Author Topic: Just Scenery or Overload?  (Read 1204 times)


  • Posts: 252
Just Scenery or Overload?
« on: August 28, 2011, 09:36:33 PM »
Hi all, please advice me about how I decide whether a particular expeience is just a scenary, or it is a overload calling for grounding/self pacing steps.

Crown sensation reduced my practice to 10m of breathe meditation only, mostly once a day. Still new and powerful things are occuring to me. However, at least those are not in the head now. Milder head sensation remains though.

after starting BM also, I had intense emotional or violent dreams for the first time, for three consecutive nights, but those seems to be gone now.

The next night, I felt and electric field above my backside, from neck to upper thigh, and a huge concentration of energy covering whole pelvic area and centering in perinium, is trying to moving up slowly and gracefully (all very pleasant/blissful and very powerful) and an empty space growing in my perinium and took space as if I had grown something like a tennis ball there which were pushing my organs. There were tingling around sacral bone, and pin pointed energy movement in where I guess solar chakra would be.

Fear of further overload got me, I found to have very high pulse rate, left my bed, rubbed my palm over the energy sensitive places as if this will cool down things, gone for a walk, did some push-up, and had a tea before going to bed again. And it felt like it would have gone further up but I did not let it.

I think this fear of unknown, mainly coming with crown overload I am handling during the last one month, is not helping much to progress. I need to kick it off, and I think to do that, I need to develop better ideas about differences between scenery and overload symptoms.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 09:43:20 PM by Swan »


  • Posts: 4947
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 12:54:24 AM »
Scenery and Overload are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Good night's sleep is very important and if you are having many dreams that are affecting your sleep, then it is overload.

So I would suggest cut back on practices, maybe even stop them if they are affecting you so strongly.
Read this lesson and see if it helps:

And ground!!!!!

I will quote what Carson said to you here:
Remember to get lots of physical activity during the day, enough rest at night and to PACE YOURSELF!   The journey is a marathon not a sprint.


  • Posts: 971
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 01:49:15 AM »
Originally posted by DawnCalling

The next night, I felt and electric field above my backside, from neck to upper thigh, and a huge concentration of energy covering whole pelvic area and centering in perinium, is trying to moving up slowly and gracefully (all very pleasant/blissful and very powerful) and an empty space growing in my perinium and took space as if I had grown something like a tennis ball there which were pushing my organs. There were tingling around sacral bone, and pin pointed energy movement in where I guess solar chakra would be.

As Shanti said, it is very important to ground.  But, it also sounds like good things are happening.[:)]  Feeling energy flows is natural and no cause for fear.  



  • Posts: 252
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2011, 04:11:04 PM »
Yes Jeff...

This is what getting me confused... both good and bad things are happening... and I wish to figure out which one to go with and which one to prevent (More than any current experience, I am mainly thinking about things to come) and I want to overcome the fear - as I feel that off late, more of good things are coming than bad things (but only to find me afraid and reluctant).

Shanti, your advice is ... as always... like a tree shade. Lesson 367 is the reason I am still in practice. I got through this a week ago and started breathe meditation as suggested there. Though got dreams only after that, these day's I got my brick solid sleep back, and head is mostly cool now.  

Now if I look at the crazy dreams symptoms - I thought about cutting practice (which at this stage means do nothing, which I will do anyway if I must) but I decided to go through it with practice. It felt like I took a risk, but it turned out that I did the right thing as sleeps are normal after three days. Here, cutting practice could mean stopping progress which was not necessary. that's what I want to avoid.

As you said, scenery and overload are not mutually exclusive. Does it boil down to the fact that I should do whatever I am feeling from inside? - much before starting any practice, I used to believe that "if we can stop thinking about a confusing/complex set of choice and calm the mind, answers come from within. Some would call it subconscious mind, some will call guiding angel or god." (Is this what we call inner guru here?) So is this the only way to know when to go through or when to stop and prevent?
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 09:11:12 PM by Swan »


  • Posts: 4947
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2011, 11:06:03 PM »
Originally posted by DawnCalling

 Does it boil down to the fact that I should do whatever I am feeling from inside? - much before starting any practice, I used to believe that "if we can stop thinking about a confusing/complex set of choice and calm the mind, answers come from within. Some would call it subconscious mind, some will call guiding angel or god." (Is this what we call inner guru here?) So is this the only way to know when to go through or when to stop and prevent?

In this case, you listened to your guru within and it helped. Listening to your intuition is definitely the right way to go... however before there is enough inner silence at times it is hard to tell if it is intuition or the mind telling you what to do. So we always err on the side of self pacing and we say self pace if things are getting uncomfortable... if things are not bothering you, keep going.

I am glad you are feeling better now. [:)]


  • Posts: 971
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2011, 11:09:47 PM »
Originally posted by DawnCalling

As you said, scenery and overload are not mutually exclusive. Does it boil down to the fact that I should do whatever I am feeling from inside? - much before starting any practice, I used to believe that "if we can stop thinking about a confusing/complex set of choice and calm the mind, answers come from within. Some would call it subconscious mind, some will call guiding angel or god." (Is this what we call inner guru here?) So is this the only way to know when to go through or when to stop and prevent?


Additionally, your body will give you clues when you are "overloading". Things like headaches, irritability or spaceyness. Scenery is not a problem and can be a fun part of the process. Feel free to enjoy it, just try to not focus on it.


[Cross posted - Post edited to not be a duplicate response...[:)]]
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 01:33:53 AM by jeff »


  • Posts: 252
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2011, 02:10:14 AM »
Many thanks to both of you...[:)]

I will keep to the conservative side whenever I see choices. well, sometimes my mind gives me good advice, but I would not yet call my inner silence as enough.

Jeff, thanks for sharing the clues, I will keep an watch for those symptoms. please let me know if you would want to add anymore symptoms...

Lots of love [:)]

« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 02:16:17 AM by Swan »


  • Posts: 971
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2011, 03:52:34 AM »

Trust yourself and don't forget to have fun with it.  The energy is your friend.[:)]  See if there is an associated "feeling" with it.  For me, it first felt like "Peace".

And, don't spend time worrying about "overload" symptoms.  That will just give your Mind/Ego something to do...

Just feel the flow and enjoy the ride...[:)]

Peace & Love.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 04:03:30 AM by jeff »


  • Posts: 252
Just Scenery or Overload?
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2011, 01:40:03 PM »
Thank you [:)]

Lots of love [:)] ...