Author Topic: Headache after mantra enhancement  (Read 1413 times)


  • Posts: 3
Headache after mantra enhancement
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:37:59 AM »
About 2 months ago I changed to the second mantra enhancement and was quite surprised at the change it made. There was an almost immediate affinty with the new mantra that I'd never felt with the others. Right off the bat, it was smoother and deeper with none of the clunkiness that I had experienced with the previous mantras.

However, about 2 weeks ago I started getting headaches at the back of my neck around where the spine and skull join. So, I  figured it was time for some self pacing. I tried cutting back gradually but nothing short of stopping DM helped. I stopped meditating for a week and had no headaches. A couple of days ago I made a brief attemp to meditate (1 min SBP + 2 mins DM) and got an instant headache. Today I tried going back to the IAM mantra alone for a brief attempt and got the same headache - not as strong but still there.

So, I figure, 1) I have reached a blockage that isn't going to just disolve before my eyes as others have, 2) I've developed a bad mediation habit that is causing this or 3) mantra meditation isn't going to work for me going forward.

My normal routine is to do 5 mins SBP followed by 15 mins of DM and I've been doing this consistently for 2 years. I consider myself to me somewhat insensitive to meditation but I guess that may not be the case anymore [;)] I've read and re-read Yogani's recent lessons on meditation sensitivity to see if there is something I am doing but I don't recognize anything. I may try some of the other non-AYP mediation techniques (breath meditation etc) people have suggested to see if that will help but I thought I'd ping the community for any other suggestions.
The adventure continues . . .


  • Posts: 1843
Headache after mantra enhancement
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 04:36:00 AM »
Hi Flow

We all learn from sharings like yours - so thank you for being here :)

You have basically answered all your questions just chipping in to tell you that yes.....further self-pacing is a good idea.

When you get an headache almost the instant you sit for meditation...then stopping it for a few days is one way of self-pacing.

So, I figure, 1) I have reached a blockage that isn't going to just disolve before my eyes as others have, 2) I've developed a bad mediation habit that is causing this or 3) mantra meditation isn't going to work for me going forward.

It will be ok....mantra meditation may still work for you...[:)]....just some adjusting...and some patience....and you can give it another go.

Often 2-4 days off will do it, and then you can start with watching your breath for a you suggested. Also remember that increasing your daily level of exercise is another way of self-pacing. Walking briskly is a favorite here. As is hugging trees :) Increased walking always worked well ...and it is also good for the overall physical/psychological make-up.

When you are stable with breath meditation you can stay with it for at least a couple of weeks. If still stable...then start with 2 min of DM (single mantra) and gradually add from there...making sure to increase only a minute or 2 at a time...with days apart....and keep walking/exercising. When you get up to 5 min of DM wait at least a week before increasing the time.....since overload can creep up on you unnoticed.

All the best
Keep enjoying the adventure [:)]


  • Posts: 1843
Headache after mantra enhancement
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 04:36:45 AM »
Also remember to rest well after meditation [:)]


  • Posts: 758
Headache after mantra enhancement
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2009, 06:51:53 AM »
Originally posted by flow

However, about 2 weeks ago I started getting headaches at the back of my neck around where the spine and skull join.

Hi Flow :)
  Does the 'headache' occur directly after meditation or at other times during the day?
  If you occurs directly after or during meditation, you get pain and a lot of tension at that place where the spine connects to the skull then congratulations! You are succeeding! This happens to me sometimes too.  It happens when I forget to drop and relax the jaw during some forms of meditation when I get very deep. It is quite annoying. It hurts quite a bit and I have to rotate/move/bob the head and neck to make it go away. It feels like a horizontal plane of muscles have locked up and it is quite painful.

  Dropping and relaxing the jaw during meditation fixes that.  

  Also, some other kundalini teachings say that one should drop the whole head forward during kundalini meditation practice to enable the flow of energy up the spine and into the head. They say that not doing so is blocking the flow which causes a buildup/blockage of prana and pain at that precise location.
  I suggest that during meditation, you should put your tongue on the upper palatte and let your lower jaw relax, fall downward and tucked in slightly. Try it and see if that helps.  

  There are many more experienced yoga practitioners on this site than me. Perhaps they will share their insight about this topic. :)


  • Posts: 172
Headache after mantra enhancement
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 03:16:12 PM »
Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by flow

However, about 2 weeks ago I started getting headaches at the back of my neck around where the spine and skull join.

Hi Flow :)
  Does the 'headache' occur directly after meditation or at other times during the day?
  If you occurs directly after or during meditation, you get pain and a lot of tension at that place where the spine connects to the skull then congratulations! You are succeeding! This happens to me sometimes too.  It happens when I forget to drop and relax the jaw during some forms of meditation when I get very deep. It is quite annoying. It hurts quite a bit and I have to rotate/move/bob the head and neck to make it go away. It feels like a horizontal plane of muscles have locked up and it is quite painful.

  Dropping and relaxing the jaw during meditation fixes that.  

  Also, some other kundalini teachings say that one should drop the whole head forward during kundalini meditation practice to enable the flow of energy up the spine and into the head. They say that not doing so is blocking the flow which causes a buildup/blockage of prana and pain at that precise location.
  I suggest that during meditation, you should put your tongue on the upper palatte and let your lower jaw relax, fall downward and tucked in slightly. Try it and see if that helps.  

  There are many more experienced yoga practitioners on this site than me. Perhaps they will share their insight about this topic. :)


I noticed your point am I'm having the same situation at the base of my skull. However the energy build-up in the entire head gets so dense I feel like my head will explode. Has this happened to you?
