Author Topic: Nightmares and Kundalini?  (Read 2139 times)


  • Posts: 13
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« on: May 08, 2008, 09:27:22 AM »
Hi, another question I have if anyone can help me with it I would really appreciate it.
I have started on this journey, not by choice but I am open to continuing it and seeing it through...I think I was forced into ego-death when I realised after the accident that I was impermanent and this really has had an affect on my life, negatively at first and the gradually I have been trying to make it positive.
The question I have is about nightmares, recently I have been trying to meditate and open myself up more and last night I had a very real nightmare, vivid in the extreme, much more so than I would usually experience.  
In this dream I was being viciously attacked, I knew it was a dream but I could not wake up at all, I could not scream, I could not breathe, I was choked and silent...I really sensed something dark and when I finally roused myself I literally prayed myself back to sleep...I was somewhat disturbed by this and I wondered whether anyone has had any similar experiences or heard of any vivid dreams being associated with this journey?  
Thanks in advance anyone for any help xxx


  • Posts: 3597
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 10:57:47 AM »
Of course prayer helps get rid of any possibility of something evil hanging around. Also pray several times during the day because daily ritual will spill over into dreams.
Also it may be psychological. I know someone who was emotionally abused as a child. he was constantly told that everything he did wasn't good enough, and that he was stupid and incapable etc. Of course this kind of thing is just being passed down through the generations; it usually doesn't start with just one parent.
But this gives the child the feeling of something dark constantly lurking over him.

This guy had recurring dreams of being chased by a dark, formless thing. He knew he had to get away from it, and that it was evil and meant him harm, but he never dreamed of exactly what it was or why it was bad. The dreams got less frequent when he moved away from his parents, but they still occured occasionally.
So in that case, either therapy, or some kind of energy healing like Psyche-k would be necessary. What would be needed is to remove those fallacious beliefs from the subconscious mind about inadequacy etc.
The part about being choked and silent and unable to move can be a side effect of leaving your body (astral projection) which many of us do in dreams. There is a transition phase when you disconnect from your body and also when you enter it, where you can't yet control it and you can panic in this phase and prolong it.
I imagine meditation should make this better as it should get rid of panic feelings.
I don't know if this has anything to do with your case or not; It's just a possibility i have heard of.


  • Posts: 13
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 12:53:39 PM »
Thanks for the reply Etherfish!
I found the astral projection bit quite interesting and will certainly look that up.
As for the emotional abuse I am glad to say that there is no possibility of that being the reason.  I think I may have had the happiest childhood ever and people call my family 'The Waltons'!  If anything they may have assured me of my worth too much ;)
I will however be praying more than normal tonight just in case...
I just wondered if perhaps there were doors that one opens on this journey that cannot then be closed and perhaps should be kept closed...


  • Posts: 758
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2008, 01:35:52 PM »
Originally posted by lolarosa

Thanks for the reply Etherfish!
I found the astral projection bit quite interesting and will certainly look that up.
As for the emotional abuse I am glad to say that there is no possibility of that being the reason.  I think I may have had the happiest childhood ever and people call my family 'The Waltons'!  If anything they may have assured me of my worth too much ;)
I will however be praying more than normal tonight just in case...
I just wondered if perhaps there were doors that one opens on this journey that cannot then be closed and perhaps should be kept closed...

Hi lolarosa [:)]
  Just a minor question/suggestion:
  which direction does your bed face? Does it go east to west or north to south? The reason I ask is because I read that if your bed is aligned north-south, you get dragged into the earth's magnetic lines at night. The best direction to have your bed is perpendicular to the earth's magnetic lines (east to west) with, if possible, the head pointing towards the east. Ever since I aligned my bed east-west I sleep much better. This tidbit was obtain from a Yogi Bhajan book.

  Also, you can smudge your house and bedroom with burning sage to help clear it. You could also 'bless' or pray over some water and sprinkle it around the bedroom.  Or, (this works for me), just ask for love and protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before you go to bed.



  • Posts: 12
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2008, 01:12:37 AM »
the kundalini symptoms though vital will subside after a little practice. As long as we maintain our twice daily practice and stick to the basics in terms of food and other things, everything will fall into place

- wilder


  • Posts: 13
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 03:12:34 AM »
Thanks Wilder for your help [:)]

Originally posted by Wilder

the kundalini symptoms though vital will subside after a little practice. As long as we maintain our twice daily practice and stick to the basics in terms of food and other things, everything will fall into place

- wilder


  • Posts: 13
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 08:29:03 AM »
Tibetan Ice, I have absolutely no idea but I am going to find out and try and change it accordingly x

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by lolarosa

Thanks for the reply Etherfish!
I found the astral projection bit quite interesting and will certainly look that up.
As for the emotional abuse I am glad to say that there is no possibility of that being the reason.  I think I may have had the happiest childhood ever and people call my family 'The Waltons'!  If anything they may have assured me of my worth too much ;)
I will however be praying more than normal tonight just in case...
I just wondered if perhaps there were doors that one opens on this journey that cannot then be closed and perhaps should be kept closed...

Hi lolarosa [:)]
  Just a minor question/suggestion:
  which direction does your bed face? Does it go east to west or north to south? The reason I ask is because I read that if your bed is aligned north-south, you get dragged into the earth's magnetic lines at night. The best direction to have your bed is perpendicular to the earth's magnetic lines (east to west) with, if possible, the head pointing towards the east. Ever since I aligned my bed east-west I sleep much better. This tidbit was obtain from a Yogi Bhajan book.

  Also, you can smudge your house and bedroom with burning sage to help clear it. You could also 'bless' or pray over some water and sprinkle it around the bedroom.  Or, (this works for me), just ask for love and protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before you go to bed.



  • Posts: 2055
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2008, 08:20:30 AM »
Tibetan I,

Thank you for the info on the bed! What a coincidence (NOT!!) that I just looked at my bed a few days ago and sort of saw it better placed in another direction. Not until I now read your post it became obvious that I wanted to place it east-west with head towards east!!!! [:D] I love this mystery! And I will immediately change my bed location!

Lolarosa, I have noticed I often get nightmares when my psyche is processing something that is about to bubble up. An old blockage that is particularly stubborn. Then the psyche sort of kneads it during the night until it's ready to be released. (Often released with more or less notice during meditation.) Just remember, everything that happens is for purification and alright! Even if it is momentarily uncomfortable.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 08:23:45 AM by emc »


  • Posts: 758
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2008, 01:04:17 PM »
Hi lolarosa and emc  [:)]
  Since moving my bed I would not go back to the old way.

  Just remember, magnetic north is a bit more to the right ( if you want to pay attention to detail) [:D]
  I can hardly wait to hear what your results are.


  • Posts: 3597
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2008, 01:17:14 AM »
Yes magnetic north is different than map north, but magnetic is what a compass indicates, if you are using a compass.

P.S. did you know the magnetic north pole is moving? What global warming people won't tell you or don't know, is that there are major changes much more than just temperature happening all over the earth, and on ALL other planets in our solar system. NASA knows this but doesn't widely publisize it; you have to dig for it. I think it is all connected to the spiritual energy increasing.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2008, 03:01:23 AM by Etherfish »


  • Posts: 38
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2008, 08:40:08 AM »
Hi Larosa -

Sometimes frightening dreams are really k-dreams, often with a black dog chasing you.  The correct response would be to submit to it (shakti) and invite it  to devour you. [:0]  Not sure if that's what you were experiencing or not, but good to keep in mind![^]


  • Posts: 264
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2008, 12:46:12 PM »
Originally posted by Hannah
Sometimes frightening dreams are really k-dreams,..

Hi Hannah,

What is a k-dream or kundalini-dream ?



  • Posts: 13
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2008, 06:38:16 AM »
Hi Hannah, I have no idea whether it was or not and haven't heard of a k-dream! I definitely did not submit in fact I did everything not to submit, I struggled and struggled...Next time should I just submit?  I mean I would prefer that there isn't a next time but I suppose submitting is worth a go?! :)
Originally posted by Hannah

Hi Larosa -

Sometimes frightening dreams are really k-dreams, often with a black dog chasing you.  The correct response would be to submit to it (shakti) and invite it  to devour you. [:0]  Not sure if that's what you were experiencing or not, but good to keep in mind![^]


  • Posts: 191
Nightmares and Kundalini?
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2008, 01:14:35 PM »
Hello Lolarosa,

I suffered nightmares for a couple of years until I read The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.  Maintaining consciousness into sleep and gaining some control over the process is very empowering.  The Tibetian Tantra and Dzogchen practices outlined in this book may be difficult for you to follow, however, if you have other religious  beliefs.

A nonreligious approach is discussed in Stephen LaBerge's online book on lucid dreaming:
gradually I have been trying to make it positive.
You're in the right place.  Welcome! [:)]
