Author Topic: Hello everybody :-)  (Read 739 times)


  • Posts: 1
Hello everybody :-)
« on: July 10, 2008, 01:35:13 AM »
hello everybody

I'm a new member.  It was sheer luck that I found this website.I am so glad to meet all you wonderful members.

I happened to read a lot about the ill effects of kundalini rising (psychosis and stuff like that)and that had really sacred me so much I had almost decided to stop all my yoga and my meditation.

Somehow it really seemed at odds with what I had read about before about the Unierse being energy and pure love and only love (books like Louise Hay's and other members of the hayhouse foundation.  Somehow it seemed all warm and just right)  

These new webpages have been a big shock.

Is there anyway one can follow this path only for wellbeing and harmony (No kundalini rising and scary stuff like that.)  I ask this as about 10 years back I used to do sun salutations and once I did feel a tickling sensation at the base of my spine which lasted for about 10 minutes.  Not a bad feeling but unnerving. Since then I have been doing yoga sporadically.

I once meditated with an amethyst crystal and was depressed for a long time after that. I gave that up too as I was expecting my 2nd child at that time.

Hence now I want only something safe which brings happiness and joy in everyday living (no lows thankyou :-))  

Could anybody help me ?

Thank you.


  • Posts: 424
Hello everybody :-)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 08:10:26 AM »
Hi Alakananda and welcome to the forum. AYP strongly recommends self-pacing in all our practices, especially if there are any unwanted side-effects, or experiences that are uncomfortable for us as we practice.  

I would start by reading the AYP lessons and just meditating, never more than 20 minutes at a time. Rest a few minutes after your meditation--->

Eventually you may wish to add pranayama and more. But you can always reduce your practice time or the components of your practice if you are in any way uncomfortable.  The benefits of meditation are profound, and it is worth putting the time in to reading the lessons and doing the practice.  

And there is a wonderful community here of people who can listen and share with you if ever you have questions or concerns.

In light and love,



  • Posts: 858
Hello everybody :-)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 08:30:51 AM »
Hi alakananda welcome to the forum [:)]

Kathy has given you the perfect answer.

 Read the lessons follow them carefully, self pace and you should have no problem at all. If you do we are all here to help.