Author Topic: Amaroli and Lyme Disease  (Read 1021 times)


  • Posts: 5
Amaroli and Lyme Disease
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:59:36 AM »
I believe that I may have been bitten by a tick that possibly carried Lyme Disease.  I have been doing the Amaroli practice for about 11 months now.  I am not sure if I should be confident that the Amaroli practice will be enough to help my immune system fight off the lyme disease. Theoretically it seems like it should. That you turn it on itself by doing amaroli and render it neutralized.   However I do fear that if that is not the case, I could develop the long term problems that come with this disease. Has anyone had the situation before or know of anyone who did?  Any feedback would be very helpful.  Thank you.


  • Posts: 336
Amaroli and Lyme Disease
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2012, 12:39:15 PM »
Originally posted by Nyspirit1

I believe that I may have been bitten by a tick that possibly carried Lyme Disease.  I have been doing the Amaroli practice for about 11 months now.  I am not sure if I should be confident that the Amaroli practice will be enough to help my immune system fight off the lyme disease. Theoretically it seems like it should. That you turn it on itself by doing amaroli and render it neutralized.   However I do fear that if that is not the case, I could develop the long term problems that come with this disease. Has anyone had the situation before or know of anyone who did?  Any feedback would be very helpful.  Thank you.

Lyme disease is nothing to play around with.

If you indeed have it, a simple antibiotic course will cure it,
if you are diagnosed early.

If you let it conqueror your body, the consequences can be things like  heart damage. The longer you go, the less likely antibiotics will
be an easy fix.

Please leave spiritual practices for spiritual issues, and medical attention for the things which medicine does simply and well.





  • Posts: 351
Amaroli and Lyme Disease
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2012, 01:02:34 PM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 5
Amaroli and Lyme Disease
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2012, 02:57:09 PM »
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am looking into medical help. I was just curious if anyone else had found themselves in this situation and how they handled it. Again thank you.



  • Posts: 378
Amaroli and Lyme Disease
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 07:13:27 AM »
As Kev wrote, if it's already visible on your skin (there are useful pics on the web to compare to), then an antibiotic cure is practically unavoidable. Preferably, stronger than penicilin (for example tetracyclin/doxycyclin), because the bacteria is becoming increasingly resistant.
Residual disease (small pockets of bacteria having survived this cure here and there in the body) is argued upon. The American Lyme disease association of doctors says it's real (as do many Antroposofic doctors), others say it's not.

In Finland, they sell a rather mild homeopatic cure, Borrelia C30, as a followup after the atibiotics. Circlum Farmasia Oy, .

As a prevention, most pharmacies also offer insect repellants that have been custom-tailored recently to stink bad to a tick. You spray it onto shoes, socks, pants bottom etc.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 07:14:04 AM by HathaTeacher »