Author Topic: The Ride, Destination, and Faith...  (Read 2574 times)


  • Posts: 363
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« on: April 02, 2006, 06:10:19 AM »
Hari Om

Hello folks,
I thought I would get  your opinion on this if you care to banter it about for a bit.

When was the last time you bought a car , site unseen? Didn't look at it , kick the tires, noth'n.  " I'll take it" you said.

Is that kinda what the experience is for the pursuit of Enlightenment…? Has any one driven the end state? Do you know
You will like it?  Yet the pursuit goes on each day , 2X per day for some, 4X for others.

We group ourselves together at AYP and discuss the 'ride' - I had this experience, or that experience; 'How do I stop
from ____________ ( fill in as you see fit) happening'
, ' Why am I _____________ feeling like this?'. 'I am feeling bliss, uplifted, etc. but then is subsides'. I did a siddhi, but that is while I am meditation, then I am back to my world.  It feels good, so I keep on do'n it.

But what of the destination? any road will take you there if its not understood, yet we're all on the bus!

Could it be this thing called faith ( sraddha)?
We have never test drove emancipation, never interviewed IT to see if wish to join the team???How can this be....

agnir satyam rtam brhat
Frank in San-Diego
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 12:08:51 PM by Frank-in-SanDiego »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 11:15:14 PM »
I'm not pursuing enlightenmnet. I'm just following my bhakti. I must have very little sraddha, because I don't care a bit about the "end state". I don't believe in "end states", and, anyway,  I'm done with goals.


  • Posts: 424
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 02:32:22 AM »
Dear Frank,

You always have such interesting topics… [:)] I’m such a simple person, so I have a simple response.

I don’t know what else there is. I only know what this is—what is now. That’s the whole point of your question, rephrased…

I’m not sure I could understand what is next, while at this present stage of existence.  

But I’ve had glimpses of what is to come along the path and it was a very good place to be and a very good way to be. [^]

I do the practices because they help me while in this current place. I do them because it feels right. I do them because I feel that there is growth and joy within.

People have been asking this for a very long time…  In the 6th century BC, Thales of Miletus said, “Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.”

Light and Love,


  • Posts: 363
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 03:42:52 AM »
Hari Om

Hello Kathy/Jim,
First, thanks for considering the question.
Jim, I can appreciate your orientiation of 'no goals'. Perhaps that also means no objectives or asperations?  Today you are following your bhakti and this is a blessing. Is there an asperation for bhakti to blossom? or become full?  I am not challenging , you know that is not my intent.

Was there a 'no goals' orientation on day 1 when you chose to start the practice?  That is the root of the question, you have evolved/unfolded or discovered this state of bhakti, yet day one, what did you 'buy' sight unseen? What was the inspiration? From where did it come? This is the root of the question.

Kathy, your simplicity is wonderful! The spirit is all about simple.
One of the most famous rishi's is Hastamalaka, a follower of Shankara. He was not the 'vedic punditji' of the time but was drenched in Divine Bliss and new that this blessedness of Fullness (Bhuma), was all of being the most simple. What could be more simple then One with everything, with happiness?

I bring this whole conversation up because this shraddh, this faith, that there is a Reality beyond, no right in front of us, vs. what we are experiencing today, is built in to the circuity of consciousness. This is His Grace some talk of... that the SELF finds you , then you chose to find the SELF, thinking it was your own volition.  His Grace is in us all.

We can take the path of the heart ( bhakti) or knowlege, or of raja yoga, or even Hatha yoga - but having a glimpse of what this END STATE is, a vision of possibilities, brings delight to my heart, not angst of a goal that may be out of reach, but an offering from the Supreme that says 'this way to home'. No one will be left behind.

agnir satyam rtam brhat
Frank in San-Diego
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 12:03:47 PM by Frank-in-SanDiego »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2006, 05:23:52 AM »
Frank, all I know is right now. I can't say I have no objectives; I'm fraught with them, as is just about everyone else. But enlightenment isn't one of them. I enjoy the practice, I enjoy the opening, and, to use a cliche I hate, "it's all good". My observation is that most people all geared up about enlightenment haven't tasted real opening. Opening is so delicious, and such a relief, that the question "how open am I?" or "when will I, like, TOTALLY open?" seem utterly irrelevant.

Being a little good at basketball or violin makes you want to "progress". Yoga's not like these things, IMO. I'ts not another ladder to climb, another thing to get good at, another thing to acquire knowledge and abilities in.

That's additive. Yoga is subtractive. Yoga is subtractive. Yoga is subtractive.


  • Posts: 5
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 06:18:53 AM »

I have been practicing Pranayama and Meditation which is a mix and match of both Iyengar pranayama and Spinal Breathing and the "I AM" meditation as suggested by Guru Yogani.

Off late, I have had some experiences that I'd like to share so as to get a better understanding of the same and know if anyone else has had similar experiences.

All of these experiences occurred on different days and after meditation.

First Experience
1. Did Pranayama and meditation as always and got ready for work
2. While on the bus to work, I meditated again.
3. This time I saw this beautiful blue/indigo light start of like a small ball which grew bigger and bigger and engulfed me completely. This lasted for less than a minute and vanished. It then happened again for a second time after a gap of about a minute.

Is there any significance to this? Or I am just imagining things.

Second Experience
1. Did Pranayama and meditation as always and got ready for work
2. While I was walking within my house (with my eyes open) I suddenly experienced around both my eyes what seemed to look like a micro-meteor shower.  Lot of brilliant little sparks zig-zagging across in front of my eyes.  All this happened while both my eyes were completely open.

Is there any significance to this? Or I am just imagining things. Or am I doing something wrong as part of my practice?

- Srini


  • Posts: 832
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 06:40:16 AM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

Yoga is subtractive. Yoga is subtractive. Yoga is subtractive.

Hello All,

I will just add my perspective about the subtractiveness of yoga. I see it as analogous to if our being (=consciousness) is like a crystal covered with mud, then yoga washes away the mud so the light can shine through the crystal, so in the sense of washing away mud yoga is subtractive. However, after the washing the light will shine through, in that sense we will see more light, and that can be experienced as something that is increasing. If we only subtracted stuff with nothing more as an effect, then that would mean the total vanishing of our being (=consciousness) at the end, and that is not the case.


  • Posts: 4947
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 06:49:34 AM »
Hi Srini,
Sounds great. [:)] Well, I am sure there will be a lot of people giving you good advice here. What you are experiencing here are all symptoms of purification (I think).. Every body here will tell you.. it is all a part of the scenery.. don't hold on to it.. just let it go. Just favor your daily practice.  You can look up a lot of lessons for more on visions
Scenery (visions, energy experiences, etc.) - 37, 81, 90, 92, 94, 170,175, 179, 180, 185, 201, 204, 224, 225

Is there any significance to this? Or I am just imagining things

You are definitely not imagining this.. is it significant? yes.. I am sure it is... it means a lot of good purification is going on... so don't doubt yourself.. just don't let the visions get in the way of your practice.. if they come let them be dont have to force them out.. however don't hold on to them.. go on with your practice... always favor your practice.[:)]
Since you are doing a couple of mixed practices.. maybe too much purification is going on at one time.. you may want to take a step back and follow any one... its up to you.
Also, Yogani does not like to be called guru..
The guru is in you. (you may call me Yogani -- no special titles are necessary. Your appreciation of the knowledge is greatly appreciated here, so the admiration goes both ways.  )

It was hard for me to call him by name.. its still hard.. but since he is helping us.. I think its only right that we don't do something that makes him uncomfortable Thanks Srinri.. I hope there are no hard feelings.[:)]
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 09:44:59 AM by Shanti »


  • Posts: 424
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 07:33:36 AM »


I loved reading what you wrote...

<from Frank>
"this faith, that there is a Reality beyond, ... is built in to the circuity of consciousness. This is the His Grace some talk of... that the SELF finds you , then you chose to find the SELF, thinking it was your own volition. His Grace is in us all.

We can take the path of the heart ... but having a glimpse of what this END STATE is, a vision of possibilities, brings delight to my heart... an offering from the Supreme that says 'this way to home'. No one will be left behind."
<end quote>

That it is...That sums our journey...I love it love it love it... [:D]



  • Posts: 3597
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2006, 10:33:55 AM »
This path isn't at all like buying something sight unseen, because there never is a point where we have to commit, or pay up. We just do what seems right today, and maybe someday we'll be on another path. When a monk from SRF called to determine if I should be given the kriya, he told me I have to commit to having Yogananda as my only guru until "liberation". i answered in a way that sounded like yes but was really asking him a question. I don't like making spiritual commitments to anyone else. I have a commitment inside myself to always follow the path I feel is right, and that path can change in a moment.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 10:35:34 AM by Etherfish »


  • Posts: 363
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2006, 11:28:49 AM »
Hari Om
Originally posted by Etherfish

This path isn't at all like buying something sight unseen, because there never is a point where we have to commit, or pay up.

Hello Ether( akasha),and thank you for your note.
I respect your post, but suggest there is a 'pay up'.  Every action you take (or I take) is an offering and payment in kind.  Every breath, and selection of actions that are in inline with your sadhana is a commitment albeit big or small ,  to the path.
We are bound by our actions, even inaction ( which is tough to do within the laws we are governed by).

We have freedom over actions alone, never over their fruits - this is at the core of this physical universe. Hence, an action-reaction occurs, and influences our total surroundings. As innocent bystanders we do not 'see' this total connection ( at least at my level of development)… payments happen daily, some we're aware of some not, yet we are held to the 'rules' that govern these i.e. the laws of nature.

agnir satyam rtam brhat
Frank in San-Diego
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 11:39:44 AM by Frank-in-SanDiego »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2006, 01:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by weaver
[If we only subtracted stuff with nothing more as an effect, then that would mean the total vanishing of our being (=consciousness) at the end, and that is not the case.

Don't be so sure. A whole lot of very wise people believe that self is an illusion. And even more very wise people think all distinction is silly, and all is one with no second.

May as well just let go of everything.


  • Posts: 832
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2006, 01:48:39 PM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

A whole lot of very wise people believe that self is an illusion...

Yes, self may be an illusion, but I believe that consciousness is maintained when the self is merged with the SELF. Yes consciousness as self vanishes and dies, but there will be consciousness and being as SELF. Just my personal belief.


  • Posts: 1464
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2006, 07:11:16 PM »
Jim said:
Don't be so sure. A whole lot of very wise people believe that self is an illusion. And even more very wise people think all distinction is silly, and all is one with no second.

This brings up the question in me "What is the difference between a tree - which we assume has no consciousness but is very still - and us humans who would aspire to stillness and get rid of our consciousness, because "consciousness is an illusion".

If we accept this then we must possibly go along with the theory that human beings are very much like a virus on our planet and a pest and negative aspect of nature. One to be exterminated like we exterminate a virus in our body. Much better to simply be a tree and just be.
We certainly display the tendancies of a virus with our all consuming greed.

Personally I don't like the virus theory, but maybe its just an ego thing. [8D]

Also, I feel the "witness" is the key and the difference. In this discussion, what is the witness?, is it the true self?, is it the soul?, is it the ego instead of the superego?, is it our pure mind?, etc. etc.

If it is none of the above and it is the undivided oneness without consciousness, then how can it be a "witness". A witness must have consciousness.



  • Posts: 1843
The Ride, Destination, and Faith...
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2006, 07:34:32 PM »
Jim wrote:

I enjoy the practice, I enjoy the opening, and, to use a cliche I hate, "it's all good".

Why do you hate it?

I don't believe in "end states", and, anyway, I'm done with goals.

I don't believe at all. I have trouble with all kinds of beliefs. I used belief as a false comfort and it got me nowhere. However, I am not done with all goals. I practise because my single goal is to fully be here now. This goal never lies in the future. It is always right here. Right now. The "end state" is here all the time. The instant I "look ahead" i miss This goal. This goal is not something I have. I am it.

May all your Nows be Here