Author Topic: Seal of Yoga / Yoga Mudra  (Read 531 times)


  • Posts: 48
Seal of Yoga / Yoga Mudra
« on: March 06, 2014, 02:42:38 AM »
As a result of flexibility within my hip flexor/groin region, I've been doing the Seal of Yoga (aka Yoga Mudra) exercise with a modification.  That is, I've been placing my feet together instead of sitting cross-legged.  If not for this modification, the only stretch I'd get (assuming that is at least part of the point) is a slight one in the buttock corresponding to the leg resting atop the other.  WITH this modification, I feel a much more thorough stretch throughout my inner thigh & groin region.

It didn't occur to me until today that there might be a specific reason for doing the Yoga Mudra exactly as described.  If anyone could please chime in with an answer, I'd be appreciative.




  • Posts: 3178
Seal of Yoga / Yoga Mudra
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 04:52:00 AM »
I can only talk about the posture from the perspective of what happens to me (this posture seems to really do itself in that once it's instigated the rest happens automatically), but the posture doesn't seem to be at all about stretching.  

Personally, I sit in siddhasana posture with the heel pressing into the perineum, clasp the hands behind the back, roll the shoulders back pushing the chest out slightly to open the heart and then the rest happens on it's own.  The chin pulls down and inward jaladhara style, kechari (later stage) happens automatically, the eyes naturally lift into sambhavi and then my body leans forward until the third eye presses into the floor.  The arms usually lift themselves well off the back at this point as well.  

The result of this posture (for me) is a tad hard to explain without a very long wordy description, but poetically you could say that the result is an expanded radiance.  A result that goes far beyond physical stretching.

Carson [^]


  • Posts: 48
Seal of Yoga / Yoga Mudra
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 06:21:08 AM »
Beautifully put, Carson.  Thank you.  That clarifies it perfectly.  I hope to someday experience this pose with a similar level of connectedness as you describe here.

On a side note, I just read about your experience that led to your discovery of Yoga/AYP.  Very inspiring!  Thank you for that.  [/\]
