Author Topic: Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.  (Read 5098 times)


  • Posts: 4947
Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2007, 08:13:49 AM »
Originally posted by Fran

I eventually realised I needed to stop meditating, which although transcendental and expansive at the time, was leaving me unable to deal with my life. I felt I was balancing on a fine line between enlightenment and insanity and I wasn't sure which way I was going to fall. It got to the point when I was ready to refer myself to a Psychiatrist and considered that I may need anti-psychotics, yet thankfully my new boyfriend researched my symptoms on the internet and came to me with a pile of information on Kundalini Awakening, I was so relieved to read it all written down, what was happening to me, yet some of the stories made me feel even more concerned about my present state.

Now things look very differently and I am generally positive about life and am generally grateful for the blessings this transformation have given me. I've ended up getting back with my ex-boyfriend which felt like getting back with a part of my soul that I had left behind and I entered expanded consciousness. I'm also really well now and am managing to function in the world, although feel in it, but not of it. I still don't meditate as a result, yet feel I will start a little again soon,

Hi Fran,
Welcome to the forum.[:)]
Thank for sharing that. I too had gone through loads of kundalini experiences, and did not know it was kundalini, so I can feel what you are saying here.
I still don't meditate as a result, yet feel I will start a little again soon

Great idea.. I think it would be good if you do go back to meditation (with a lot of self pacing of course) ... start off with deep meditation... Lesson 13 - Meditation -- Awakening the Silent Seed
... just 10 min .. twice a day.. and see how it goes. You see, (I have said this in another post).. our practice is designed to keep kundalini under control.. its just a matter of learning to fine tune it... too much will result in a kundalini flare up, but not doing at least a bit will eventually result in a flare up too.. so the best  thing you could do would be, start off with 10 min of deep meditation twice a day. If  doing this results in your kundalini symptoms increasing.. do 5 min.. twice a day.. Find what is your comfort zone, then once you are stable there, you can increase your time a bit.. but that is only if you feel like you need to.  Another very important thing to keep in  mind is, when you do start meditation.. take 5 or 10 min of rest after it.. lie down, if required, take a nap. Skipping the rest period results in symptoms like feeling disoriented, irritated,  groggy.. so the rest is very important.

Wish you all the best.. (AYAMing)..[8D]


  • Posts: 20
Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2007, 09:41:22 PM »
Hi Weaver, Hunter and Shanti,

thanks for your responses and Shanti for your advice, appreciated. I feel I am at the point where I can begin to start meditating a little again.


Further questions related to awakening;
1) anyone find they are really sensitive to how what they eat affects how they feel?
2) how does it effect your working life and what you do to earn a living? (I am currently thinking of training to work for the health service although am concerned I will be too sensitive to tolerate such an environment)

Thanks for any responses,



  • Posts: 4947
Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2007, 11:32:58 PM »
Originally posted by Fran

Hi Weaver, Hunter and Shanti,

thanks for your responses and Shanti for your advice, appreciated. I feel I am at the point where I can begin to start meditating a little again.


Further questions related to awakening;
1) anyone find they are really sensitive to how what they eat affects how they feel?
2) how does it effect your working life and what you do to earn a living? (I am currently thinking of training to work for the health service although am concerned I will be too sensitive to tolerate such an environment)

Thanks for any responses,


Hi Fran,
Why dont you make a separate topic for yourself... that way, like Hunter said, you wont get lost in this thread.. [:)]
If however, you prefer staying here, that is OK too.
Diet and meditation has been discussed here before... also how awakening has affected people's work choices.. I am in a rush right now, but will post you the links later.
Thanks for all your questions...[:)]


  • Posts: 20
Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2007, 11:19:16 PM »

I just wondered if you could point me in the direction of where you've wrote about meditation being a means to keep in under control. Only my own experience was that I'd gone so far spiritually I really needed to stop meditation all together to come back in to balance- and part of me still questions whether that is still the case really. I also wonder how not meditating could result in a flare up of symptoms?
Although, saying that a little meditation doesn't seem to be doing me any harm at the moment- I have been using the spinal breathing and I am for just a little while to center myself.




  • Posts: 20
Symptoms of premature Kundalini awakening.
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2007, 11:28:07 PM »
Hi again Shanti, actually I've just read what you've written on the subject and how it's helped you. I suppose I'm left wondering if it is like that for everyone, as in so many ways most of my unpleasant symptoms have dissipated anyway by stopping meditation. So part of me does hesitate to start gain, whether it will bring them back. Probably be wise to gradually read through all Yogani's lessons first,
