Author Topic: Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris  (Read 7511 times)


  • Posts: 264
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2008, 09:43:10 PM »
Originally posted by neli
Il n'y a pas de coincidences !!

Oui en effet, coincidences or synchronicities are manifestations in this plane of existence of God, Godess, Mother Kundalini, Mystery, Universe, Allah, No Name... what ever archetype label one is using once a spiritual awakening started whatever the lineage. Albert


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2008, 03:44:06 PM »

Coincidences and synchronicities are always present in the Shaman's path, and as you said in every spiritual lineage.


Originally posted by selfonlypath

Originally posted by neli
Il n'y a pas de coincidences !!

Oui en effet, coincidences or synchronicities are manifestations in this plane of existence of God, Godess, Mother Kundalini, Mystery, Universe, Allah, No Name... what ever archetype label one is using once a spiritual awakening started whatever the lineage. Albert


  • Posts: 113
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2008, 09:09:52 AM »
Hi Hawk, yeah I joined facebook a couple days ago.
I had my 1st KAP online class today. Atmosphere was nice and exercises were interesting. Not sure yet do I need to self-pace with these...

Hawk Over Water

  • Posts: 5
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2008, 01:43:40 AM »
Originally posted by atena

Hi Hawk, yeah I joined facebook a couple days ago.
I had my 1st KAP online class today. Atmosphere was nice and exercises were interesting. Not sure yet do I need to self-pace with these...

I'd pm you to ask who you are on Facebook, but I don't have enough posts yet I guess!


  • Posts: 342
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2008, 06:12:49 AM »
Originally posted by nearoanoke

if you are really seeking truth.. i urge you not to get caught up in any of this. it only reinforces the illusion of who you are.

doing energy work and wanting to be healthy is fine.. but has nothing to do with truth. there is the illusion that energy work clears blockages which is necessary for spiritual evolution. blockages are subconscious fears and habits that must be addressed. the best and fastest way to progress is to surrender and not associate with the body, mind, or emotions.

awakening kundalini is great, but that is just the first step. having a momentary glimpse is awesome.. but not the end.

You need to save your money, kid. Yogani's kundalini methods are more than sufficient. Internalize the above quote. Kundalini is no big deal. Chakras are more or less imaginary. A chakra is simply a place in your body where you repetitively focus your attention. You could have a knee chakra if you thought about your knee enough.

The ultimate result of astral body visualization is realizing the rainbow body. This is just a light show. True meditation is a process of letting go of illusory material and light bodies. You will never be satisfied looking here and looking there dear seeker. The ideal state of the yogi is perfectly balanced prana or chi. You do not want chi to dominate your forehead or any where else. When you see deep enough you will not find seeing.

“There are no two things as contemplation and contemplator, when fully contemplated, these teachings merge with the seeker; although when sought, the seeker himself cannot be found, thereupon the goal of the seeking is attained and the end of the search. At this point, there is nothing more to be sought, and no need to seek any of them.” –Book of the Great Liberation

Understand the Tantra, and kundalini is fundamental tantric, is about divesting you of your normal "self" structures, so that you can detach from your conventional reality. It is training in detachment. It also shows you that your intention controls the flow of chi in your body. It is an exercise in moving and controlling chi. You should intend that it be balanced evenly through the body after you are aware of your control.

What is missing from modern teaching is that you are not to detach from one prison cell and attach to another. Whether your cell is concrete or crystal or light doesn't matter; it's a prison for your mind.

You will only free your mind when you cease clinging to practices and results of practices. If you don't, in the final stage, you will remain attached, you will not be free, you will become disillusioned and turn away from truth.

Dear seeker, please understand that these practices are for awakening you to your true nature, a selfless, loving and altruistic person whose life is dedicated to the good of the world.

Keep in mind that kundalini practice is to introduce you to a deep state of relaxation where it is easier for you to release the mental knots and blocks that are at the heart of your seeking. Therefore, it is not finding that you need, but releasing. Kundalini tantra, and meditation is not always in synch. Yoga Tantra is preparatory to real meditation practice.

Attachment is the only evil, the only problem. Cling to nothing whatsoever and you will succeed. You will find what you seek.


« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 06:20:35 AM by themysticseeker »


  • Posts: 23
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #35 on: December 14, 2008, 08:02:46 AM »
Haven't posted on here for a while, so I guess I'll give an update about the course.

First of all, I'm feeling chi/prana in my hands for the first time (at least I'm pretty sure that's what I'm feeling), so something seems to be happening. Other people seem to going through some profound stuff. Here's what one Tao Bum experienced after meeting Santiago in person:

Just as an interesting offnote:

In KAP, you work a lot with the chakras directly including the crown, but Santi repeatedly emphasizes that the system has been designed to make sure there are a minimum amount of overload symptoms. I know Yogani says not to mess around with the chakras, especially the crown. I'm not trying to start an argument, just throwing that out there.

Will continue to update if anything major happens


  • Posts: 969
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2008, 02:16:29 PM »
YAY you finally feel something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![:p]


  • Posts: 23
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2008, 05:36:59 PM »

Can't tell you how annoying it is to go on the Kunlun forum and read about people doing these crazy experiences and I can't even feel chi.

One step at a time, I guess. [:p]

Hawk Over Water

  • Posts: 5
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2008, 06:44:24 PM »
I am so glad that I decided to give KAP a shot. I have to admit that the web site seems a bit cheesy, but the courses are very good. Both Tao Semo and Santiago are great teachers, Tao being a bit more "yin", and Santi being a bit more "yang". The lessons are very effective - and also fun. Not only have I freed up my energy, I am begining to understand what Bliss is.


  • Posts: 44
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2009, 11:50:17 PM »
Hi Friends,
I plan to try this out, could anyone share more information or feedback about the KAP process through distance learning - they have 12 online sessions via skype of half an hour each - has anyone here been benefited from this ? Those who posted their experience above (seeker, hawk, self etc), was the expeience temporary or a lasting one ?
Thank You,
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 01:13:24 AM by mufad »


  • Posts: 11
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2009, 05:29:38 PM »
It's a good system...for a while, however it does seem flawed in that once you stop training with either of the teachers the trainings seem to collapse without direct weekly transmissions, you will notice also on the testimonials page on the Kap site not a single person says it actually awakened their Kundalini. I did feel kinda cheated about it due to training my butt off with it extensively for 6 months now(as it says 30 to 90 days is 'guaranteed' on their page) but I don't think the teachers actually realise this, and they're such nice guys I don't(and it seems anyone else does either) have the heart to tell them. It does enable you to feel chi though. Also I do feel linked to a lineage now, so even now that I'll be using extra Kundalini awakening techniques I feel kinda safer for that, sounds weird I know but still. :)


  • Posts: 3
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2009, 08:32:15 PM »
I have been doing KAP since early September.  While I will agree that KAP has not "fully awakened my kundalini in 30-90 days", i will say that it has been the best thing I have ever done for myself in my life.  My brother later started the class in September and is very pleased.  Overall the course has cleared a lot of blockages.  Currently I have what feels like a rod of kundalini working its way up my spine and currently working on a solar plexus knot I have.  It's cool cause when me and my brother sit next to each other it takes a minute or so before both our bodies and chakras start to vibrate pretty strongly with energy.  Overall KAP has made every aspect of my life much more fulfilling and happy.  I feel happier, much more confident, more loving, less fears, etc...  I am doing KAP 2 as well now and the most recent meditation, the Knights Templar visualization really starting opening up my channels and got the kundalini flowing.  So while I'll agree that it might not be as likely,although certainly possible, for a person to open his or her kundalini fully in 30-90 days, the system will get the kundalini process initiated.  Besides, Kundalini opens on its own accord anyways.  The course just opens the channels allowing shakti to come up when she chooses.  I also find the meditations to be a lot of fun.  Any time I'm not feeling as good as i want, i can do some 5pb and be filled with positive energy.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 08:37:51 PM by ryansmith »


  • Posts: 1
Kundalini Awakening Process by Dr. Glenn Morris
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2013, 04:56:18 AM »
Hello SoT,

Can you update the forum as to where you are in terms of your kundalini awakening?
