Author Topic: Wings in the etheric body?  (Read 6793 times)


  • Posts: 49
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #60 on: October 22, 2011, 07:09:16 AM »
Hi Christi,

I was curious as to why you say the experience was disturbing?


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #61 on: October 22, 2011, 05:42:37 PM »
Originally posted by KundaNewb

Hi Christi,

I was curious as to why you say the experience was disturbing?

Hi Kundanewb,

It was an experience which happened arround 6 years ago during meditation. It was disturbing because I lost any sensation of my physical form, and the sensation of my physical form was replaced temporarily with the awareness of a different body, one made up of strands of electric liquid golden light. It was a different size and shape compared to my physical body, and very highly charged. The appearance of the wings was something I was not used to.

Basically it was outside of my comfort zone at the time. [:)]


  • Posts: 420
Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #62 on: October 26, 2011, 08:36:42 AM »
Christi... you said soemthing about moving through etheric or astral planes or something. A few hears ago, I started feeling like the earth beneath my feet was moving; as if my body had just dropped into the ground like six inches. It happens pretty often, it's almost like an earth quake feeling, except no one else around me feels it. Maybe it's like moving through one of these planes... im really not sure. Anyway, ive been told by one guy that he did indeed see wings on me. I flap them just for fun at times. A more spiritually aware person I know says to me... dont do that, blah... haha,  I spin my halo too, she says it's a waste of energy. Oh man, scenery's fun, yup :).

I've actually had a few memories of me being an angel of welcoming (into hell or heaven). My favorite memory; telling bible thumpers they've chosen the wrong religion (obviously not, but hey... they make others feel akward about the Bible and such. you just gotta try to be integrous in good!!!). I've had some nice memories too, of trying to give one last chance to people who weren't too too bad on earth, but still deserved one last chance.


  • Posts: 2269
Re: Wings in the etheric body?
« Reply #63 on: September 24, 2019, 12:04:53 PM »
950 Posts

Posted - May 21 2016 :  9:17:22 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I have wings. It felt like a slow build, 3-4 months. I don't have large prana flows like the OP( Christi). The "building" happens when I'm laying in bed watching t. v. not in meditation. It's the goosebump prana doing it's thing( I didn't know what it was doing).

I haven't read all the posts in this thread. I have to disagree with the posts of skepticism and the posts about you being a special being to have them. If I have them, it's highly likely we all do.
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Posted - May 22 2016 :  11:29:16 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Christi the two Chakras you are referring to are used in the second Kriya Initiation of Shibendu Lahiri as pathways to move attention through in a particular circuit. The purpose is for more refined purification or so we were told.

Originally posted by Christi

Hi everyone.
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced wings in their etheric body? Whilst doing a solo "retreat mode" AYP practice, I experienced a huge rush of energy up my back. 2 Chakras opened, one on each shoulder blade, and energy started pouring out of them, flowing upwards and outwards and then dropping back down, forming two "wings" on either side of my body, extending out several feet from my body on either side, and rising to about a foot above my shoulders. At the same time I "grew" into my etheric body, becoming golden, and about 6 inches taller than I normally am. I found the whole experience quite disturbing. I am wondering if anyone else has felt this? Are they really wings? And if so, what are they for? We don't use them for astral flight (at least I don't), and they are not needed as far as I know for levitation of the physical body. I am also confused as there is no mention of humans having etheric wings in any of the yogic literature that I have seen, or even of chakras on the shoulder blades?
Anyone got any ideas?

Love and light

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Posted - Dec 01 2016 :  2:45:36 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Dear all,

I practice Yogani teaching for only several months.
The experience related to "wings" occurred to me one year ago, when I was still engaged in Chan bouddhist practice.
At that period, I had strong & strange perceptions during my meditation. For example, the perception of a big light even if my eyes were closed and in the dark.
One day of autumn, during my daily meditation,I felt suddenly a strong sensation of anchoring in my back, two points. And then a kind of deployment of etherical wings.
I was so scared that I stop meditating.
Nothing since.

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Posted - Dec 05 2016 :  11:52:08 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I have never felt the wings but some years ago I experienced the opening of the chakras in the centre of my hands. I was a little freaked out too. I had just finished sitting one evening and laid down to rest when I suddenly felt like I was embodying Jesus (his energy entering and merging with mine) and the centre of my hands "tore open". I was afraid to open my eyes and look in case they were bleeding. Stigmata. When I did examine my hands, they were fine and I realised it must just be minor chakras opening.
