Author Topic: stuck kundalini energy  (Read 2174 times)


  • Posts: 875
stuck kundalini energy
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2007, 09:46:04 AM »
Weaver - Oddly enough, I hadn't made the association between stress and energy imbalance and/or stuckness.  It should have occurred to me before now, as I don't believe that I've ever accommodated this amount of stress in my life.  Living with it and making peace with it has been very good for me, and my meditations are usually pretty good and innerly silent.  :)  (sorry - I know it's a no-no to label our meditations, but when they're good, they're good!)

So maybe this topic has less to do with stuck or imbalanced energy as it is about stress and how it affects energy.  If this slightly different angle strikes a chord with anyone, plz give me some feedback.  

Does stress have an effect on energy?  

Thanks, Weaver!


  • Posts: 1464
stuck kundalini energy
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2007, 08:34:38 PM »
Meg, that rings a bell for me.

Like a lot of people whenever a space opens up in my life I tend to want to fill it with something, like an extra activity, course, book, anything really.
The trick is to get some sort of balance and, as they say - self pace the stressors [:)].

Anyway, I have been having symptoms of clogged energy and it is not overdoing the practices. I tried pulling back but it made no difference.

What is working great for me just now is Power Walking after each meditation, of if not straight after the meditation rest period, then within a couple of hours.
Normal walking doesn't seem to have enough in it for my system and jogging is a hassle because you have to get geared up and have a shower.
So now my routine is a couple of Sun Salutations - AYP practice - Power Walking (10 - 20 mins)
I find if time is limited that 15 mins of AYP and 10 mins of Power Walking is more beneficial than a full AYP session without the walking. That's at the moment anyway.[:)]

As Jim has pointed out in another thread, it is important when using inner silence with physical exercise, to breath through the nose only. The power walking also lends itself to this because one doesn't get "out of breath" so easily.
