Author Topic: Not much happening :) & other issues  (Read 1749 times)


  • Posts: 5
Not much happening :) & other issues
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2006, 05:55:55 PM »
Hi Anthem! Hi Weaver! Hi everyone! Thanks guys! THAT made a lot of sense. Even my own intuition was telling me that perhaps i was overdoing it and raising too much energy, which in turn was keeping me on edge. But you know how it is! We grow up with the idea that more is necesarily better, whereas Yogani has repeatedly exhorted us to do less rather than more whenever in doubt! I forgot to tell you, but of late the tip of my penis, rather than the perinium has started to throb lightly of and on. In fact this throbing is more at the time of any sexual acivity or even thoughts. There is a light throbbing in my chest region too, but it is not that frequent. I also experience stange gurglings now and then in my lower back area (not the spine per se but the general back)which sound or rather feel exactly like the rumblings one gets in the stomach when we are hungry! The positive or reassuring thing about my excessive energy raising is that i am absolutely full of beans the next day and there is no residual irritation or dullness from the previous day. My health has also improved a hundredfold since. Anyway, it is great to hear from all of you and read your postings. One question.......if the energy doesn't rise to the third eye through the spine, in my case i mean, how DOES it go up? Have a nice day, people. Bye.



  • Posts: 832
Not much happening :) & other issues
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2006, 01:17:44 AM »
Hi Venu,

When we do spinal breathing or other practices as instructed in AYP, and self-pace at the same time, so we don't get excessive energy surges, we don't have to worry about where kundalini goes up, it will find its proper channel in Sushumna but also use all the other nadis as is needed for purification. The spinal breathing between the root and third eye will gently guide the energy through Sushumna and purify it, plus the rest of the nervous system, and it will eventually find its way to the third eye. The crown will also open gradually by this process, but not too much, so there will be a control of the energy. What we want to avoid is uncontrolled energy surges which could find their way out of the crown and cause problems.

My health has also improved a hundredfold since.

This is great to hear, and definitely means that things are going in the right direction!