Author Topic: healing for a serious ilness  (Read 1208 times)


  • Posts: 91
healing for a serious ilness
« on: November 05, 2010, 02:07:16 AM »
Hello everybody,

I have a friend to whom I passed AYP on few months ago. His father is very sick, has spinal cancer. I think they have been told by doctors that his system doesn't response the medicines.
My friend today asked me if there is any spiritual way or meditation technic that would help him healing. Please share with me if you have any ideas?
Also I'm going to recommend him to read Samyama lessons (to start samyama healing for his father), Amoroli lessons and find a Reiki master. Do you think these are good ideas to pass him?

Thank you very much


  • Posts: 182
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 08:17:40 AM »
I think they are all good ideas. There are many alternatives to western medicine for all ailments, whether they will work is another thing altogether. I think I have read somewhere about Amaroli curing cancer, not sure though, also hydrogen peroxide may be another one to look into, but Amaroli's probably better. Also have you looked into Ayurveda? Also Chinese healing? I came across this about a year ago don't know if it is bogus or not? here is info on the hospital I think . Also there is a book by Yogananda Scientific healing affirmations, it's a nice read, quite cheap, may help.

Additionally if he is that way inclined he may benefit from some self inquiry reading. Also it's not precisely self inquiry but in Eckhart Tolle's the power of now (which may benefit him, being simple and accessible to people from all walks of life, not necessarily spiritual), Eckhart highlights how terminal illness can bring people very close to the truth of themselves/the self/the one, their true nature. I have also read other Advaitists etc, Mooji, Gangaji speak of this. It may be his time, awakening can happen through facing death.

Other than this don't know what to say, regular AYP practice is always good.

Hope this helps




  • Posts: 182
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 08:31:53 AM »
These are all just suggestions of course, not to get anyones hopes up, all stuff I probably would do (though I can't know that) if I was sick.

It may not seem like it to the mind sometimes but "everything is perfect, so perfectly perfect." ~ Upanishads

Love. x


  • Posts: 182
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 09:30:53 AM »
Also I was just told about this and here is the first part . A film around the truth about cancer Gerson Therapy, which apparently works, was just told about it, thought it was appropriate.

Love. x


  • Posts: 91
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 09:37:26 PM »
Hi 11jono11,
Thank you for your replies. My friend's father in Turkey so no chance to reach that hospital. But I will passing your other suggestions to him. Hope he gets well soon.


  • Posts: 212
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 07:21:17 AM »
I read of a man making his brain tumour operable by practicing Qi Kung.

I believe with sufficient Bhakti one can overcome all obstacles, but it seems to me that the Soul has the final say.

I have been healed in many ways from the psychosis which i believe to be a serious illness.  On each occassion that i gave up i was held in place by the power of God, healed physically or prevented from hurting myself.

With sufficient Bhakti and putting one's two hand together in prayer for as many hours as you can great things can be achieved.

Calling upon deities and Angels may also help in this case.

Archangel Michael can help with any fear of death.

I'll practice samyama with your friends father in mind.

On another note my best friends Mother died of cancer on my birthday and subsequently guided me through the Middleeast whilst i was psychotic so sometimes there is a great calling which happens and one can do nothing but answer it.



  • Posts: 12
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 03:02:39 PM »
Google "Oil pulling", is a very simple procedure and i have heard a few stories of people recovering from cancer.

Best wishes.



  • Posts: 2
healing for a serious ilness
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2011, 04:11:39 PM »
Secret of all these spiritual healing is calm down your body and soil.It can a good relief to everybody.