Author Topic: Kundalini Syndrome?  (Read 1727 times)


  • Posts: 1464
Kundalini Syndrome?
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2008, 07:01:30 PM »
Hi Siobhan

Well from what I read you seem reasonably stable. Being triggered by crowds is quite common especially for sensitive people. Some people protect themselves with a sphere of light or other method and this can work in crowds.
If you continue the AYP practices and as you develop inner silence and the witness state you will need less of this and then none, not much will touch you in a way that is overwhelming.

What Ether says about the earth and nature also workes for me.

Wondering also about your prayer life and whether you use your crown to access through prayer. If this is the case then it is worth reading up on "avoiding the crown" in terms of overload.

Although having said that, I think there is a difference between taking energy down through the the crown from above, and the kundalini energy coming up through the body and through the crown from that direction.
Nevertheless if the kundalini is rising and you are putting attention on the crown the attention will take the kundalini there.
Practicing the IAM mantra will naturally take the energy from root to brow without going near the crown. Then when you progress to Spinal Breathing Pranayama this is also done from root to brow -without going near the crown. This is paramount for safety and an enjoyable practice.
Hope that helps


  • Posts: 13
Kundalini Syndrome?
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2008, 03:15:33 AM »
Thanks Louis,
You are always so informative and everything you say seems to make sense and ease my worries a bit!
I know I am definitely at the start as far as this whole process of learning is concerned and I while I am willing I am still a bit green to this all.  So thanks again x[:)]

Originally posted by Sparkle

Hi Siobhan

Well from what I read you seem reasonably stable. Being triggered by crowds is quite common especially for sensitive people. Some people protect themselves with a sphere of light or other method and this can work in crowds.
If you continue the AYP practices and as you develop inner silence and the witness state you will need less of this and then none, not much will touch you in a way that is overwhelming.

What Ether says about the earth and nature also workes for me.

Wondering also about your prayer life and whether you use your crown to access through prayer. If this is the case then it is worth reading up on "avoiding the crown" in terms of overload.

Although having said that, I think there is a difference between taking energy down through the the crown from above, and the kundalini energy coming up through the body and through the crown from that direction.
Nevertheless if the kundalini is rising and you are putting attention on the crown the attention will take the kundalini there.
Practicing the IAM mantra will naturally take the energy from root to brow without going near the crown. Then when you progress to Spinal Breathing Pranayama this is also done from root to brow -without going near the crown. This is paramount for safety and an enjoyable practice.
Hope that helps