Author Topic: Children and enlightenment  (Read 823 times)


  • Posts: 57
Children and enlightenment
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:45:01 PM »
Hi everyone.  

I am happily married (6 years!) and a father of two...a 2.5 year old boy and a 9 month old girl.  Both my children are very bright, and my son in particular has a very complex view of the world for such a young person.  I love my kids more than anything.

That said, I was wondering if anyone out there had some insight on a few things related to children and yoga practices.

1.  Anyone who has experienced the rise of the witness in their life: has this impacted the way you view your kids?  Do you cherish moments with them even more now?  Do you see them differently?

2.  When would it be advisable to begin teaching them the complexity of the world and introducing them to yoga practices?  Or is this something they need to "stumble across" all on their own?  I'm not big on forcing worldviews, philosophies or beliefs on other people (even your kids), so I'm wondering what people think about these things.

Thanks in advance for the insights!


  • Posts: 115
Children and enlightenment
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 11:59:16 PM »
Hi Bourgo,

I can't comment on this one since I have no kids :) But regarding your second question I thought you might find this lesson useful:


  • Posts: 971
Children and enlightenment
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 02:54:15 AM »
Hi Bourgo,

Very good topic... I have three teenage children. The rise of the witness can create an initial (temporary) sense of detachment, but I have found a deepening of my relationship with my children. With the increasing sense of peace, it is easier to be patient and not get caught up in the drama that can cause lots of irritation with the kids. Overall, it is all positive.

With education, I have tried to teach my children to be open (while based in a Christian framework). Even beyond "stumbling across", they have started there exploration on their own. Two of my children can already actively "feel the energy".

As the AYP lesson describes, with formalized practices, I would wait until the children are older.



  • Posts: 57
Children and enlightenment
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 05:44:25 AM »
Great, thanks to both of you.... very helpful.

@ jeff: that is excellent insight, I appreciate it.  I have not yet begun to feel a significant presence of the witness yet, but I presume it is the next step in my journey so I was very curious as to the effects.  And that "irritation" that you speak of... terrible 2s are aptly named... frustration is a huge problem.  The good thing is that since I started DM, I am far far more calm and relaxed when dealing with the hardships of parenthood, so all is well [:)]

I really appreciate the advice.  Thanks so much.


  • Posts: 828
Children and enlightenment
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 05:56:14 PM »
Just love them, love them, love them. Help them develop enquiring minds and hearts (guide them to the Inner Guru) - the rest is beyond your control. Your children's life (and Karma)is their own, you have No say and No control on what is going to happen to them.
