Author Topic: where is my love?  (Read 650 times)


  • Posts: 4
where is my love?
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:27:26 PM »

It is really amazing to see, the way you all supporting and sharing with your experiences about your spiritual path.
Without the AYP, I would not have understood the real definition of the enlightenment, its nothing but a pure bliss, divine out pouring love.
I think I have experienced that love ….. without knowing what it was. As I was driving home in summer of 2005, from my weekend long Sudharshan kriya (Art of Living) practice, and as I was looking at the other drivers, I saw there was sudden rush of love coming from inside.. Without any reason…….just loving them and it was lasted for few minutes, and it happened few times.
I did not have that experience again, so where is my love? How do I get back to that state of love.
I do sudharshan kriya, spinal breathing and mediation, but I am not regular with practice, that could be a reason?


  • Posts: 318
where is my love?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 12:09:58 AM »
Hi Anil :)

The sure way back to this love is to do your practices regularly. Twice a day if you're doing AYP. After some time you'll spontaneously enter this state in your practice and later in your everyday life. But it's necessarry to regularly work your way towards that, to train yourself to enter. The fact that you don't perceive yourself to be in this state at all times can be attributed to blocks/impurities in the nervous system. With practice, they will fall away and it'll all be good :)