Author Topic: No expectations = miraculous happenings?  (Read 2480 times)


  • Posts: 3178
No expectations = miraculous happenings?
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2013, 10:19:28 AM »
Did my first chin-ups post broken arm today.  Pretty excited about the speedy recovery.  [^]


  • Posts: 437
No expectations = miraculous happenings?
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2013, 05:54:12 AM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

This was also something I had to verify in sober-state after having numerous experiences on entheogens in which I was unbound awareness and able to remote-view/hear things.  I've been able to verify (for myself) in sober-state that awareness is not only localized but can also be unbound and remote-viewing/hearing/sensing and more is possible in sober-state same as it was in psychedelic-induced altered-states.  I suggest always remaining skeptical of people like me who state things like this though.  Don't take my word for it!!! [;)]

LOL  A few days ago, I woke up out of a dream that the alarm clock was going off just moments before the alarm clock actually went off.  [:D]  Haha!  There!  I have proof that time is an illusion.  Now if I could just convince my boss of that...  [:D][:o)]

I'll have to content myself with that.  I see the trap of wanting more and more proof.  It's really another way of wanting to be special.  That desire to be special is a real doozy.  I let it go and let it go, and still it comes back.  This time I'm enclosing the "Liz wants to be special" desire in the beautiful wapping paper called "irrefutable evidence of non duality."  I'm a smart girl, and am therefore very good at fooling myself!  [:D]

I'm glad your arm is all healed!


  • Posts: 676
No expectations = miraculous happenings?
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2013, 09:23:08 AM »
Feel the consciousness of each person as your own consciousness.
So, leaving aside concern for self, become each being.

Stunning! Thanks lalow. I love the book of secrets - which version did you get this from? I've actually been doing that a bit recently, kind of automatically/intuitively, when my attention focuses on someone, my body-mind gets forgotten a bit, and they are everything in my attention. I'm becoming them. I'm only just getting a feel for it really.

But it's a really good little technique. Makes me feel very intimate and close with everything and everyone in perception. :-)


  • Posts: 84
No expectations = miraculous happenings?
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2013, 12:36:22 PM »
Scattered thoughts...

I often stop and wonder, "what happens next?" because it always brings lovely surprises.
However, I sometimes perform my own version of affirmation-like samyama when I want to feel like I have some control, or when I think "Huey" has got it wrong again.
It often works quite well.

I tend to think that the extent our free will, is lessened the more we identify with what we have learned to call "everyday life"
The greater our identification, the greater our identity, the stronger our sense of control, yet the weaker our ability to manifest what we want.
Amusingly, we are most powerful when we have no identity, no control, and no desire to make anything happen at all. Fully potential.

The illusoriness of "everyday life" seems to depend on where I choose to hold my awareness. In the body, the feelings, the mind, or none of them.
The two most effective techniques for me in clarifying these matters, seem to be Meditation, and Investigation.
Particularly investigation of Beliefs, Expectations, and Conditionings and the discomfort they cause when they clash with real life.
Funny how Buddhists also talk of the need to develop concentration, and wisdom.

All of these things appear to be true, one way or another, but I take none of this seriously, because above all, I'm aware that I'm not seeing the full picture yet.



  • Posts: 253
No expectations = miraculous happenings?
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2013, 01:06:48 AM »
Originally posted by mr_anderson

Feel the consciousness of each person as your own consciousness.
So, leaving aside concern for self, become each being.

Stunning! Thanks lalow. I love the book of secrets - which version did you get this from? I've actually been doing that a bit recently, kind of automatically/intuitively, when my attention focuses on someone, my body-mind gets forgotten a bit, and they are everything in my attention. I'm becoming them. I'm only just getting a feel for it really.

But it's a really good little technique. Makes me feel very intimate and close with everything and everyone in perception. :-)

Sorry I missed this post.  I have it on kindle but found the techniques online several years ago.  I was hoping the book would have more commentary on this technique, but it doesn't.

IMHO, it's the most beautiful out of the 112.  Tough, may I say impossible, at my level but beautiful nonetheless.