Author Topic: Kundalini & Vertigo?  (Read 1538 times)


  • Posts: 1654
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« on: September 18, 2006, 03:05:17 PM »

I got a whomping case of vertigo this weekend.

Never had it before - nasty!

Still have it; it has just mellowed a bit.

I've seen it listed (via Googling) in conjunction with kundalini movement.

Has anyone here experienced this?

If so, do you know of anything that helps, or that helps to avoid symptoms?

Thanks -- Namaste,



  • Posts: 967
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 03:38:37 PM »

I was experiencing that not long ago. Scroll down to an earlier thread here in kundalini titled vortex. I don't get it much lately, it subsided for now. I actually kinda miss it. It would make me sit and be still and silent.

Peace, alan


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 03:45:39 AM »

Hi Kirtanman,
This is what Alan is talking about.

A lot of people have experienced vertigo and dizziness.. just a couple of posts here.. but you could do a search on dizziness and find many more... It is purification and generally goes away in time... Self Pace [:p] if it gets too much....

Super Time Delayed Reactions

And a very interesting topic on Garlic + Side effects


  • Posts: 967
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 06:25:09 AM »
Thanks Shanti!
Sorry, I should be more thorough :-)


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 09:30:24 AM »
Originally posted by Balance

Thanks Shanti!
Sorry, I should be more thorough :-)

Hee hee hee... not to worry Alan.. that is what I am here for...[:D]

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 01:39:06 PM »
Classic sign of overdoing.

If you've added a practice lately, try removing it. If your meditation is creeping above 20 mins, reduce it back. If none of the above, reduce meditation time by a few mins.


  • Posts: 12
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2006, 12:58:52 AM »
Sometimes Coffee causes that to.


  • Posts: 1654
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 02:26:26 AM »

Thanks All - very helpful, and much appreciated!

As many of you know, through reading my posts, I've been running very high amounts of energy lately -- but have also kept a very close eye on any signs of need to self-pace ... and this one very much "snuck in the back door".

My practice times are just about on par with what it recommended (certainly not "off" enough to account for a major case of vertigo -- major = couldn't walk without assistance for a full half-day Sunday, still woozy a little, as I write this, on Wednesday morning).

However, when *major* ecstasy has kicked in (as I have posted), I'll sometimes ride it -- and many of you also know (per my posts on nutrition and diet) that my "dietary purity" has been lacking ... I wonder if that combo (good energy meets bad diet) contributed?

There's also the old "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, maybe, just maybe, it's a ......" side of things: the two "everyday world" contributors to vertigo tend to be: having a cold (which affects ear pressure) or air travel (ditto) -- and I flew, for the first time in roughly nine months, last week.

(And not being "contrary" here by any stretch ... I'm just wondering if the air travel plus the kundalini movement worked together to create this situation?)

And I've been self-pacing, out of necessity -- my "standard AYP times" for spinal breathing and meditation have both rolled back to about 5 mins. per day, each, for the last few days .... that's all I've been able to manage, without feeling more ill (though I'm improving enough daily, that I expect to be back on "normal-ish" schedule within 2-3 days, at the most).

Thanks again - very sincerely!!

(And, of course, any additional insight / comments are most welcome).

Peace & Namaste,



  • Posts: 17
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2007, 07:13:12 AM »

Good afternoon all,

Dizziness! Vertigo! Nausea!
It started on Saturday and I still have it on Thursday. Saturday was the worst dizziness ever and Monday right after sadhana, a case of nausea set in for the remainder of the day. I have stopped all techniques since Tuesday.

Saturday night I went to work and felt like cookie doug or the stretch character from Fantastic Four movie.

I went to Mothers Market & Kitchen and asked the herbalist what he thought. He said that some people have reported feeling dizziness when doing types of yoga, because the body calms down and blood pressure may drop. Has any body else heard this before?


  • Posts: 19
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2007, 09:55:37 AM »
It is true that the blood pressure does drop during asana, even more during pranayama, and also during meditation.  However, dizziness due to blood pressure differences should correct themselves after several minutes, because the body recognizes the imbalance and takes physiological action in returning to homeostatis (normality).  It is like the light-headed tunnel-vision that occurs when getting up too quickly from meditation or pranayama (if you practice that).  A continuation of dizziness or vertigo (vertigo is typically characterized specifically from dizziness as a sensation that the environment (or your own body) is moving around you, making you feel disoriented, even though the environment (your body) often is not) is usually a sign that something deeper is happening.  Perhaps it is due the the psychic energy system in the body being affected upon by SB/kriya practice, or kundalini if you like, or it a physical/psychological imbalance (not like craziness).

I'm definitely not the one to say that your cases are either only physical/psychological in nature, or a result of your spiritual practices.  I think Jim has the right idea that some basic troubleshooting is in order.  An expensive doctor would do the same, anyways.  It would be suggestible to try altering your sadhana or taking a break from it, in conjunction with administering some sort of therapy (herbalism, homeopathy, etc., what have you).


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2007, 12:16:13 AM »
Originally posted by blackmuladar

Good afternoon all,

Dizziness! Vertigo! Nausea!
It started on Saturday and I still have it on Thursday. Saturday was the worst dizziness ever and Monday right after sadhana, a case of nausea set in for the remainder of the day. I have stopped all techniques since Tuesday.

Saturday night I went to work and felt like cookie doug or the stretch character from Fantastic Four movie.

I went to Mothers Market & Kitchen and asked the herbalist what he thought. He said that some people have reported feeling dizziness when doing types of yoga, because the body calms down and blood pressure may drop. Has any body else heard this before?

Hi B,
You need to cut back on your practice a bit if you are feeling so uncomfortable. Maybe stop everything and just do 10 min meditation twice a day. Not sure what your routine is right now, but sounds like you really need to self pace.


  • Posts: 2055
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2007, 09:59:01 PM »
Today's quote from the master:

All changes in consciousness are due to the "I-am-the-body" idea. Divested of this idea, the mind becomes steady. There is pure being, free of experiencing anything in particular.
/Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Who is suffering from vertigo? What happens when you switch perspective and get real? My experience is that symptoms go instantly to where they belong - into the unreal *poof*, the illusion, this empty reflection, and bothers no more. There's noone there to be dizzy or nauseaus anylonger... No worries about overdoing, overload or kundalini symptoms, no worries whatsoever... no need to change anything in practices or life being lived... What happens when you recall who you really are?


  • Posts: 875
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2007, 10:59:17 PM »
Vertigo is horrible.  When you're in the middle of it, there's *no one* there to ask those questions, emc!  :) It's hard to do much self-inquiry when your head's in a toilet.  I've never heard of vertigo and kundalini, so the above is good info.  I also want to add something from my own experience:

Kirtanman - do you have tinnitus?  Incessant ringing in an ear?  If so, it can occasionally develop into Meniere's Disease, which is just awful.  Complete vertigo due to inner ear imbalance, usually brought on by eating extremely salty foods in combination with already-existing tinnitus.  The signs of M's Disease include hanging your head over a toilet for 8-10 hour stretches, dizzying room spins, and wanting to die on the spot.  Just a thought.  I hope that it's kundalini overdoing.


  • Posts: 5
Kundalini & Vertigo?
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2007, 06:36:30 PM »
Hi.  I'm new here.  I just posted a thread called "My Kundalini experience, short and sweet".

I was interested in this thread because I've had vertigo since I was 12, but only very short episodes - except one really extreme one like the one mentioned by Kirtanman.  It lasted hours.  I had to lie down because any time I moved my head even just a tiny bit, my brain would turn upside down inside my head.  I had to hold onto the bed.  I finally went to sleep, and I got up in the middle of the night.  The vertigo seemed to be gone, but I was falling over when I stood up.

The next day I felt fine.

I never heard of vertigo having anything to do with Kundalini, but it does make me wonder now because I know that both happened within the same year or two.  Which came first, I can't remember.  I always thought the vertigo happened because I was anemic at the time.  After the episode, I added sunflower seeds to my diet for the iron.  I never had a severe vertigo episode like that again, so I assumed the additional iron in my diet had fixed the problem.  Now I'm not so sure.  Maybe it was the Kundalini, or a combination of the Kundalini and anemia.