Author Topic: Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice  (Read 1054 times)


  • Posts: 252
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« on: August 03, 2011, 02:56:18 PM »
After two weeks of AYP and no meditation history, I was struggling with overpowering crown sensation for last two days, and ofcourse staying away from any kind of practice for some time. I think I pulled back in right time and I am feeling much better now.

Trying to trace how it started.  In DM, I felt heavy pressure on ajna. Always happens, but so much this time that I was trying to move it down. It came down to the line from bridge to the tip of nose and exerted heavy pressure along the line of nose, which faded around the cheeks – and it won’t come down any further. Next day the sensation started around noon while I was in office. Energy droplets moving around crown and slight pressure, which cooled down in half an hour. I thought it may be a "scenery along the path" as it cooled down then, so I sat for SBP/DM in the evening. After SBP, I tried DM thrice but had to give up after 2-3 minutes try each time, as head sensation were going crazy. Energy droplet stated moving towards ear, neck, temple, and so strong that it felt like I could touch them if they were any stronger. I got up, started watching TV but the movement won’t allow me to concentrate, and intuitively I was trying push the energy down. This helped somewhat (could not get below throat) to stop energy but caused strong headache in temples and above neck. Both energy and headache stayed with me for the next day. It was toughest around noon in the office. I was in verge of panicking, but surprisingly I was doing my office work well though feeling very awkward in my head. It gave an assurance of grounding. During the day, I read some great discussion here about excess energy and I picked up walking/heavy eating/concentrating on feet and resting in heart (not much successful on the last one – how do you do this?).

Now I am feeling much better with very little or no movement, headache lightened a lot, and I had some pleasant and light sensations once in a while (for not more than a second at a time) which seems peacemaking. One is Goosebumps in head, another is feeling like hair tossing in air while there were none.

Now, I thought I was in very early stage of practice to experience something like this, and was not mentally prepared at all.

So I am staying away from any kind of practice for now. The latest news before these was an energy movement in perineum, and I feel energy in ajna for years. These were almost nonexistent during the tougher time during last two days. Now they are coming back. As a whole I am feeling much better, but the ticking concern is as I look back, I do not see what I did for an overdoing. I should figure this out before I sit again.

Please help me with your suggestions.


  • Posts: 252
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 06:58:34 PM »
I wanted to add that the left side of head is much more affected than the right side. For example I am getting this 'hair tossing in air' feeling only in the left side.


  • Posts: 422
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 09:09:12 PM »
Hi Dawncalling & Welcome,

The way i see it, any left-right imbalances can be addressed with 'nadi shodhana' to ,at the least, help balance the energies out.Its surely the one single practice that can address this issue the most.

The sensations such as Cool breezes on the crown typically and forehead, tingling sensations i interpet as symptomatic of the subtle energies moving,flushing,awakening etc.

2 weeks at AYP is'nt long but reveiwing your practice in response to percevied effects is a part of yogic practice.

If one stops some practices then only to feel better, perhaps much better than that would have to be a no-brainer.Modifying,subtractiing or tweaking the details of your practice is a key to becoming self-sufficient and adapting the practice to suit that indiividual and perhaps his/her particular matrix of obstructions.

These are merely some conclusions i've arrived at.[:)]

P.S Crown disurbance is'nt a bad thing;indeed probably a good thing depending on how you define 'disturbance',negative or not. But it suggests that your nervous system is ripe enough to produce these kinds of effects and/or changes.It might just mean you're a bit alarmed by it but the practices are all about coaxing things to open up.Go slowly, i.e self-pace and you should be fine.My feelings are that i think you can probably only really learn or grasp this, digest it through i think a long-term persepctive and approach to your practice whatever it may be.And of course that can change from time to time from day to day, week, month or year as so it should be doing, even if it's just some of the ( finer or subtler) details.

The real test of whether your practice(s) are working or not is how you manage to  successively integrate them with your daily living and life..

i.e ---How does one feel?  

A relative seamlesssness is good.

Also What one does outside of "formal" practice is also part of bigger practice- action/karma yoga, grounding,self-inquiry( what should you be doing?, what is good for you, best? ) etc.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 10:14:15 PM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 252
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 09:03:18 PM »
Well I call it disturbance as it is in the crown, cause i learned that it can be dangerous or painful, and may effect my professional life adversly. So I am little sceptical about anything related to crown, given that i do not have such powerful spiritual sensation in other bodyparts yet, and not in the mental plane also (as I heard people feel extra ordinery happiness/love and others). However, truely speaking, I would have been very happy, and embraced it if such sensation would have occured at some other area other than the crown. And yes, definitely I would not called it disturbance then.

I am really waiting to get back to my practices once I get my head cooled. I am getting better each day now. Only remaining thing is like very small ant walking on my head and they found my left side sweeter than right side [:)]. As you pointed out, I really want to keep it as continuous journey in long term.

I'm expecting to get back to practice sooner than later. Thanks for your support.


  • Posts: 422
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2011, 06:55:49 AM »
Hi DawnCalling[:)],

The 3 main nadis are ida,pingala and sushumna. Most people either have a dominant ida or pingala unless they have progressed in yoga (or start off that way at this juncture, life-time etc[;)] providing you believe in all of that)and balanced the both.(Balance will determine if kundalini will comfortably rise and or say not retreat back to root which it can do if it's awaken too quickly or prematurely which is what happened in my case  seeing as i also started off with a slightly dominant pingala or right  body side plus i was guilty of forcing using hatha yoga and automatic internal  yoga manouvres).You sound like me; you may have a more dominant pingala nadi.This i believe is usually evidenced by more sensations on the left side of third-eye/ajna and/or crown.Your cue for gaining more balance is your right side and brain will waken up. If you come to yoga with a bigger imbalance on one side you will find the practice called nadi shodhana a panacea for all imbalances.The left nostril corresponds to ida and the right to pingala.Strangely enough my pingala is dominant but my pingal/right nostril is usually been more closed. An effective way i have found to open up a more closed nostril is to lie on the side opposite the closed nostril for at least five minutes , before commencing nadi shodhana. I find this works every time.Also you know the yogis say the nostrils switch every 90mins or so.

**Right hemipshere,ida,left nostril,left side of the body & nadi channels
**Left hemipshere,pingala,right nostril,right side of the body & nadi channels

There's your cue.You can actually feel dormant areas on one side of the brain and/or nadis(ie the subtle nerves) lighten up and consequently feel more balanced,more centred afterwards.It's a kind of sensitivity to the movement of the subtle currents of energy which is cultivated and observed while, i.e during sitting practices  or indeed outside of them.

I don't strictly follow AYP currently but follow it's principles.And i've compared a few different traditions or schools. The is no such thing as the better way just different approaches and methods.

But if you balance ida and pingala
Sushumna can awaken and will naturally.
Then kundalini will rise and awaken.

The STARTING premise of AYP is the cultivation of inner silence through deep meditation.See how this works for you and then you can review your practice accordingly. I can tell you that i also do a third-eye practice where i focus on the third-eye.A gentle sambhavi occurs also then i can add that too but mainly just place my awareness at the ajna centre either on the forehead or if you want to go deeper between at the top of the spinal cord between the ears and straight through the forehead. In the beggining stages on the forehead is good enough place to start.This may be confusing if you're new to AYP or internal yoga, following attention and intention.I believe the practice should  be adapted or ideally tailored to suit the individual but at this early stage it's worth  following AYP as precribed in the lessons for what works and what perhaps may not work so well.

The company of other practioners, such as this forum, is a great boon and motivator.. It does'nt really matter what they do or maybe don't follow. If you've got a shared sangha and heart in yoga then the details  of practice don't really matter.The magic ingredient is really bhakti  or spiritual deisre regardless of the method,school or approach and all else will follow.So you can stick with a method or bunch of methods for the long-term approach and gradually you develop the faith and sefl-suufficiency that you are on the right path for you.The path may alter or the details of practice may be modofied or refined. Also you want to weigh up dietary and lifestyle observations or considerations that come along with the eight-limbed path of classical yoga and how they fit into the bigger picture along with necessary grounding,exercise,mental peace etc.It cann take time  too witness the real fruits of practice but it's worth it and a little faith goes a long way.

Read up(i.e AYP lessons), study and the main thing of all--practice.

Crown activity after two weeks i interpret as a good thing; it just means you're ripe. If it bothers you then you can bring your attention to the third-eye  and place it there without or without sambhavi(optional is the way i do it), the crown opens by proxy as Yogani beautifully explains.It's all about balance, not forcing, going steadily but surely.The analogy Yogani used is to put your foot on the gas pedal of a ferrari before you've familliarised yourself properly with the controls or without a tank and how the vehicle behaves,operates etc etc.

Some people may appear to worry unecessarily about things.And where they hear the label say kundalini yoga it sends the bejeebees through them. Well we never would have went to the moon if that was the case. You climb the mountain in baby steps. Before you know  you've gone farther than you think. A great thing with AYP is developing skills in sefl-sufficency and cultivating the inner guru and the silent witness. This is a great spiritual ally and guide in often confusing sea of diverse and differing information and advise. Main thing is not to worry etc.

Generally speaking

asana if you can do that
some pranayama

Do it once or twice a day and then see how you get on. Two weeks really is early days.

Best of luck .And hope this is helpful and not too confusing.[:)]

P.S AYP for two weeks to me means you do deep meditation.There's also spinal breathing too which you add on at some point before later.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 07:43:39 AM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 422
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2011, 08:19:16 AM »
It's worth mentioning that when i woke up my K prematurely i was using dynamic uddiyana bandha( which i realise that now), ujjayi and single-pointedness of mind/letting go during vigourous vinyasa practice.It's been adequately documented on this site. These movements came on automatic during the final six weeks or month of practice before my PKA.

I believe it's relatively unusual as far as online cases i've read about( and one text i read mentioned this also although it can happen) but you live & learn i guess.Also i had a slightly dominant pingala wheni started and my K retreated back to root.If I had known the meaning of a full-scope practice  then when i started that included alittle pranayama and meditation in addition to asana then i'd have a maybe a more potent practice but also a safer one.With regard to safety in yoga it's largely about balance and going slowly,i.e selfpacing and not forcing(ahimsa).Also if you wish to amplify your practice dietary and lifestyle considerations can be assessed.

Hope this is informative.

 I often find myself writing a little background bio of my own kundalini trip, journey.There really is nothing to worry about if you've found AYP.I encountered one anecdotal suggesstion of a person on this site using AYP that said he encountered negative effects but i'm not sure if he documented it or felt comfortable doing so.I believe he followed another system but i just remember he took offense to a post of mine where i said ayp is safe and i was'nt aware of any negative feeback.The beauty of this forum is that people can document cause and effect because yoga is a science that can be understood,data collected on and applied.I remember i let one of the admin who apologised for this attack privately that  that is what this forum is for in part at least to document experiences for the benefit of us all. If one encouters anything negative with a system even if it's 1/10000 people then the forum i think and everyone benefits from knowing about it.I think he maybe now follows a more kundalini-based path that was rooted in taoist yoga or glen morris' KAP or something like that.The info. i gleamed from this person was a bit sketchy. I explained to the author of the thread/AYP beginner why i thought ayp was safe for a variety of reasons principally self-pacing and because the main practices are global purifiers. The response i got  from the person offeneded by my remarks/post(s) was a slightly emotve 'where have i been' response  so make of that what you will.It was a thread authored by a beginner asking about safety in yoga and AYP.And i was just trying to allay any concerns they might have had.No further info. or details were  volunteered or put on the table..But ,so ,make of that what you will.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 09:43:26 AM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 3178
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 08:19:53 AM »
Hi DawnCalling and welcome to the AYP forums![:D]

In AYP we don't micromanage the unfolding.  Instead we practice a simple and incredibly effective set of practices, twice a day, and deal with any difficulties by using the principles of self pacing (see left side of the page for the lesson on pacing) and engage in grounding practices to help balance the energy.

My suggestion to you would be to continue with DM, twice a day for the next week or so, for maybe 10 minutes a session, and ensure that you rest afterwards for about 10 minutes. See how you feel after that week and adjust from there, maybe adding 2 or 3 minutes of SBP beforehand and watching for any uncomfortable sensations during regular activity.  If things seem to have smoothed out after a month or so with a practice set along the lines of 2-3min SBP, 10-15min DM, 10min rest, then you could start to increase your times very slowly.  I wager that you are a bit on the sensitive side and that less is truly going to be more for you.... at least for now.

Remember to get lots of physical activity during the day, enough rest at night and to PACE YOURSELF!  [;)]  The journey is a marathon not a sprint.

Best of luck!


P.S. Sorry if this seems a bit disjointed... Am typing this on my phone while sitting at the airport.


  • Posts: 252
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2011, 08:09:25 PM »
Hi akasha,

Thanks a lot for everything you shared, I think this knowledge will be pivotal for further journey.  Let me tell you, my left eye opens bigger, left chin bone is bigger, and if I put me palm in the back of my head, left side is higher up and the right side is depressed/ lower. (this are little subtle and people generally misses out when they look at me[8D], howevr, thay are little surprised to see if i point out[:p] - no that i do a lot) So, left-right imbalance sounds very natural to me as I hear it from you. Having said that, I don’t consider this as discouraging factors (these only can add some more colors), because we started process of purification, and I will work out the balance for this also – and what you shared will be of immense help I feel.

You said, you also faced such issues and your K returned back. How are you doing now? and what is latest?

You have suggested about coming to third eye – well, my natural place is third eye I have come to believe. My DM can start and end in third eye if I do not try to leave the place to have a body-less feeling (Yogani suggested no to try to place the mantra anywhere in the body in DM). Now that I don’t actually ‘try’ – so I guess I can stay there, at least at this phase. Well the AYP I follow is 5m sirsasana, 5-10m SBP, 15 – 20m of DM (I don’t check watch/clock), sisanasana and three bandha were somting I started couple of weeks before coming in touch with AYP, which I continued. But bandha I did seperately, no in the same sitting. I will read about sambhabi.

I am sorry to here about the disappointment coming from forum. As far as people like me are concerned, I understand that thousands of people take the practice differently, will have different experience. So when you share your thought – it may be anything between extremely helpful to not helpful. I cant at the moment imagine a situation that would justify taking offence. Besides you have been extremely helpful for me[:D].

CarsonZi, your posting was cool[8D], thanks. Hope you had a nice journey.  I can feel what you mean by marathon, and this itself explains that it’s impossible to micro manage and trying that will be good way to get lost. I had some other experiences also (some good, some uncomfortable – like one I am having now is exceptional lack of sleep, still I am not too much tired next day) for which I have chosen to stay cool, keep moving, and wait for the direction from inner guru. It’s the crown which left me a little hyper I guess[8)] cause people keeps warning about it. SBP I was already doing, but I was not taking rest later. I will try that, thanks.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 08:12:47 PM by Swan »


  • Posts: 1
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 05:23:50 AM »
Hi thanks for sharing this info please take the time to listen to my latest project Kundalini Rising


  • Posts: 3597
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 05:39:36 AM »
Welcome to the forum , l.kioni [:)]

Thanks for putting that out there; good job!


  • Posts: 252
Crown disturbance in two weeks of practice
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2011, 10:02:13 PM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

 you are a bit on the sensitive side and that less is truly going to be more for you.... at least for now.

Hi CarsonZi,

I think I mistranslated what you said here. I am still looking for stability, and I just recently came through the lesson 367 for sensitive people - when I seemed to understand the point.

Currently my practice is reduced to ten minutes of breathe meditation only, with everything else cut down, even 'I AM'. (Sigh...)however, this is for the best it seems. I am planning to continue with this for a month.

I would like to thank Yogani for the solutions to sensitive people, and for sharing that it is an increasing trend. It's reassuring that what happened/happening to me is not far off the range, but just close to one end of the range.

[PS: I tried to get back to SBP/DM routine in the mean time, at least once a day, but could not stay with it. Either head sensation would kick me out of DM, or if I can go through DM, the next day or after two days, head sensation would become more vigorous in day time.]

lots of love!!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 10:16:11 PM by Swan »