Author Topic: Enlightenment Milestones  (Read 3971 times)


  • Posts: 153
Enlightenment Milestones
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2006, 03:36:33 PM »
Elvis has left the building, but Yogani hasn't yet. Word has it that he changed his ID because the old one (database owner one) had so much internet file baggage stuck to it that it died.

Is this indisputable evidence of reincarnation? [8D]

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Enlightenment Milestones
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2006, 06:30:02 PM »
Originally posted by Anthem11

 it is easier to read people and understand their thoughts, feelings and motives

Sorry, I'm late to this thread. I just wanted to comment on this (which was echoed by a couple of other posters).

It's not really's just less hard. I know that sounds dumb, but let me explain. I drive an old cheap car. With the A/C on, it's incredibly laggy. I joke during the summer....if I want to engage "the turbodrive", I hit the air conditioning button (to turn it off), and I indeed have a surge of power.

It's all relative!

So what I'm saying is that the nice things that happen are not an acquiring of skills/powers/etc. It's just a dropping of your stress, anxiety, distraction, obliviousness, selfishness, and general vision-obscuring muck. Before you started practice, you mishandled people because you were grappling with ghosts, grasping at half the universe and recoiling from the other half, and basically doing everything you possibly could to bind and bury yourself. You muddied your own windows with every action. Unsurprisingly, you acted blearily.

Things just go better when you clean off the mud faster than you fling it at yourself. Just like my car turns into a relative Ferrari when I turn off the A/C!


  • Posts: 2604
Enlightenment Milestones
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2006, 03:08:31 AM »
If anyone was offended about my send-up of Babaji,  let me offer you this:  Parahamsa Yogananda and Babaji,  having gone beyond duality,  are well able to laugh at what I said -- and at me.  [:)]

It is possible,  and very healthy, to satirize and revere at the same time.  Many of the older religions of the world did it routinely,  before our spirituality became all heavy and serious.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2006, 04:16:45 AM by david_obsidian »


  • Posts: 229
Enlightenment Milestones
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2006, 05:52:41 PM »
Originally posted by david_obsidian

It is possible,  and very healthy, to satirize and revere at the same time.  Many of the older religions of the world did it routinely,  before our spirituality became all heavy and serious.

David, I like your sentiment here, and agree with it. I think Jesus would love the "Buddy Christ" from the movie Dogma. I know I do!