Author Topic: Self Pacing - peace  (Read 1301 times)


  • Posts: 1464
Self Pacing - peace
« on: August 06, 2006, 08:16:35 AM »
Symptoms I've been having are a lot of peace, but with this when I sit down I want to keep sitting and could sit there all day if the seat is comfortable, in a nice peaceful stillish place.
The problem is, not much gets done around the house and when I do my work I need to really focus on the moment in order to get through it. It is like climbing a mountain in the Zen way - one breath at a time. But the work is a climb and if I don't keep focusing on the moment or on the breath and just keep going and going the job won't get done.

At first I did'nt think it was self pacing because I've been meditating for many years prior to AYP and I generally only do about 5 mins pranayama and ten or fifteen of mantra and five of samyama. This is nothing in terms of the usual zen type meditation I would do.

One thing has changed though. During the first couple of months I could feel the effects of the mantra meditation like it was re-aligning the energies in my torso. I do not feel this now and perhaps now it is aligned and things are moving in a different way.

A few days ago I stopped the practice completely and also stopped contributing on the forum. This allowed me to "normalise" and everyday tasks are getting easier.

I guess it is a self pacing thing. It just seems strange that I will have to come down to maybe five or ten minutes a day when I'm so used to meditation and on my Tuesday night group session would sit for maybe an hour and a half with no apparent effects.

Any comments would be welcome.[:)]


« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 09:45:09 AM by Sparkle »


  • Posts: 2604
Self Pacing - peace
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2006, 10:43:40 AM »
Symptoms I've been having are a lot of peace, but with this when I sit down I want to keep sitting and could sit there

Hi Louis,  these symptoms don't seem to be negative, are they?  OK,  maybe work is uncomfortable in some ways,  but is it enough to warrant cutting back in the meditation?

It seems to me you have reached a stage where your body/mind would currebtly just like to rest a lot,  possibly to just release some accumulated fatigue. Sometimes,  obviously,  it can't be done because of life-circumstances.  So you just have to go on without it. Your body will still catch up on the rest,  but a little more slowly than it could if you had no responsibilities.  And your sadhana will be unobstructed,  though perhaps a little less luxurious than if you were responsibility-free.

BTW, have you ever tried Reishi mushroom as a dietary supplement?  It seemed to be the perfect thing for me under similar circumstances (of course,  everyone's biology is different).
« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 10:46:30 AM by david_obsidian »


  • Posts: 1464
Self Pacing - peace
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 08:09:24 PM »
Thanks David
What you say does ring true.
Whilst I am sitting in this peace I am also aware of the jobs not getting done around the house, of the clutter in my office building  and it is like the "doings" of my life are catching up on me and loading me down. So the peace does not feel free, it feels a bit bunged up, if this makes sense.

Perhaps, as you say, the AYP practices are allowing me to be more aware of a fatigue in my body. I will start going to bed earlier and will try the Reishi mushrooms.

Thanks again, Louis


  • Posts: 2604
Self Pacing - peace
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2006, 02:01:58 AM »
Yes,  what you are going through makes sense totally.  I spent years making those mistakes.   I still haven't stopped making them.  It's a good time to turn also to a good feng-shui book,  or at least read up on what it is all about.  All those jobs you are leaving undone are cluttering your mind and ubstructing your energy flow.

Perhaps, as you say, the AYP practices are allowing me to be more aware of a fatigue in my body. I will start going to bed earlier and will try the Reishi mushrooms.

Sounds good. The body can take some time to get through the deficit caused by stress-based fatigue over the years.  It's also good of course to get some asanas/exercise in if you can.  The asanas and exercise will increase the quality of your sleep.


  • Posts: 4947
Self Pacing - peace
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 02:39:46 AM »
Thanks Louis for starting this topic.  Kinda explains the situation  I am going through too...


  • Posts: 1464
Self Pacing - peace
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 08:47:57 AM »
Yeh, familiar with the Feng-shui anti-clutter principles. Glad to say that I spent all day today clearing out my garage. Got things cleared going back twenty years he he. A lot more of that old clutter to clear and I'll keep going over the next week or so.

It seems that putting the problem up on the forum and getting some good feedback helps make the shift, so thanks for that David.
Also, for some reason I felt that restarting amoroli would help, don't know how much a part it has played but things are working out.

Shweta, hope things are working out for you.
