Author Topic: Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net  (Read 1552 times)


  • Posts: 64
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« on: March 27, 2008, 07:13:57 AM »
Note: Here is an MP3 link for the completed interview (12min, 5.8MB):


Trying to do my part to get the word out, so tomorrow morning, Friday starting around 6:40 EDT I will have a brief interview with one of our pracitioners--the audience I am talking to is very conservative, so the route we are going to take is to discuss how meditation can improve your golf game.  I know it won't be that deep of a reach into what we do, but every little bit of publicity helps.  

The interview is going to be on 55KRC in Cincinnati, Ohio--for those of you who barely make it over to the AM band, that would be 550AM. :)  You can also listen online at  I'm not the regular host, just filling in for the week and this discussion is certainly a departure from the normal conservative talk-fare on the station. I'll do the best I can.  I don't think we will have time to take questions from callers, but we'll see.

I am far from a technical whiz, but if anybody wants to record this somehow for posterity's sake, please feel free.  I am sure I can get a copy of it on CD if anyone would like to post it to the site here or elsewhere.

If you have suggestions for questions, please post away!!!

Big love

Scott Fitzgerald


  • Posts: 64
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 08:08:19 AM »
I'm not a golfer, however I know folks on both side of the addiction.  :)  My experience has shown me that the passion runs deep in both directions--the love and the hate of the game.

I understand the question, and in looking for a "safe" way to get the interview on the air, this was a position to take.  My gut says that for this audience, we can't tell them that after a period of time of practicing they will be seeing blue dots, enjoying full-body orgasms, and loving it when their tongue slithers up their nasal cavity. It would be beyond the comfort zone of normal conversation for them.  Particularly since I am the guest host here, I can't push the envelope too far, as I want the chance to do it again.  The current host is aware of my practice and he made me promise I would use no sanskrit terms on the air in his absence. :)

You and I and all who come here regularly know what the purpose and end game is--spiritual awakening.  The question is how can we get the listeners to want to dip their toe in the water?  I don't believe it will sound like meditation is "just a useful tip to help a golf game," but if we can get even a few people to try, and they find their golf score going down, and their bhakti going up, I will be content.

Doubts?  All input welcome.


  • Posts: 1589
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 08:38:20 AM »
Hi Scott,

Sounds great, any discussion on the merits of meditation will do some good in terms of making it more socially acceptable and "main-stream".

I have found the angle David Lynch uses to promote meditation on his website, with published scientific research on the values of meditation in education and with learning disorders, to be a powerful way to showcase its value to the more skeptical.

You can hit the news links here for some potential ideas:

Best of luck![:)]
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 08:39:31 AM by Anthem »


  • Posts: 260
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2008, 08:48:43 AM »
Hi Scott,

Your mention of golf and meditation brought the golf movie 'The Legend of Bagger Vance' with Will Smith and Matt Damon to mind.  Have you seen it?  If not and you have time, it might stoke your imagination and provide you with some additional ideas on how to bring golf and deep meditation together in interesting ways for your audience.  I find stories that capture an audiences attention a great way to get an open lively discussion going.  In any case, I am not a golfer but I really enjoyed the movie.

Love and Light [:p],
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 08:54:12 AM by Steve »


  • Posts: 176
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 11:56:46 AM »
Hi Scott:

Thanks for your time and efforts.
Talk to you in the AM.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 11:55:09 PM by Guy_51 »


  • Posts: 424
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 12:51:49 PM »
I think Scott is right on. Pull people into AYP using whatever avenue works. They'll reap the benefit; we all will.

Fantastic job Scott.  Thanks for doing the interview!!!

light, life and love,



  • Posts: 572
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 02:18:12 PM »
scott: The current host is aware of my practice and he made me promise I would use no sanskrit terms on the air in his absence. :)


(great humor, too, John)

Hey, scott, you seem like you have a keen sense of humor and that's one of the best ways of creating an opening, like Steve suggested.  
As you know, focus and concentration are big in golf in relation to no distraction. And being "Zen" in the moment is a pretty known catchphrase that may be useful, since there is always a distraction before the swing. (A golf buddy talking, someone on a phone, a rabbit scurrying across the green, a rogue breeze: LOL [:D]).

Anyway, I look forward to listening and have fun with it:


« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 02:35:24 PM by VIL »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 04:18:50 PM »
Great work, Scott! It's an awesome idea.

There is a long and glorious history of using art forms as vehicles to cultivate spiritual growth (AYP doesn't talk about this that much, though Yogani had interesting thoughts on it here: ). By "art forms", I certainly include classical eastern forms like archery and martial arts. Golf is the archery of our time, shares a lot in common, and bringing meditation into that context is not only appropriate, but downright splendid.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 10:59:46 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 409
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 11:43:07 PM »
Hi Scott,

It is 7:30 est and I am listening to your station but I am afraid I am a bit late. You were interviewing some IT people from San Diego.

I think it is a great idea. You have to meet people at their level of understanding. I hope it went well. Who knows who will be motivated in the direction of yoga as result of your interview with the AYP practitioner.

Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation.

Maybe you can provide a link so we can hear the archive if there is one.

Boy, I would have never guessed the guy with the radio announcer voice on conservative talk radio is a meditater.

Rush Limbaugh...Sean Hannity...? OK, probably not.

Maybe if it was NPR or something. [:D]

Interestingly, Hannity has read the Power of Now by Tolle, tho.

More power to you, yb.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 11:51:59 PM by yogibear »

Black Rebel Radio

  • Posts: 98
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2008, 01:14:29 AM »
Hey Scott. That is very cool. How did it go? I would have recorded it if I had seen your announcement in time. Shoot me an email the next time you (or anyone) are going to do a radio show and I will capture the audio stream if it is available.



  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2008, 02:42:05 AM »
Thanks much, Scott and Guy.

Here is an MP3 link for the talk (12min, 5.8MB):

I loved it! [:)]

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 572
Interview with an AYP'er on the radio/net
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2008, 04:08:42 AM »
I also thought it was excellent.  Great job!
