Author Topic: Spinal Breathing and Overload  (Read 184 times)


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Spinal Breathing and Overload
« on: July 15, 2019, 10:35:59 AM »
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Posted - Aug 05 2015 :  5:42:24 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
I have been practicing AYP for six years. I started with DM and added spinal breathing (SB) about three years ago. I seem to be quite sensitive to the SB, and it leads to overload pretty quickly. I eventually cut it down to two or three rounds. However, even this leads to overload after a few weeks ? this has mainly presented itself as feeling edgy and irritable. However, via these practices I have managed to awaken kundalini. Originally, this presented itself as sensations of heat in my back. As the months rolled by, I also, as predicted somewhere on this site, started to notice sensations of coolness mixed in with the warmth.

In the last few months, the energy level has definitely ramped up. This includes more pronounced sensations of heat, including my back and, occasionally, the top of my head ? like I am wearing a stocking hat. I have also started to experience newer symptoms too. When the energy starts to flow, I feel compelled to change my posture. This involves turning my head straight and straightening my back ? as if the energy is compelling me to improve my posture and to straighten my spine so that everything is in alignment. And, although I have moments of bliss/ecstacy, the main feeling is the edginess I mentioned, like I have had too many cups of coffee.

In light of this, I have scaled back the DM to 15 minutes. The DM has also changed. Although it has deepened, the experience is almost all about energy. I don?t experience anything you would normally associate with meditation ? peace, serenity, etc. I basically ride the crest of this energy for 15 minutes. Oddly, my enjoyment of the meditation has been enhanced. There is something captivating about the experience and the energy. Perhaps this is the beginning of the pratyahara that Yogani describes. I have found it hard to limit myself to 15 minutes.

Enough intro I guess ? I am considering cutting the DM to 10 minutes and adding a few rounds of SB. It?s often mentioned on the site that SB can help ?balance the energy? in our system. It could be that a bit more ?balance? is in order. On the other hand, giving where I am at with the energy, maybe I should avoid the SB and cut the DM to 10 minutes and see if things smooth out a bit.

I would be interested to hear people?s experiences and thoughts on this situation - thanks
481 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2015 :  5:59:05 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
The one glaring thing missing from what you have shared is if you are laying down and resting when done if not then try keeping your routine as it has been but lay down even if you fall asleep, have found this makes a big difference. The unwinding needs this otherwise there can be suffering later.
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1583 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2015 :  8:17:23 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
In the last few months, the energy level has definitely ramped up. This includes more pronounced sensations of heat, including my back and, occasionally, the top of my head ? like I am wearing a stocking hat. I have also started to experience newer symptoms too. When the energy starts to flow, I feel compelled to change my posture. This involves turning my head straight and straightening my back ? as if the energy is compelling me to improve my posture and to straighten my spine so that everything is in alignment. And, although I have moments of bliss/ecstacy, the main feeling is the edginess I mentioned, like I have had too many cups of coffee.

In light of this, I have scaled back the DM to 15 minutes. The DM has also changed. Although it has deepened, the experience is almost all about energy. I don?t experience anything you would normally associate with meditation ? peace, serenity, etc. I basically ride the crest of this energy for 15 minutes. Oddly, my enjoyment of the meditation has been enhanced. There is something captivating about the experience and the energy. Perhaps this is the beginning of the pratyahara that Yogani describes. I have found it hard to limit myself to 15 minutes.

This describes my current experience, the practice is one of high energy balanced with inner silence. I rather enjoy his experience too, the edgy bliss, the deepening of pratyahara (yes, what you are experiencing); I even dig wearing the yoga hat. It's easy to "tune in" to the energy; for a balanced experience, make sure you also "tune in" to the inner silence that is present, for they are mates in this process and compliment each other on your journey. So-Hi is spot on: the rest after practice is more important than ever as your system needs to re-acclaimate to daily living.

Unless you are irritable or overloading, you may be okay keeping your DM at 15 minutes and adding a few rounds of SB before. Only you and Guru Inyou can say for sure. SB always sets up my practice nicely; I do about five minutes worth currently. You seem to know all about self pacing; keep up the good work!
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35 Posts

 Posted - Aug 07 2015 :  6:24:10 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thanks for the feedback. I will try laying down and going for a longer rest period. I will also try to few rounds of SB and see how it goes - if it doesn't go well, I can always scale back a bit
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 Posted - Aug 07 2015 :  6:50:30 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Please do remember to let us know how it goes, this has been a remarkable help to me. Sush a simple thing and sucha big help.
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 Posted - Aug 08 2015 :  06:32:09 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
HI SwamiX
You may be sensitive to practices or in a sensitive phase. I find SB very powerful too and only do a few breath these days.
Have you checked on Lesson 367 - ? It contains suggestions for sensitive practitioners. There is more about this topic on AYP Plus, in case you've considered joining.