Author Topic: Conquer Time  (Read 691 times)


  • Posts: 362
Conquer Time
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:58:53 AM »
The difference between an emperor of time and a slave is that an emperor owns time and the realities within it, while a slave is trapped in seemingly uncontrollable natural ups and downs.

Stepping into the Sabarmati Ashram of Mahatma Gandhi, in Gujarat, India, it is mind-boggling to see that there are thousands of books written by one man and another few thousand books written about him.

This one man, Mahatma Gandhi, had far too many activities on his plate, apart from the already overwhelming initiatives he undertook in the freedom struggle of India. He did his fair share of chores for the upkeep of the Ashram. There was not a single piece of correspondence sent to him—from all parts of colonial India (that includes today’s Pakistan and Bangladesh) and from all parts of the world—that was not replied to by him personally. Added to all these daily activities was Mahatma Gandhi’s daily prioritization of time to spin cotton for his own clothes, garden, tend his animals and meet the numerous people who showed up every day at his Ashram.

So how did Mahatma Gandhi manage so much within 24 hours? What was his yogic secret? Mahatma Gandhi was named the “Mahatma”—the “Great Soul”—to denote the yogi in him who was the emperor—the yogi who had conquered time, reality and the limits of the human.

In India, millions of gods and goddesses are worshiped in various forms. From the mystical yogic perspective of the Siddhars, some of our most important visible forms of “God” today are our wristwatches and our clocks. But when we learn how to align time with timelessness, we are in tune with the evolving grace that is the absolute gift of being born human.

Yogis, sages and enlightened masters in India are called “Maharaj,” King of Kings, for the reason that they truly are the emperors. The difference between an emperor and a slave is that an emperor owns time and the realities within it, while a slave does not own time. Yes, everything comes back to time and how we are either enslaved within time or timeless and free through defining time of our own accord, as an emperor.

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 11:01:34 AM by nandhi »

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Conquer Time
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 12:17:56 PM »
Gandhi is a true hero...a spiritual warrior. _/\\_ Namaste, Nandhi.


  • Posts: 362
Conquer Time
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2012, 05:56:49 PM »

beloved brother bodhi, yes mahatma gandhi is.
as the mahatma we each are today.
as in oneness.

gratitude and love as peace of being one
