Author Topic: are there advantges not going to bindu?  (Read 681 times)


  • Posts: 142
are there advantges not going to bindu?
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:11:40 AM »
I see in ayp spinal breathing the path in from root thru ajna into the area inbetween eyes brows. i came up through shambavi mahamudra(no spinal breathing) and when i learned the spinal breathing method i was taught to go through the medulla and then up to bindu. i had already been exposed to ayp ideas and feel drawn to going through the ajna into middle eye brow area(or even to crown ). i do however mentally chant ooong into each chakra as i go up. im just wanting to know if there is any advanatge going to ajna over going through medulla to the bindu


  • Posts: 142
are there advantges not going to bindu?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 02:42:19 AM »
also i feel as if i can trace my spine upwards to the point as well as just using the coloumn of energy that is not in my spine. should i do both? two separate practices or stick to one?


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
are there advantges not going to bindu?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 04:31:58 AM »
Hi Gabe,

I assume by "bindu" you mean the bindu chakra on the top back of the head rather than bindu above the crown chakra?

Yes, there are definite advantages to using the third eye as the end point of Spinal Breathing. The third eye is the ajna chakra in Sanskrit which means "control". It is called that because it gives a great deal of control and stability over the inner energy flows in the body. If things become unstable higher up, we can use the ajna to stabilize the awakening and produce a smoother journey.

The second reason that I would not recommend using the bindu chakra is because it is too close to the crown and too closely related to the crown energy wise. the crown chakra is a very unstable chakra and activating it too early on in the sadhana can bring about a lot of problems which are not easily remedied.

So my advice would be to stick with root to third eye for Spinal Breathing.

Regarding your second question- if you are able to feel the flow of prana in your body and that flow is not happening in your spine, then follow the flow of energy. The end point should still be the ajna chakra at the brow though. If the flow of prana is going to the crown or bindu, then bring your attention to the brow instead. As the body purifies and the shushumna nadi broadens it also comes forward, leaving the spine and coming more towards the centre of the body which is why you are experiencing a flow separate from the spine.
