Author Topic: Ecstatic radiance?  (Read 7110 times)


  • Posts: 1464
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #90 on: September 25, 2007, 08:25:04 PM »
Hi Christi
That sounds like amazing stuff going on with yourself and your daughter.
I would be interested to hear how your daughter is grounded in relationships. Does she socially interact well, engage in physical activities etc.? Do you have her on a vegitarian diet?

It seems to me that you are quit grounded yourself so your interaction with her should not be a problem unless she shows signs of being ungrounded.
On the other hand,if, as you say, you feel concerned when your brow and crown are particularly active - does this mean you feel ungrounded at these times yourself?

We have a son and daughter of sixteen and eighteen in our care and it is a great honour and learning opportunity for us at every level.

I haven't had your experiences so I am talking generally here.

I would look at it two ways.
What is she learning from you
and what are you learning from her through mirroring, I'm sure you know, our children are our greatest and most clear mirrors.

I am concerned that she will be drawn through the bindu (star) before she is ready.

What would be the consequences of this?

All the best


  • Posts: 1589
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #91 on: September 26, 2007, 05:45:22 AM »
Great questions above from Louis, looking forward to Christi's answers. Pretty amazing experiences from your 4 year old, hopefully she will be able to keep herself open as she gets older.

I have started to see that pipe recently too, it appears more as a hole in my field of vision. I've had a bunch of OBE's during sleep (which I don't usually want as I don't feel rested afterwards) that and recently found myself trying to go through that hole, not sure why I have such a strong urge to do so, not having any idea what's on the other side or if that is even the right thing to do? Any info. welcome.

In regards to energy fields from people and the effects they can have on others. Last week I finally got back on the right side of the equation after a long time over, by heavy self-pacing. I didn't get to enjoy it too long before being introduced to an individual who was apparently extremely awake. I had an hour an a half conversation with this fellow, only to find myself over and burning like I had meditated for 4 hours straight or something. It took me 3 days to recover.  

I attribute the going-over from meeting him more to me, it was like I was ravenously trying to devour anything he could give me as I was very open to him. I could be wrong, but if I had been less close to the edge or less open, it likely would have been fine. I’m starting to feel like I’m just meant to be over! Oh well, I'm getting so used to it, I'm hardly bothered by it anymore![:o)]


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #92 on: September 26, 2007, 07:14:04 PM »
Hi Louis,
I would be interested to hear how your daughter is grounded in relationships. Does she socially interact well, engage in physical activities etc.? Do you have her on a vegitarian diet?

She seems very grounded. She is very physically active and gets on well with other children. I am not worried on that front. She has been on a vegetarian diet since birth.

It seems to me that you are quit grounded yourself so your interaction with her should not be a problem unless she shows signs of being ungrounded.
On the other hand,if, as you say, you feel concerned when your brow and crown are particularly active - does this mean you feel ungrounded at these times yourself?

Well... occasionally, yes. But it is more that I feel the radiance is working more powerfully through me when these centers are open. Not only that, but chakras resonate with the same chakras in someone else, so if you are close to someone with an open heart chakra, your heart chakra will tend to open more, and if you are close to someone with a very active crown, your crown will tend to become more active too. This is what I have seen happening to people around me. My daughter’s crown, I believe, responds fairly strongly to my crown, especially when she is calm, like when she is lying down trying to fall asleep.

I would look at it two ways.
What is she learning from you
and what are you learning from her through mirroring, I'm sure you know, our children are our greatest and most clear mirrors.

She has taught me more in 4 years than anyone else in my life. I expect any parent can say that.

I am concerned that she will be drawn through the bindu (star) before she is ready.


What would be the consequences of this?

Actually, I don't really know. Yogani does recommend in the main lessons not to enter the star until we are naturally drawn through it. I met a man once who I believe had been through too soon. He described the whole process to me, and told me what was on the other side. It had happened, I believe, several years earlier and he seemed to be still in a state of shock, like he had experienced something that was too majestic for his mind and body to comprehend.
Would that happen to a four year old? I don't know. She does say that she is afraid of the light, that it is too bright and moves too fast. I have only seen it a few times myself.

Hi Anthem,
I didn't get to enjoy it too long before being introduced to an individual who was apparently extremely awake. I had an hour an a half conversation with this fellow, only to find myself over and burning like I had meditated for 4 hours straight or something. It took me 3 days to recover.

Sounds like he was pretty awake!

I attribute the going-over from meeting him more to me, it was like I was ravenously trying to devour anything he could give me as I was very open to him. I could be wrong, but if I had been less close to the edge or less open, it likely would have been fine.

I mentioned above about the chakras resonating with each other in different people's bodies. The other way that I have experienced this stuff working is simply by looking into the eyes of someone who is very awake. If they are living in a state that is beyond the mind then, if we are ready, that will draw us into that state too. I think that is why darshan is called darshan, coming from the Sanskrit Drish (to see). So we get elevated through the sight of a saint.
Be careful who you look at! I am surprised that he didn't realize that you were on the edge though, and tone it down a bit.


  • Posts: 530
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #93 on: September 27, 2007, 02:18:24 AM »
I don't think there is anything wrong with these experiences as long as the child doesn't obsess over them.  There could be some problem if the child is advanced and tries to do too much leading with other children who might not be partaking of the same vibrations.  It is only natural for kids to share and try to instruct each other.  If she plays well, and is steadily processing the charged energy around her, she'll be right as rain.  You can spot a difference in a child's behavior psychically and respond intuitively.  

I was with a girl for almost 5 years, and spent a lot of time with her daughter while she was training to further her medical degree.  This little girl was an old soul, could speak fluidly at one and half, and had an amazing brain.  She had the sense of humor of someone three to four years her age, as well as the delivery!  Her teacher told us, whatever we were doing, keep doing it.  No advice needed.  And she told Kalli, I'm not supposed to tell you, but you were my favorite kindergardener.  Not to sound selfish, but  Rachel was either working or at school for a long time, I felt great honor by what her teacher told us.  Never had my own child or experience in a relationship where the girl had a kid, so I knew that following my heart and intuition was not only powerful, but healing, helpful, order begetting.  

I have six nieces and nephews, two I get off the bus and cook for at least 10 times a week.  Always, vegetarian with a strict policy of eating organic products.  I make them do yoga every day when they get off the bus, before homework and play.

Yesterday, my nephew said in front of me to his dad, I wish Zack was my play dad and you were my work dad.  My bro probably didn't like that, and when he took his other son to play tennis I told the little one to clarify what he meant.  I told him I'm just great for goofing around!  ;)   Then my younger nephew later that night, on my sister's side, was riding in the car with me.  He was very happy, I could feel the vibrations.  He said to me, "Uncle, I'm so glad of you", which I easily interpreted as, "you make me glad, Uncle."

Heart vibes, heart vibes.  As a child I was so damaged by traumatic fighting.  Kids love you when you meet them on their level, which is pure in most cases, aside from strong destructive influences from the environment.  A child is a heart that is always under threat by the unconscious or ignorant.  A child is a body of intentions without adequate will to perform them, a will without the way.  They radiate such joy when they are honored.  

Christi, I have perfect faith in you!  Your family is lucky to have your heart in their corner.  

Many Blessings!
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 02:32:54 AM by Kyman »


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #94 on: September 30, 2007, 08:29:38 PM »
Hi Zack

I don't think there is anything wrong with these experiences as long as the child doesn't obsess over them. There could be some problem if the child is advanced and tries to do too much leading with other children who might not be partaking of the same vibrations. It is only natural for kids to share and try to instruct each other. If she plays well, and is steadily processing the charged energy around her, she'll be right as rain. You can spot a difference in a child's behavior psychically and respond intuitively.  

Thanks for the advice, I very much hope you are right, but I will still err on the side of caution.

Christi, I have perfect faith in you! Your family is lucky to have your heart in their corner.

And thanks for the kind words. [:)]


  • Posts: 1
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #95 on: January 24, 2008, 12:44:17 PM »
Hi Katrine.

*Sorry for this post being a bit late, but I've just started here, and I was so moved I had to say something. :)*
I totally agree with you about the ecstatic radiance. I was feeling down hearted when reading the thread. I was uplifted when reading your post.

and please keep posting


BTW  Hi everyone and thanks Yogani for this wonderful forum.


  • Posts: 1843
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #96 on: January 24, 2008, 08:32:28 PM »
Hi Richard

Welcome [:)]


  • Posts: 858
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #97 on: January 25, 2008, 01:50:53 AM »
Wow another Richard, and from Perth as well I was there a month ago and i loved it

Welcome to the forum Richard

Richard [:D]
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 01:53:12 AM by Richard »