathing even though I wasn't.

At this point I will not drop the chin pump because I love the effects it has had on my meditation.  I have been meditating for over a year and have not had such a dramatic change in my meditation until the I did the chin pump.  

I only do four rounds at a sitting so I guess I can continue for a while but I am really in a state of vigilence at this time.

This energy does seem to have an intelligence of its own.  For example, I go to work and during my work hours or other times when


  • Posts: 33
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2008, 01:47:52 AM »
I hit the submit button on my last post before I finished.

I just wondered if anyone else experience the energy as having an intelligence of its own.  Whenever I'm out in public the energy seems to subside, however, when I go home the currents of energy that run through my body become more noticable the moment I go into my house and am out of public view.  I realize that I am probably more aware of them when my attention is not extroverted during the day's activities, but there is also a type of communication that goes on between the energy and me.  Especially, if I am not overdoing the practices.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2008, 02:35:00 AM »
Maatsuah, some quick thoughts:

A lot of what you're saying is very good stuff. But there's indeed indication that you're overdoing...and you know this, demonstrated by your attraction to this thread! I understand the feeling of not wanting to slow down just when things seem to be working well. It's sort of a contrary thought to the body's innate feeling that things are going too fast! You don't want to be a coward, and you don't want to be a daredevil. And your bhakti makes you decide you can tough through overdoing symptoms. Remember that ahimsa - non violence - applies to yourself, as well. If you know you need to decrease practice time, do it. Don't try to "bash through". nothing in yoga works with bashing through!

As for the energy having an intelligence of its own, bingo. The energy is pure intelligence. And it's not separate from you. The innate intelligence/awareness at your core is That. The cool thing is you don't need to understand. Or analyze. Or "get it". Or sort out the house-of-mirrors problems of perspective ("who's aware of awareness?", etc). Just practice. All there is to do is to dissolve ignorance; there's no knowledge to "acquire". Yoga is utterly subtractive, so just let the Cosmic Barber trim your hair. Let the mantra carry the intelligence. Your chattering, nattering mind doesn't need to "validate" the process.

Finally: you can click on the little "pencil" icon above your post to edit it later. You can also click on the trash can icon to delete it

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 02:39:34 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 33
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2008, 04:20:53 AM »
Thanks for your insights Jim

I'm not that good with the computer.  I should, however, know better about overdoing AY practices.  I have not experienced any change in my meditation for a while and suddenly I was expereincing euphoria within days of doing the Chin pump.  I have not felt alarmed or freightened by any of the symptoms I have had recently, however, I will take your advice and back off for a few weeks.  Then I will go back to doing it maybe once a day for the minimum amount of time.

I can use a bit more practice in self pacing.  I have only had a dramatic overload since starting these practices with Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka and that didn't last to long so I feel it won't take me long to properly integrate this new procedure.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2008, 04:35:03 AM »
If I were you, I'd cut my chin pump in half, then watch closely for a week or two (bear in mind that there may be a time delay effect). Watch particularly your involvement in social interactions...that's the real key. If all's well (and I have a feeling it will be), add a little bit more duration every couple of days. If not, take off some duration. Meanwhile, of course, I wouldn't even think of adding on any new practices!

Woops...I just reread your posting. I'd strongly suggest you do your self pacing by reducing the daily time of a given practice, rather than stopping it entirely on a given day. AYP is a daily practice, and needs the constant daily repetition to be effective, so it's not really the AYP way to skip days. So, again, I'd suggest you cut the time of chin pump down, not the daily frequency.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 04:38:25 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 229
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2008, 04:57:36 PM »
- "not much happening" syndrome

I add this because I just went through a several-month period of "not much happening", despite heavy practice sessions. I didn't feel bad, just felt like I wasn't making any spiritual progress.

I cut way back recently, and am starting to feel like I'm getting back on track in my practice.

Peace + Unity


  • Posts: 43
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2008, 04:18:17 PM »
Originally posted by cosmic_troll

- "not much happening" syndrome

I add this because I just went through a several-month period of "not much happening", despite heavy practice sessions. I didn't feel bad, just felt like I wasn't making any spiritual progress.

I cut way back recently, and am starting to feel like I'm getting back on track in my practice.

Peace + Unity

Hi Cosmic,

I'm very confused about this.  From your post it seems like your period of "heavy practices" was not affecting your everyday life negatively.  After all, "not much happening" can be a good thing.  You may have been avoiding distracting scenery while purifying by the boat load.

Can you help clarify how cutting back made you feel like you're getting back on track in your practice?



  • Posts: 43
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2008, 04:40:27 PM »
Some of my overdoing symptoms are:

- Dull pain at the medulla
- Feel like my head is a balloon being slowly inflated
- Tingling feet when I walk it off
- Difficult to control urge for sexual release [:I] (well I've always had this, but now instead of gratification, it seems to come with increased energy - no pun intended [:o)])


  • Posts: 229
The "Overdoing Symptoms" Thread
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2008, 03:06:39 PM »
Originally posted by insideout

Can you help clarify how cutting back made you feel like you're getting back on track in your practice?

Hi insideout,

I'm sorry, but I don't know what I meant by that. I have this habit of speaking in generalities that don't mean anything, because I find it difficult to put my thoughts/feelings into words.

I just felt better in my daily life after I cut back. I felt happier and more relaxed than I did when I was over-doing. My life and practice began to feel more stable after I cut back.

I hope that helps clarify it for you...
