Author Topic: Giving - Khalil Gebran  (Read 468 times)


  • Posts: 3001
Giving - Khalil Gebran
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:10:30 AM »
You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."
The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their wealth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and and instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life -- while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.


  • Posts: 99
Giving - Khalil Gebran
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2012, 10:38:36 PM »
The beauty and message of this piece by Khalil is Biblical.

Very nice. Thanks for sharing Ananda.

Now if only we all 'truly' embraced its Truth...




  • Posts: 3001
Giving - Khalil Gebran
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 09:52:29 PM »