Author Topic: Daytime kundalini checks  (Read 706 times)


  • Posts: 420
Daytime kundalini checks
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:01:00 AM »
Outside of meditation, I've found I've started doing a fair bit more "energy checks". Being top heavy (mostly third eye, and a bit of crown overload sort of stuff) has been one of my re-occuring problems, so I've started the practice of doing a sort of "downwards check". As I breathe out, I just feel the energy down my body, nowhere in particular really, though mostly centered around the spine from the top of my body down to my root and then feet (mostly to see what's stopping the "downwards flow").  

I find I can usually feel where energy is getting "stuck" in a way, and just being aware of that and intending to relax it for a couple seconds usually helps a lot. I usually do this when I'm a bit too "giggly" and not grounded or caught in some negative thought\\emotion sort of pattern... basically whenever I'm hitting any extreme (or... just cuz I think of it haha).

So anyone else wanna share a "quick fix" for everyday imbalances.

ohh, one more I used to do, though I don't anymore (since I reckon it brings too much energy upwards for me), is placing both my hands at my sacral chakrah and bringing them up the center of my body all the way to my third eye, and then outwards like an arm rainbow.


  • Posts: 253
Daytime kundalini checks
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 10:16:33 AM »
Originally posted by Divineis

So anyone else wanna share a "quick fix" for everyday imbalances.
Remembering a name of God.


  • Posts: 969
Daytime kundalini checks
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2008, 11:06:06 AM »
Horse riding stance!  Also, smiling and relaxing.