Author Topic: kundalini headaches  (Read 1415 times)


  • Posts: 6
kundalini headaches
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:41:14 PM »

hello everyone

My name is Sharma, I am in midst of kundalini awakening process.. now a days my head is heavy and I am having kundalini induced headaches.. Can anyone suggest my any techniques, herbs or anything else to stop these headaches.. (I don't want to turn the kundalini off though)

thankyou everyone and kind regards



  • Posts: 4947
kundalini headaches
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:50:22 AM »
Welcome to the forum Sharma.[:)]

You have not told us if you are practicing AYP.

Your symptoms are what we call overload here and the suggestions we have are to self pace. Not sure what your routine is, but you will need to cut back on your practice time till this phase passes. Taking walks and doing some exercises will help, Eating a heavier diet for a few days, till the symptoms passes also helps. Staying away from spiritual friends, books, talks, or anything that will increase your bhakti, for a short period helps too.

Here is AYP, we have a structured practice that involves deep meditation and spinal breathing pranayama as core practices with various other practices added on later as and when you are ready. If you'd be interested in reading more about this, please start reading from the first chapter here.

To get more info and links on kundalini you can look up the yoga FAQs:
Energy - Excess Kundalini Symptoms?

Hope these help.
Wish you all the best.[:)]


  • Posts: 145
kundalini headaches
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2007, 06:14:09 AM »
i have found, that head aches are due to "pressure" in the head, stagnat.
doing proper spinal breathing, focuse on the down, for! people doing spinal breathing, but getting head aches, are moving energy up, but not bringing it down sufficiantly.

ALso, and ill put this in another form, spinal breathing seems diffucult, if their is no present form of pressure, its like blowing air, with no ballon to be moves by it. wispy,


  • Posts: 6
kundalini headaches
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 08:27:22 AM »
hello shanti, thankyou for your reply. I am not practicing AYP. thankyou for all the links, the information given on this site is really fantastic. I will follow your suggestions and go through the links .. and will try to implement these techniques.

thankyou avatar, I will keep the tips in mind while following spinal breathing.

Is there anyway of knowing where does one stand in the process of awakening i mean to say how far is he or she from reaching a fully awakened kundalini.

kind regards



  • Posts: 2055
kundalini headaches
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2007, 05:55:23 PM »
"Is there anyway of knowing where does one stand in the process of awakening i mean to say how far is he or she from reaching a fully awakened kundalini."

If you mean by "fully awakened kundalini" to be fully awake also in awareness, I can only speak of my own experience and the answer is no (edit: that is - I still have no clue of yow far I have reached!). But with a small perhaps attached to it... There are signs of progress or milestones, but the tricky part is: you never know if you are gonna follow the "normal path" or not! As Adyashanti says: The spiritual seeker may have lots and lots of deep, fantastic spiritual experiences, and still never get to be "fully awake". While others may have very few extraordinary experiences and then suddenly wake up fully.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 08:21:45 AM by emc »


  • Posts: 6
kundalini headaches
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 03:36:59 PM »
hello emc, I don't actually know what awareness means. By fully awakened kundalini I mean when one can see whenever he wants through his inner eye.. inside his body..  that means the kundalini is with him/her 24/7 .. it is never off, that means his/her third eye is always there at the person's will.. to be used.


  • Posts: 4947
kundalini headaches
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 11:24:53 AM »
Originally posted by munda_kamaal

Is there anyway of knowing where does one stand in the process of awakening i mean to say how far is he or she from reaching a fully awakened kundalini.

This path is a beautiful unfoldment of your self. Since it is (as Yogani and many other enlightened souls say) a journey from here to here.. it's hard to figure out where you really are in this journey and how much longer you will have to travel. Every person is different and what is true for one, may not be true for the next. Each one has their own unique matrix of obstructions to get through.. and some will have energy experiences first (kundalini 24/7).. some visual (looking through the inner/3rd eye), some will experience bliss, expansion, love.. etc..

Over time I have come to realize this is a process of
practice----> purification--->opening--->allowing  
which leads to
practice----> purification--->opening--->allowing  
which leads to
practice----> purification--->opening--->allowing  

I guess you get the idea.[:)]

It's like pealing away layers of an onion..

All that you can do is practice..
This will lead to purification...
....this leads to openings...
....and with openings comes accepting and allowing.
The more you accept and  the less you look for signs of progress.. the more you will open and the more blessings will flow through you. If you get caught up in these openings or as we in AYP call it scenery.. the longer your journey will take.

Having said this.. Yogani has lessons that point out milestones...
Lesson 35 - Meditation Q&A – Enlightenment milestones
Lesson 85 - Q&A – Enlightenment milestones revisited
Lesson 100 - Q&A – What is enlightenment?
Lesson 120 - Q&A – “Getting enlightenment”
Lesson 274 - What’s the End Game in Yoga?

You can look up more in the topic index under Scenery (visions, energy experiences, etc.)

Yogani summarizes many of the things people ask very nicely in this lesson: Lesson 204 - Summary of principles, abilities, and practices

Hope these help.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
kundalini headaches
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 12:00:27 PM »
The real problem with this sort of thinking is that the individual doing the talking and wanting to do the rating is a fiction, and yoga is about transcending this fiction and relaxing into the universality of it all. So the person doing the talking and wanting to do the rating has absolutely no "progress" to look forward to. In fact, quite the contrary. When we talk of "letting go", that's the stuff that gets let go of.  This is why the notion that you are enlightened or you are becoming enlightened is hysterically funny.

"Hey, I've vanquished my ego mind!" [roar of crowd swells while I pump air with fist].
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 12:01:43 PM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 6
kundalini headaches
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2007, 11:40:39 AM »
hello Shanti, thankyou for your reply. I do totally understand what you said in the post, I went through the wonderful lessons too, both things have provided me with a great clarity and answers to what was going in my mind.

Thankyou again!