Author Topic: Healing  (Read 3369 times)


  • Posts: 409
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2008, 02:59:31 AM »
Hi Steve,

Can you repost those links? I came back to get them and they were gone! [:0] [:)]

Thanks much, yb.


  • Posts: 260
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2008, 04:00:00 AM »
Hi yb,

(Sorry, yogibear.  Last nite, I had deleted and reposted several times from home on a not too reliable computer, really need to get a new one. Here's the post, did it from work this time.)  
Have you heard about the book 'Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation (Hardcover)' by Richard Bartlett, chiropractor. If not, the Amazon link is: .
And the Matrix Energetics website is where seminar content is discussed.
There are several videos that can be viewed at . The introduction video is rightmost one on the top row (13 min).
Matrix Energetics, The Science and Art of Transformation, provides an easily-reproducible, results-oriented process of change that draws on the fundamental principles embraced by the field of quantum physics. This paradigm-busting book can teach anyone how to access their creative power to heal and transform their lives. Dr. Richard Bartlett discovered that what he once thought about the human body was just the tip of the iceberg -- after seeing change beneath his hands, and hearing about the invisible transformations that were often revealed later -- he knew that he had to pass along what he had discovered.
I recently shared the book with some of my chiropractor friends. As a chiropractor, you might be interested in reading. This is not on the healing level that Katrine has shared with us but it is an interesting intermediary step forward to healing beyond many of the standard traditional practices used in chiropractic and alternative medicine today.
Katrine I love your sharings ... the beautiful, natural way they've evolved into being and the way you have shared them so simply straight from the heart. For me the key elements, that allow the type of healing you describe to occur are 1) a solid foundation of inner silence, 2) a continual offering of one's wholeself to Source, every part including our shadows, 3) a fully open and awakened heart that is 'in-love' with what is, the divine in all and 4) being an instrument for Source allowing the Love to flow-radiate-resonate in and through(out) one’s heart and whole Self without manipulation or trying to control it in anyway ... trusting, knowing and realizing that the Love always gives the best. It is so inspiring and uplifting to feel the Love in your posts. They too are healing and touch me deeply.
Katrine you have expressed it much simpler, better and sweeter ...
And now.....I am coming together. In order to heal, one must oneself be whole. Since it is never any partiality that "does" the healing. Healing cannot be done. It simply takes place. One can be a conduit for it.....a channel for the healing force.....but always as its servant; never as its....boss. If i am the boss.....then the outcome is not ...lasting. It can still be powerful.....but maybe not so transforming. Since it will not make people permanently independant.
And I have come to see that the only permanent healing is that of the heart. When symptoms occur......if these very symptoms will lead you to the opening of your heart – then nothing is wrong. Nothing needs fixing then. On the other hand; if you for some reason or other cannot progress through the symptoms; then the help of another (whos hart is open...and whos force is clean and strong and harmonious) will help you to grow. But not through the removal of the symptoms only. Something else must happen also (or else the healing won’t last): Your heart must be touched by it. As such – one touch can be enough for a very long time. The effect of it can last for a long time; if you listen and let yourself be transformed by it.

When our heart is touched and opened by the Love, all things are possible. Each and every moment of our lives our Source, our true Father-Mother, wants to give us the best. It's always been that way. Our open heart is the key. I am learning this lesson every day, albeit at a slower pace than some others, still surrendering the shadows, my will and ego, but none-the-less learning, enjoying and being grateful for the opportunity.
The Love of Source is not limited to healing those in the physical body. The Love works everywhere in all dimensions and beyond. I have experienced this with my family members my sister, mother and father after their passing. The type of healing of which you speak can reach and touch the souls of the departed, actually their hearts, helping them to let go of emotions, attachments, hurts and pains, to forgive and be open to better receive the direct Love and Blessings of Source and to let the Love work to help them in whatever way is best. My friends and other better instruments than myself helped me and my family in this regard. It was beautiful to verify the before and after effect on the souls of my family members. And now, even after time has passed, though their condition is fluid for they still have their own learning, lessons and choices, they are all much better off than before because their hearts are more open and better able to receive the Love.
Thank you both, yb and Katrine for your many beautiful sharings throughout the forum ... they are much appreciated.
Love and Light,


  • Posts: 409
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2008, 11:58:02 PM »
Thanks again, Steve. Best, yb.


  • Posts: 1843
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2008, 01:18:03 AM »
Hi Steve
Thank you so much for being so open and receptive to what these posts (including your own) are communicating:

The fact that we are all fed - and therefore exist -  by the same source.

May you enjoy all of it [:)]